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The Ugly Hag In France in 1793 during the French Revolution many people where gathering around the

guillotine to watch the aristos heads roll the ground. You can hear the slicing sound of the guillotine as it fell while chopping off another head every time. There was loud cheering every time the large blade fell on an aristos neck. Many old hags were sitting next to the guillotine and were being splattered by the blood of the guillotines victims. As the heads just rolled onto the floor, it excited the people that gathered round it. Some French soldiers were guarding the guillotine. An ugly old hag sat where the heads rolled down, and she would collect the hair from the heads. With this hair, she knitted it onto her whip. There were many different colors and types. The old hag has a huge but chin, the old hag had very baggy cheeks that looked like she had pockets on her face, her eyes were swollen shut, and she has a big pointy nose, a snarly frown. Her hair was long, an ugly brownish grey, it was so coarse and messy, stringy and snarly, and it just hangs loosely in front of her face. The old hag look as if she was an old man dressed as a woman. From head to toe, she was just cover in unwashed clothing. She had a white hat with a little bit of lace around the edges. She had a very long loose skirt; it was very dirty you can tell that it has not been washed in about 2 years. She was wearing a very poorly knitted shall over her boney shoulders. She was very torn up shoes with holes and rips all over. She was wearing gloves that had the fingers cut out; the gloves were a dark grey color. The old hag was also wearing a ripped sweater that had turned from black to grey. The old hag had knitting needles in her boney hands. She had a whip in the other hand with long locks of hair string down of all colors and all types. That is all that went on by the dreadful guillotine.

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