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Introduction Need for Quality Evolution of quality- efinition of quality i!en"ion" of !anufacturin# and "ervice quality $a"ic conce%t" of TQM efinition of TQM TQM &ra!e 'or( )ontri*ution of e!in#+ ,uran and )ro"*y $arrier" to TQM INT-O U)TION TO QUALITY One of the important issues that business has focused on in the last two decades is quality. The other issues are cost and delivery. Quality has been widely considered as a key element for success in business in the present competitive market. Quality refers to meetin the needs and e!pectations of customers. "t is important to understand that quality is about more than a product simply workin properly. Quality refers to certain standards and the ways and means by which those standards are achieved# maintained and improved. Quality is not $ust confined to products and services. "t is a homo eneous element of any aspect of doin thin s with hi h de ree of perfection. %or e!ample &usiness success depends on the quality decision makin . E.OLUTION O& QUALITY Ti!e Event" Until /010"

'rior to the Quality is an art ()th century *emands overcome potential production +n era of workmanship %.Taylor The scientific approach to mana ement resultin in rationali.ation of work ,-))s and its break down leads to reater need for standardi.ation# inspection and supervision /hewart /tatistical be innin s and study of quality control. "n parallel# studies by 1 ,-0)s + %isher on e!perimental desi n2 the be innin of control charts at western 3lectric in 4/+ 5ate Quality standards and approaches are introduced in %rance and 6apan. ,-0)s &e innin of /Q7# reliability and maintenance en ineerin ,-8( /eminal work by *emin at the ministry of war in 4/+ on quality control and samplin 9orkin roup setup by 6uran and *od e on /Q7 in 4/ army 7oncepts of acceptance samplin devised ,-88 *aod e and *emin carried out seminal research on acceptance samplin ,-8: %oundin of the 6apan standard association ,-8; %oundin of the +/Q7 ,-:) <isit of *emin in 6apan at the invitation of = "shikawa ,-:, Quality assurance increasin ly accepted ,-:8 TQ7 in 6apan 2 &ook published ,-:;

,-:> %oundin of 3uropean or ani.ation for the control of quality +fter ,-;)s ,-;, The ?artin 7o in 4/+ introduces the .ero defects approach while developin and producin 'ershin ?issiles. Quality motivation is startin in the 4/ and inte rated pro rammes be un ,-;( Quality circles are started in 6apan ,-;8 "shikawa publishes book on Quality mana ement ,->) "skiawa publishes the book on the basics of quality circles and the concept of Total Quality is affirmed and devised in 6apanese industries ,->) to 6ust in Time and quality become crucial for competitiveness. + lar e ,-@) number of 4/ and 3uropean corporations are be innin to appreciate the advance of 6apanAs industries. Ta uchi the use of environmental desi n to desi n robust systems and products ,-@)B %acin the risin sun challen e in quality mana ement *evelopment and introduction of %?/s and reater dependence on supplier contracts. Crowth of economic based on quality control# information software packa es ,--)B The mana ement of quality has become a necessity that is reco ni.ed at all levels of mana ement "ncreasin importance is iven to off line quality mana ement for the desi n of robust manufacturin processes and products. The rowth of process optimi.ation QUALITY E&INITION ,. 'redictable de ree of uniformity and dependability at low cost and suited to the market -*emin (. %itness for use-6uran 0. 7onformance to requirements - 7rosby 8. ?inimum loss imparted by a product to society from the time the product is shipped - Ta uchi :. + way of mana in tile or ani.ation -%ei enbaum ;. 7orrectin and preventin loss# not livin with loss - Dosffin . >. The totality of characteristics of an entity that bear on its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs "/O QUANITI&I)ATION O& QUALITY
P E ' E 'erformance Q= 3 E 3!pectations

IMEN2ION O& QUALITY ,. 'erformance 8. 1eliability >. 1esponse (. %eatures :. *urability @. +esthetics 0. 7onformance ;. /ervice -. 1eputation

TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Total - ?ade up of the whole Quality- *egree of excellence a product or service provides Mana#e!ent3 +ct# +rt or manner of handling, controlling, directing, etc... 45y TQM6 ,. + question of survival in the intense competitive environment (. "ncreasin customer consciousness E&INITION6 ,. TQ? is the mana ement approach of an or ani.ation# centered on quality# based on me participation of all its members and aimin at lon -term success throu h customer satisfaction. and benefits to all members of me or ani.ation and to society.- I2O (. TQ? is an inte rated or ani.ational approach in deli htin customers Fboth internal and e!ternalG by meetin their e!pectations on a continuous basis throu h every one involved with the or ani.ation workin on continuous improvement in all products# services# and processes alon with proper problem solvin methodolo y - IN IAN 2TATI2TI)AL IN2TITUTE 7 I2I 8 0. TQ? is a. people - focused mana ement system that aims at continual increase in customer satisfaction at continually lower cost. TQ? is a total system approach Fnot a separate area of pro ram G# and an inte ral part of hi h level strate y. "t works hori.ontally across functions and departments# involvin all employees# top to bottom# and e!ceeds backwards and forward to include the supply chain and the customer chain TOTAL QUALITY &O-UM O& U2A )9A-A)TE-I2TI)2 ,. (. 0. 8. :. 7ustomer Oriented 5on term commitment for continuous improvement of all process Team work 7ontinuous involvement of top mana ement 7ontinuous improvin at all levels and all areas of responsibility

