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How to Install Joomla!

A step-by-step video guide for installing the Joomla! Content Management System
Your multimedia e-guide by Laura Bergells

%atch an &almost' (I)* Joomla! Installation

I completely installed Joomla! at a brand new website in under three hours! As a bonus, I even applied a design template, a logo, and some content. !e site"s up and running. It"s alive# And I"ll show you e#actly how I did it$ step-by-step! I turned on a video camera w!ile wal$ing and tal$ing my way t!roug! eac! step, so t!at you can watch and listen! About t!e only time I turned off t!e camera is w!en I entered private info, or w!en somet!ing automated and repetitive was !appening on t!e computer screen. %n t!e ne&t page, I"ll outline eac! of the ten steps I too$ for a complete installation. !e total video time is under 42 minutes' .so eac! step averages about 4 and a !alf minutes. (ou can clic$ on eac! lin$ in t!is menu, w!ic! will lead to a video s!ort. %r, you can $eep on reading and get a s!ort written description of t!e video you"re about to watc!. Page 2 of 14

Install Joomla! CMS +oday! It"s 9ree! 3ere"s 3ow!

+en Steps to Joomla! )ideo ,untime &Min- Sec' *2+,2*2+1.*)+1/*)+,1*/+),*1+,2*,+)1*4+2/*4+,4*)+11.nder /0 minutes! Page ) of 14

1. 1et a %ebhost with 232$ Apache$ MyS4( 2. 5ownload Joomla! ). 2repare Your 5atabase Youll learn how to do each step in a short video! 4. .pload Joomla! ,. 2re-Installation Chec6 A75 Install .. Change Your Joomla! 2assword 0. Change Your 1lobal Configuration /. Apply a Joomla! +emplate 1. .pload a (ogo 12. Ma6e Your 8wn Joomla! Menu

+en Steps to Joomla! Step 8ne

Step =! 1et a %ebhost with 232$ Apache$ MyS4( Clic6 here for video! 1et a webhost and domain name!: &0-;0'

3oomla# re4uires an Apac!e web server wit! P5P and a 6y78L 9atabase. In t!is ) minute video, I s!ow you !ow to secure a very powerful web!ost....for under <=>> for a year! 7ote+ in t!is video I use t!e iPower:eb service ;; but if you !ave a web !ost t!at you li$e, and t!ey !ave an Apac!e web server, P5P, and 6y78L, you can safely s$ip t!is video.

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+en Steps to Joomla! Step +wo

Step 0! 5ownload Joomla! Clic6 here for video! 5ownload Joomla!:: :&,untime 0-=?' 9ownload your free 3oomla# <ontent 6anagement 7ystem. I s!ow you !ow to do it in a little over two minutes.

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+en Steps to Joomla! Step +hree

Step @! 2rep Your 5atabase! Clic6 here for video! 2repare your 5atabase :&@-=A' All <ontent 6anagement 7ystems are database before you upload and install 3oomla# <67, you=ll !ave to prep an online database! I s!ow you !ow in a little over ) minutes. 9on"t s$ip t!is step# !is is a critical step t!at you won=t want to miss. And w!ile it may be critical, it=s also easy, easy, easy#

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+en Steps to Joomla! Step 9our

Step /! .pload Joomla! Clic6 here for video! .pload Joomla &@-;=' !is video is under 4 minutes, but in real time, it too$ almost two !ours to upload 3oomla# In t!is s!ort video, I used <ute> P...but if you use a more !eavy duty > P program, it=ll actually ta$e muc! less time *for e&ample, off camera, it too$ me 1, minutes to re;upload using <ute> P Professional-. But remember, t!is is li$e putting a ca$e in t!e oven+ w!ile t!e long upload was going on, I went on wit! my life and did ot!er wor$ tas$s.

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+en Steps to Joomla! Step 9ive

Step ;! 2re-Installation Chec6 and Actual Installation! Clic6 here for video! 2re-Installation Chec6 A75 Install &A-@;' 5o it the easy way! In under 1 minutes, I s!ow you !ow to deal wit! t!e pre;installation c!ec$ *$ind of li$e a pre;flig!t c!ec$- and an actual, real; live?3oomla# installation. In real;time, t!is too$ about 1, minutes *I s!ut off t!e camera during a boring, repetitive part of pre;installation#-

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+en Steps to Joomla! Step Si#

Step ?! Change Your Joomla! 2assword Clic6 here for video! Change Your Joomla! 2assword &=-;0' (og in to Joomla! and change that dooBy of a password! I=ll s!ow you e&actly w!at !appens w!en you log into a new 3oomla# installation for t!e very first time ;; and our very first tas$ will be to c!ange t!e Admin password. I s!ow you !ow to do it in under two minutes.

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+en Steps to Joomla! Step Seven

Step C! Change Your 1lobal Configuration Clic6 here for video! Change Your 1lobal Configuration &;-@=' Change your global configurations right away! I s!ow you !ow in under . minutes. (ou=ll learn !ow to c!ange your time @one settings, meta descriptions and $eywords, mail settings, stats settings, and muc!, muc! more# (ou=ll even learn a little bit about !ow to ma$e your 3oomla# settings more searc! engine friendly.

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+en Steps to Joomla! Step *ight

Step A! Apply a Joomla! +emplate Clic6 here for video! Apply a Joomla! +emplate &/-0A'

3oomla# comes installed wit! 2 templates, w!ic! you can modify to ma$e a great loo$ing site. Dut if you are programming and designchallenged$ I s!ow you a p!enomenal resource w!ere you can download and apply a number of beautiful templates for your new 3oomla# driven site. Ander four and a !alf minutes, and you can !ave a brand new loo$ for your site# Bo fooling# 9on"t li$e your new loo$C 7o sweat! <!ange t!e loo$ and feel of your w!ole darn site by punc!ing a few buttons. :!en you $eep your content and design separate, c!anging a loo$ and feel across your w!ole site is a snap# I s!ow you !ow'.

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+en Steps to Joomla! Step 7ine

Step E! .pload a (ogo Clic6 here for video! .pload a (ogo &/-;/'

.pload your own logo and tagline and other graphics to use in your new 3oomla# template. !at way, your new site will loo$ and feel more li$e you...and less li$e 3oomla# And all under , minutes#

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+en Steps to Joomla! Step +en

Step =>! Ma6e Your 8wn Joomla Menu Clic6 here for video! Ma6e Your 8wn Joomla! Menu &@-==' +his is a brief overview of how to publish and unpublish your websiteFs navigation system! In about ) minutes, I s!ow you !ow to unpublis! menu items...and I even s!ow you !ow to create a new menu item and a new page filled wit! content#

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Dorn on !is document was created on 21 9ecember 222, and is based on t!e best information available at t!at time. o c!ec$ for updates, please clic$ !ere to visit ! Copyright !e copyrig!t in t!is wor$ belongs to t!e aut!or, w!o is solely responsible for t!e content. Please direct content feedbac$ or permissions 4uestions to t!e aut!or+

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