Work Sample Reflection Sheet Finance Presentation

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Specialty Marketing & Entrepreneurship

Work Sample Worksheet Name: _Madalen Wallaker__________________________________________ Name of Assignment: _Function of Finance Presentation__________________ escri!e this "ork sample: # "orked "ith the other t"o mem!ers of finance to create a presentation a!out the functions of the financial !ranch$

What steps did you take to complete this "ork sample% E&plain ho" you "ere personally accounta!le for the "ork getting completed$ #n finance' "e separated the tasks of creating the pre(i !et"een us and each "orked on our o"n respecti)e slides$ We "rote slides a!out an introduction' finance profita!ility' our function' keys to success' * duties' ho" other companies+ finance functioned' and "hat concerns finance has to face$ We then presented it in front of the class$

E&plain ho" you used colla!oration to complete this pro,ect$ # colla!orated "ith each mem!er of finance in order to make a presentation that "as easily comprehensi!le and flo"ed "ell$

-riti.ue your "ork sample$ /o" can it !e !etter% We could ha)e added more information to our 0-oncerns1 slide' and applied the 2&2 rule more often in our slides$ What did you learn from doing this "ork sample% # learned the in depth function of finance and impro)ed my presentation skills$

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