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Elisas characterization The character that impressed me is Elisa because she resembles with my mother.

Elisa is a beautiful young woman about twenty-five. She has beautiful dark eyes and silky black hair. She is a young Negro slave that works at Mrs. Shelby. She has a little boy named Harry, between four and five years of age that has big performances. Elisa is a lovely mother because she doesnt want to be separated from her son. She takes care of him and saves with her own life. Elisa has the courage to run away to Canada to have the freedom. She also is a strong mother that doesnt give up. We can see this in the next example from the text: She lost her shoes, her stocking are cut from her feet, blood marked every step on the ice; but Elisa saw nothing, felt nothing, till as in a dream, she saw the other bank of the Ohio River. She has to do a long and difficult way to cross the Ohio River. But she has self-confidence and she doesnt have fear of anything. Elisa is a brave mother because she can do a miracle for saving her son. I think Elisa is a brave mother, is a kind mother, is a determined mother because she saves her sons life. She is like every mother that loves her child in unconditionally. Elisa is the strongest character that I know. Her work is not the easiest one. She has to make sacrifices for her lovely child. Cazacu Doina

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