Natalies Autobiagraphy For Portfolio

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Career Path

My name is Natalie Amber Pitts. I was born in Gainesville Georgia on October 11th 1995. I have a sister that is 29 years old and a brother that is 2 . !heir names are Gabby and !im. As an "lementary st#dent I attended $airview "lementary. In the si%th grade I was in school &#ll o& si%th graders. !hen when I was in middle school I had to go to two di&&erent schools beca#se that was when my 'arents got divorced. In seventh grade I went to (o#th )abersham and eighth grade I went to North )abersham. As a ninth grader I went to another school where it was *#st &illed with ninth graders. I am now c#rrently a *#nior at )abersham +entral )igh (chool. I am loo,ing &orward to these last two years o& high school. I& I got someone to describe the ty'e o& 'erson I am they wo#ld 'robably say that I am an o#tgoing- 'retty- very nice- loves to tal,- very &#nny- dit.y sometimes as I have my blonde moments every now and then- easy 'erson to get along with. As my mom always says-/ I never meet a stranger./ I am very &riendly and en*oy the com'any. !here has been many 'eo'le cross my 'ath and have watched me grow #' and be the 'erson I am today b#t there is *#st a &ew o& that has been there &or me when I need them at the most di&&ic#lt times o& my li&e. !hey are great role models and I loo, #' to them every day. My sister is one o& them. (he has been there &or me &rom the beginning. (he is my best &riend. No matter how b#sy we are in o#r own se'arate lives we still ma,e the time to give each other a 'hone call or ma,e 'lans to hang o#t. 0e are always hel'ing each other o#t no matter what it is &rom me watching her son 1rayden to her hel'ing me

with my school wor, and dealing with each others drama. I ,now with me coming into this world- she was one ha''y girl beca#se she had always wanted a baby sister and she got one. !here may be a time where we get mad at each other or have disagreements b#t that *#st only ma,es #s stronger. My &avorite times I will always remember will be when she wo#ld have to baby sit me and we wo#ld ma,e brownies and we wo#ld lic, the le&t over that was in the bowl b#t we wo#ld always &ight who got more. A&ter we '#t the brownies in we wo#ld 'o' #s in (hirley !em'le or a 2)( and ta,e a good long na'. Another 'erson who has really in&l#enced me is my mom. 0e have o#r times and we get mad at each other b#t it is beca#se we are *#st ali,e. (he has hel'ed me get to where I am today. I co#ldn3t have done it witho#t her. I will always loo, #' to her. I am so blessed to have a mom li,e her. "ven tho#gh we &ight all the time I still love her and I will always love her. I than, her everyday &or what she gets or does &or me. My mom means the world to me and she is the best mom ever. I have been to many 'laces thro#gho#t the 4nited (tates. 0hen I was a baby growing #' my &amily and I wo#ld ta,e a tri' to $lorida abo#t every s#mmer to visit all the am#sement 'ar,s in Orlando5 (ea 0orld- 4niversal (t#dios- 6isney 0orld- and "'cot. 0e always loo,ed &orward to going on &amily vacation beca#se we always had a blast. (ea 0orld was my &avorite beca#se I li,ed to see all the animals they had. Another &amily tri' we wo#ld ta,e was to +ades +ove in the mo#ntains o& !ennessee. 0e saw a variety o& di&&erent wildli&e creat#res. 0e wo#ld sit in o#r van &or ho#rs and ride abo#t 5 miles an ho#r *#st viewing what Mother Nat#re had &or #s that day. !here were a 'lethora amo#nt o& di&&erent ty'es o& trees. 0e saw bears- deer- rabbits- and a lot more. It was a very &#n e%'erience. $amily tri's started settling down a&ter a &ew years.

