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Founding Documents

Founding Fathers, Founding Documents Essential Question/s: How did two Virginian documents play significant roles in the formation
and writing of the US Constitution?

NCSS THEME VI. POW !" #U$HO!I$%" #&' (OV !&#&C Social studies programs should include e)periences that pro*ide for the study of how people create" interact with" and change structures of power" authority" and go*ernance. VA Standards o learning
Virginia Studies !: Students will demonstrate the role of Virginia in the esta+lishment of the &ew &ation through influential leaders" crucial foundational documents and the influence of geography on migration of Virginian,s to the western territories. +- identifying the ideas of (eorge .ason and $homas /efferson as e)pressed in the Virginia 'eclaration of !ights and the Virginia Statute for !eligious 0reedom1

"#$ecti%es Students will +e a+le to deconstruct the role that the Virginia Statute for !eligious 0reedom and the Virginia 'eclaration of !ights played in the formation of the United States Constitution. Materials or &earning Acti%ities Student Materials: $eacher created 'ocument note sheet" pencils" colored pencils2crayons2mar3ers" Virginia Statute of !eligious 0reedom 4parts-" Virginia 'eclaration of !ights 4parts-" the US Constitution 4partsTeacher Materials: # copy of the US Constitution" Virginia Statute of !eligious 0reedom and the Virginia 'eclaration of !ights. 'rocedures or &earning Acti%ities (ntroduction: 5egin +y telling the students that from now on there will +e no more 6free choice7 at recess +ut that they will ha*e to do what I tell them to do while on the playground. #s3 students their opinion. Introduce the idea of !eligious 0reedom and !ights. As): What are rights? Where do we get our 6rights7 from? Who tells us what we are allowed and not allowed to do? Create a class list 48W9- a+out what we 3now a+out rights and what we want to 3now a+out rights. 4:;<= minutes- 4Whole group(nstructional strategies: *+ Students will wor3 with ta+le groups to complete the note sheet on the founding documents. ,+ $wo groups will start with the Virginia Statute of !eligious 0reedom 4VS!0-. $hey will read the selected portions. $hey will read related parts of the Constitution and compare. How did the VS!0 contri+ute to the US Constitution? 0ill in ta+le. 4<>;<? minutes- 4small group-

Created +y 9e#nne Shafer

-+ $he two other groups will start with the Virginia 'eclaration of !ights. $hey will read selected portions. $hey will read related parts of the Constitution and compare. How did the Virginia 'eclaration of !ights contri+ute to the US Constitution? 4<>;<? minutes- 4small groupSummar.: !e*isit 8W9 chart and discuss what they learned a+out rights. Ha*e students share how the two documents shaped the US Constitution. 4?;: minutes- 4Whole groupAssessment Completion of 'ocument sheet. Di erentiation <. $eacher will read aloud the parts of the documents the students will +e e)amining to assist the students who recei*e reading accommodation as well as to help the 99. 4#uditory>. 'rawing a pictorial representation will assist *isual learners.

Created +y 9e#nne Shafer

Name: Virginia Declaration o /ights:

*+ 0ho hel1ed 2rite it3

Dra2 a 1icture to re1resent this document+

,+ 0hat did this document state3

-+ Ho2 did it in luence the 4S Constitution3

Virginia Statute o /eligious Freedom:

*+ 0ho hel1ed 2rite it3

Dra2 a 1icture to re1resent this document+

,+ 0hat did this document state3

-+ Ho2 did it in luence the 4S Constitution3

Created +y 9e#nne Shafer

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