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Test on Semasiology

1 Which of the following meanings unites the words: lexical? grammatical? lexical and grammatical? 1 deprived, arrived, decayed, described 2 fast, quick, rapid, swift 3 to buy, to sell, price, money, expensive 4 forget-me-nots, radii, Russians, oxen

2.Carry out componential analysis Bull Cow calf

3.The joke is based on polysemy. Which word is polysemantic? P: Has not Harvey ever married? B: No, and I do not think he intends to, because he is studying for a bachelors degree. Caller: I wonder if I can see your mother, little boy. Is she engaged? Willie: Engaged! She is married.

4 Define the type of context and the meaning of make. 1 the carpenter made the bed. 2 she made her bed before breakfast. 3 he has made several films. 4 As you make your bed, so you must lie on it. 5 you made us cry. 6 he made a good husband.. 7 If you cannot have the best ,make the best of what you have!

5 Find synonyms Specialization, degeneration, narrowing, bettering, amelioration, degradation, extension, elevation, worsening, restriction, melioration, pejoration, generalization, broadening, deterioration, widening

6 Metaphor 0r metonymy The heart of the person the heart of the matter the mouth of the boy another mouth to feed the key to the office the key to the problem

7 Amelioration or pejoration O.E silly blessed ME -- ? ME ?

OE Ladythe mistress of the house

OE marshal a manservant attending horses ME --? OE nice ignorant ME-?

9 Widening or narrowing OE deer any animal ME--? OE thinga case in court OE to sellto give ME---? ME---?

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