0e no longer had the time or money &or them so *#st my mom and I wo#ld go on them. I remember the &irst time I &lew on a 'lane to go to 4''er state New 7or, to visit with my a#nt- #ncle- and co#sin. !hat was one o& the best tri's I have had. I love going on new advent#res and seeing di&&erent thing that I am not #sed to seeing. 0e did not *#st go to New 7or, b#y a &ew days be&ore we le&t we went #' to +anada to go see Niagara $alls. !hat was so bea#ti&#l. I will always remember those cherish able moments with my &amily. !here have been two big events that have a&&ected me in my li&e. 8#st &o#r years ago my 'arents s'lit #'. I didn3t ,now how to ta,e it at &irst b#t in the end it all wor,ed o#t &or the better. I live with my mom most o& the time and then go to my dads every other wee,end. )owever a&ter si% months had 'assed a&ter they got a divorced my dad got remarried and I was not very ha''y abo#t that. It3s made me change the way I loo, at li&e now. On the other hand my dad and I have ,ind o& lost o#r relationshi' beca#se o& what he did. It is very hard having divorced 'arents. !here are always advantages o& it b#t also disadvantages. I hate the 'ac,ing 'art b#t I love not hearing yelling 'arents all the time. !his is im'ortant to me beca#se I have had to view li&e &rom all di&&erent views. I never did thin, I was going ever going to be in this sit#ation b#t the timing was *#st right. !he biggest 'art now that I str#ggle with the most is watching my mom date other men and see my dad married to someone else. Another big event occ#rred when I was at yo#th one 0ednesday at my ch#rch I decided to get saved beca#se God was *#st '#lling at my heart to tell me to get saved beca#se I tho#ght my whole li&e was *#st &alling a'art at the time my 'arents were getting divorced. I was con&#sed and I ,e't as,ing so many 9#estions b#t didn3t really ,now how to answer them so I as,ed God and he answered all

o& them and g#ided me thro#gh me thro#gh the right 'ath. "ver since I got saved I have been a totally di&&erent 'erson and God has been there right with me the whole time. )e is my &ather I loo, #' too. I ,now I &all short &rom him sometimes and I ma,e mista,es b#t he is always there &or me and he 'ic,s me bac, #'. 1eing saved has changed my li&e. I have gotten so m#ch closer to God. !he day I was saved will always be an im'ortant 'art o& my li&e. I love being able to have something to do other than *#st school. (o&tball is my game. It is an all year ro#nd hobby &or me. I have 'layed it since I was si% years old and still loving every bit o& it. I am on a travel and a 'art o& the high school team. I 'itch and 'lay anywhere in o#t&ield. I love all my teammates beca#se we are *#st a big &amily. 1eing able to 'lay so&tball ,ee's my mind o&& o& things that bother me. I am loo,ing &orward to maybe 'laying in college one day. My &riends and boy&riend are a big 'art o& my li&e. I en*oy being able to hang o#t with them whenever. I don3t ,now what I wo#ld do witho#t them. :ecently I had someone that was very close to me 'ass away and he was my travel coach and he was another &ather &ig#re I loo,ed #' too. )e was a big 'art o& my li&e. )e watched me grow #' on the so&tball &ield and hel'ed me become a better athlete each and every day. It was the hardest thing to see him go. It3s been very hard the last co#'le o& wee,ends 'laying witho#t him b#t we all ,now he was watching &rom above and cheering #s on. )e will never be &orgotten and I will never &orget the great memories we made. I will always miss him b#t I ,now I will get to see him again one day. I am always 'laying &or a '#r'ose. As a 'art o& growing #' I have had to &ace many challenges and see di&&erent 'aths o& ta,ing. (eeing all these things have made me be the 'erson I am today. (tic,ing

to what I love to do most has ,e't me going. At times I *#st &elt li,e I was going to 9#it b#t I *#st co#ldn3t have done that. I *#st have to loo, ahead and see what the &#t#re holds &or me. I can see a bright &#t#re ahead &or me. I *#st have to '#t my mind to it and stay &oc#sed beca#se I can do anything I want to do. My mind has been set on wanting to be 'hysical thera'ists. !he reason is beca#se I have had a 'itching instr#ctor &or a &ew years now and she wor,ed her b#tt o&& to be a 'hysical thera'ists and that3s where she stands today b#t I have loo,ed #' to her li,e another sister &ig#re so she has made me want to do it even tho#gh I have never bro,en a bone be&ore. I ,now it is a good &ield to go into. I have started beginning 'rocess o& it by interning at the hos'ital and shadowing thera'ists to see what they do to see i& that3s really what &ield I am interested in. (o &ar I am leaning towards that goal b#t I have to ta,e bits o& 'ieces a little at a time. I ho'e to go to Piedmont +ollege in 6emorest and ta,e my core classes and then trans&er to North Georgia in 6ahlonega.

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