Via 20 Character 20 Strengths 20 Assessment 20 Brian 20 K

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VIA Character Strengths Assessment 1.

Top 4 character strengths I received after taking the VIA test goes as following 1.Fairness 2.Forgiveness 3.Creativity 4.Leadership (Followed by) 5.Zest 10.Self-Regulation 6.Appreciation of beauty and excellence 7.Love 8.Hope 9.Love of Learning

2. After taking psychology in high school, my views on questionnaires defining whom we are is not something I agree as being true. Situations change the people we usually are, into people we should be for given situations and circumstances. Therefore I feel the results I gave will always be more subjective and egotistic to the objective fact of my true character. Predetermined answers chosen by surveyors to classify me arent not the most transparent tools I can utilize 3. ZEST - When in a situation I dont feel I can handle with excitement and enthusiasm, I can make myself more enthusiastic by involving things that I am enthusiastic about. I am going to have to put in the energy that I can use to push me to completing the tasks that I dont enjoy. For example by utilizing small treats when I have completed studying certain chapters, or anything that motivates me. FAIRNESS I feel this strength can be utilized, by always giving people without a history more responsibilities to the fairest extent. No matter what the individual has conquered in the past, fairness is what gives possibilities to the inexperienced.

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