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4 Ideas & Content

- Story is clearly presented and focused with supporting details - Has well developed characters, situations/plot, point of view, and setting - Uses multiple sensory details

- Story is presented and focused with details - Has developed characters, situations/plot, point of view, and setting - Uses sensory details

- Story is presented and focused with limited details - Attempts to esta lish characters, situations/plot, point of view, and setting

- !ac"s a central story and marginally contains related facts, details, and/or e#planations - !ac"s the development of characters, situation/plot, point of view, setting and/or conflict - Story has no clear structure, focus, and/or paragraphs - (oes not follow plot pyramid - Has wea" se'uences that fail to engage the reader - !ittle or no voice is present - +o real personal involvement - Sentences are incomplete, unclear, and/or lac"ing in variety - Highly repetitive word choice with little or no descriptive language - Contains so many convention errors that the writing is difficult to follow - .issing certain pieces that are re'uired for narrative - +arrative is not typed - *as disruptive to others during wor" time - Had a difficult time focusing



Sentence &luency *ord Choice Conventions

- Story is very well organi%ed and clear with effective transitional words/phrases - &ollows plot pyramid - Has thoroughly developed se'uence of significant events or time order that strongly engages the reader and moves to a power conclusion - )oice encompasses personality and emotions of the author - *riting is e#pressive and engaging - Sentences have a natural flow and rhythm - Sentence length, structure, and comple#ity is varied - Uses e#tensive, precise wording to create vivid imagery for the reader - Contains few if any errors in conventions that ma"e the writing easy to read and understand - -ach piece of the narrative is presented and stapled in the correct order - +arrative is typed and follows proper guidelines from pac"et - *as always on tas" during class assignments and activities - +ever had to e told to get to wor"

- Story is very organi%ed with transitional words/phrases - &ollows plot pyramid for the most part - Has a se'uence of events or time order that engages the reader and has a conclusion - )oice of author is present - *riting is somewhat engaging - Sentences flow - Sentence structures are correct and varied - Uses precise wording to egin to create vivid imagery for the reader - Contains some convention errors that do not interfere with the meaning - -ach piece of the narrative is presented - +arrative is typed and follows proper guidelines from pac"et - *as mostly on tas" during class assignments and activities - Had to e told to get to wor"

- Story structure is wea" with an inconsistent focus - (oes not follow plot pyramid - Has a minimum se'uence of events or time order that fails to engage the reader - )oice of author is inconsistent or wea" - *riting is not engaging - Has fragmented, runon, or confusing sentences - Sentence structures are limited in variety - Uses limited descriptive language - Contains fre'uent convention errors that are noticea le and slow or confuse the reader - .issing some pieces re'uired - +arrative is typed - *as sometimes off tas" during class time - Had to e directed to get ac" to wor" during class

,resentation /ime .anagement

Total: __________ /


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