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Name: The New Nation Assessment Part One: For each of the founding fathers state their name

and 2 contributions they had to the New Nation

Who: Major Contributions:

Who: Major Contributions:

Who: Major Contribution:

Who: Major Contribution:

Created by LeAnne Shafer 20 !

Part Two: "n the bo#$ draw a %icture to re%resent the ro&e the document %&ayed in the creation of the Constitution' (e sure to inc&ude a short ca%tion to e#%&ain'

Virginia Declaration of Rights: Draw: Write:

Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom: Draw: Write:

Created by LeAnne Shafer 20 !

)art Three: ' *n the ma%$ draw an arrow to show the route of migration that +irginia,s too- to mo.e to the +irginian Frontier' (e&ow the ma% write one sentence to describe the migration'

"n com%&ete sentences$ answer the fo&&owing /uestions' 2' What effect did farming tobacco ha.e on the soi&0

!' What did the co&onists ta-e with them as the migrated0 List three e#am%&es'

1' What reasons did the co&onists ha.e that caused them to migrate0

Created by LeAnne Shafer 20 !

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