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Workshop Agenda WORKSHOP ON NATIONWIDE ETC IN INDIA 14 June 2011 at Hall B, Annexe, Vi !

an B"a#an, Ne# Del"i Pu$%&'e( Based on the recommendations of the Committee headed by Shri. Nandan Nilekani, Chairman, UIDAI to se !"ID technology for #$C in India, the Ape% Committee, responsible for #$C implementation planning, chaired by Dr. &.'. Sharma, DD(, NIC is in the process of prescribing Standards ) Specifications to ens re interoperability. $he primary p rpose of this *orkshop is to take feedback from the key stakeholders, comprising concessionaires and #$C technology ser+ice pro+iders, on the follo*ing standards. Specifications for, o !"ID $ranscei+er -$ag reader. o !"ID $ag $ypical layo t of #$C lanes in $oll pla/as Details on data content ) format on $ag, $ranscei+er and $oll 0la/a Ser+er Details of Data transfer bet*een $ag ) $ranscei+er and $ranscei+er ) $oll pla/a -lane. ser+er Capacity and capability of $oll pla/a Ser+er Sec rity, cost effecti+eness, con+enience and scalability ha+e been the main criteria based on *hich the detailing has been done. P$& $a))e( Inau u$al Se''i&n Ti)e A en,a *H&u$'+ 12 31 4 51 !egistration 11 51 11 4 51 Welcome Address by Shri San7ay Bandopadhyay, 8oint secretary, 16 9o!$): 51 16 4 51 #$C Implementation 4 An ;+er+ie* by Dr. &. '. Sharma, Chairman, 56 #$C Ape% Comm. 51 56 4 51 Address by Dr. B.'. (airola, Director (eneral, NIC <1 51 <1 4 51 Address by Shri !.S. ( 7ral, Secretary, 9inistry of !oad $ransport ) <6 :igh*ays 51 <6 4 51 Address by Shri Nandan Nilekani, Chairman, UIDAI 31 51 31 4 51 Ina g ral Address by Dr. C.0. 8oshi, :on>ble 9inister !oad $ransport =1 ) :igh*ays 51 =1 4 51 ?ote of $hanks by Shri ? @ 0atankar, 9ember - $echnical., N:AI =6

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Workshop Agenda 10 4- . 11 1Se''i&n &n 55 56 4 53 =6 53 =6 4 5=11 14 00

Tea B$ea/ ETC Te0"n&l& ! 1 Stan,a$,' Disc ssion ) "inali/ation of technology standards for !"ID $ags and $ranscei+ers Concl ding !emarks 2un0"

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