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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial


Autor de la unidad Nombre y apellido Nombre de la institucin educativa Ubicacin de la institucin educativa tros datos de la institucin educativa Descripcin de la unidad Ttulo de la unidad
Means of Transportation

Marisol Fruto Esc. El Progreso La Chorrera, El Progreso

Resumen de la unidad
The development of the theme of transport is very significant for all because it is of great interest not only from the social knowledge but also from the evolution thereof. is necessary to emphasize the importance of different modes of transportation for the movement of men and the impact of transport on the activities that we carry out daily. The activities the students will illustrate and classify the means of transportation and they will create a deep zoom.

Espacio/s curricular/es o asignatura/s


Ao y nivel
201 !" #$

Tiempo necesario apro imado

% periods of !0 minutes

!undamentos de la unidad Contenidos

Means of transportation #lassify importance

"#$etivos del aprendi%a$e

&dentify the means of transportation in the community and other found throughout the world. 'efine the importance of the means of transportation. !ubmit creatively.

Preguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad Pregunta esencial

(here do you go in vacation)

Preguntas de unidad

$ow do you moves from one place to another)

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Preguntas de contenido

(hat are the means of transportation) $ow could you classify the means of transportation) (hat is the importance to use correctly the means of transportation)

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Plan de evaluacin

Cronograma de evaluaciones
Antes de empe%ar el tra#a$o del proyecto Durante el desarrollo del proyecto &na ve% completado el proyecto


+ checklist to evaluate individual research means of transport. #hecklist as a group

,ubric for assessing presentation of final work

Resumen de evaluaciones
Evaluaci-n 1. /ection of 0uestions .roceso y .r-posito de Evaluaci-n 'ifferent 0uestions such as where you1re going on your vacation) (hich means we use to get from one place to another place) To find out what level of prior knowledge they bring. Each students will illustrate the means of transportation and will classify them by land2 water and air /tudents will create a conceptual map about the means of transportation +s a team of ! students create a deep zoom about means of transportation and a brief discussion of the topic

2. . !.

#hecklist to assess individual work #hecklist as a group ,ubric to evaluate the deep zoom submit group

Detalles de la unidad 'a#ilidades previas

3nows the means of transportation in the second language 4English5

16 26 6 !6 E7ploratory 0uestions will be used to know the prior knowledge about the sub8ect brings Make a list of the means of transportation and classify by land2 air and water. #omparing different means of transportation in a diagram. create a deep zoom with the background photo that has the three routes used by the means of transportation.

Adaptaciones curriculares
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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Estudiante con necesidades especiales (o )ispano* parlantes Estudiante talentoso

+ student with learning disabilities2 attention that is given is individual2 does not cover the total time as their classmates. the aim and content is ad8usted to a level that the student can understand2 tasks are adapted to the level that the student can understand and resolve without difficulty2 some tests will be made in oral2 written2 classifying figures2 through drawing.

!tudents )ill observe through the means o* transport blades and ran+ing. *or this student the activities and content must be more advanced tas+s )ithout limiting their creative abilities o* +no)ledge

+ateriales y recursos necesarios para la unidad Tecnologa , 'ard-are ,e-uipo necesario. Computer. internet connection. pro$ection system. television C(mara Computadora,s. C(mara digital /eproductor de 010 Cone2in a &nternet Tecnologa , /o0t-are ,necesario. 4ase de datos56o7a de c(lculo 0iagramador de publicaciones Programa de correo electrnico Enciclopedia en C08/ M
+ateriales impresos /uministros Recursos de Internet "tros Recursos English book !" + pro8ector uman-!i"e.asp# .oster

0isco l(ser &mpresora !istema de proyeccin Esc(ner 'elevisor

1C/ C(mara de v3deo E-uipo de v3deo con*erencia tro

Editor de im(genes 4uscador 9eb Multimedia

0esarrollo de p(ginas )eb Procesador de te2to tro: 0eep ;oom

Los programas de &ntel< Educacin son *inanciados por la Fundacin &ntel y la Corporacin &ntel. 0erechos reservados "#$$%, Corporacin &ntel. 'odos los derechos reservados. &ntel, el logo de &ntel, la iniciativa de &ntel Educacin y el Programa &ntel Educar son marcas registradas de &ntel Corporation o de sus subsidiarias en los Estados Unidos y otros pa3ses. = tros nombres y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.

" #$$% Corporacin &ntel. 'odos los derechos reservados.


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