$A2I) )ON)E:T2 O& TQM6 ,. (. 0. 8. :. ;. Top mana ement commitment %ocus on the customer &oth internal and e!ternal 3ffective involvement and utili.ation of entire work force 7ontinuous improvement Treatin suppliers as partners 3stablishin performance measures for the processes

:-IN)I:LE2 O& TQM6 ,. 7ustomers requirements - F both internal H e!ternalG must be met first time H every time (. 3verybody must be involved 0. 1e ular two way communication must be promoted " 8. "dentify the trainin needs and supply it to the employees :. Top mana ement commitment is must ;. 3very $ob must add value >. 3liminate waste H reduce total cost @. 'romote creativity -. %ocus on team work. TQM &-AME 4O-;


IM:LEMENTATION ,. 5ack of mana ement commitment (. 5ack of faith in and support to TQ? activities amon mana ement personnel 0. %ailure to appreciate TQ? as a cultural revolution. "n other words# inability to chan e or ani.ational culture 8. ?isunderstandin about the concept of TQ? :. "mproper plannin ;. 5ack of employees commitment >. 5ack of effective communication @. 5ack of continuous trainin and education -. 5ack of interest or incompetence of leaders ,). "neffective measurement techniques and lack of access to data and results ,,. Ion-application of proper tools and techniques ,(. "nadequate use of empowerment and team work $ENE&IT2 O& TQM Tan#i*le $enefit" "mproved product quality "mproved productivity 1educed quality costs "ncreased market and customers "ncreased profitability 1educed employee rievances Intan#i*le $enefit" "mproved employee participation "mproved team work "mproved workin relationships "mproved customer satisfaction "mproved communication 3nhancement of $ob interest 3nhanced problem solvin capacity &etter company ima e

UNIT II Leader"5i% 2trate#ic quality %lannin## Quality "tate!ent" 7ustomer focus 7ustomer orientation+ )u"to!er "ati"faction# )u"to!er co!%laint"# )u"to!er retention E!%loyee involve!ent Motivation+ E!%o'er!ent+ Tea! and Tea! 'or(+ -eco#nition and -e'ard# :erfor!ance a%%rai"al )ontinuou" %roce"" i!%rove!ent : 2A cycle+ <2+ ;ai=en 2u%%lier %artner"5i% :artnerin# "u%%lier "election 2u%%lier ratin#>
LEA E-29I:

The process of influencin others towards the accomplishment of oals. De tri ers tile will to do# shows the direction and uide the roup members towards the accomplishment of oals.

,. (. 0. 8. :. ;.

7ustomers first <alue people &uild suppler partnership 3mpower people /trive for e!cellence *emonstrate involvement J commitment >. 3!plain & deploy policy @. "mprove communication -. 'romote teamwork ,). &enchmark continuously ,,. 3stablish system ,(. 3ncoura e collaboration LEA E-29I: -OLE2

-OLE O& 2ENIO- MANAGEMENT ,. /tudy and investi ate TQ? concepts and issues (. /et clear quality policies and provide challen in tasks 0. 3stablish customer satisfaction as a lon term oal 8. To become coaches and cheer leaders for encoura in and supportin the mana ers durin transition phase of the transformation :. To stimulate employees to be involved ;. To attend TQ? trainin pro rams >. To up hold norms and issues @. To create a basic of trust# respect and open communication which ensures individual participation and continuous improvement. -. To monitor whether quality improvement pro rams are conducted as planned.

"t sets the lon term direction of the or ani.ation in which it wants to proceed in future. 7an be defined K+s the process of decidin on ob$ectives of the or ani.ation# on chan es on this ob$ective# on the resource used to obtain these ob$ectives and on the policies that are to overn the acquisition use and disposition of these resourcesK

QUALITY 2TATEMENT2 .I2ION 2TATEMENT6 "t is a short declaration of what an or ani.ation aspires to be tomorrow. "t is an ideal state which may never be achieved. E?a!%le6 To continuously enrich knowled e base of practioners in mobility industry and institutions in the service of humanity - 2AE MI22ION 2TATEMENT6 *escribes the function of the or ani.ation. "t provides the clear statement of purpose for the employees# customers and suppliers. E?a!%le6 @ %acilitatin world class technical education throu h hi h quality institutions# academic e!cellence and innovative research and development pro rammes# technolo y forecastin and lobal manpower plannin # promotin industry institute interaction# inculcatin entrepreneurship - AI)TE QUALITY :OLI)Y 2TATEMENT6 "t is a uide for everyone in the or ani.ation as to how they provide products and services to the customer. 9ritten by the 73O feedback from workforce and approved by quality council. E?a!%le6 Lero! is a quality company. Quality is the basic business principle for Lero!. Quality means providin our e!ternal and internal customers with innovative products and service that fully satisfy their requirements. Quality is the $ob of every employee Aero? )or%oration )u"to!er "ati"faction6 The 7ustomer is the =in - 3mphasi.ed by TodayMs &uyers ?arket. TQ?Ms 'urpose is meetin or e!ceedin customer e!pectations# so that the customers are deli hted. The customer satisfactions must be the primary oal of any or ani.ation. )U2TOME- 2ATI2&A)TION MO EL TeboulAs ?odel of customer satisfaction as shown in fi ure

%rom the above dia ram it is understood that the company should strive for increasin the intersection portion i.e. 7ustomer /atisfaction.

T9E )U2TOME-2 A-E The most important people in the business Iot dependent on the or ani.ation# but the or ani.ation depends on them. Iot an interruption to work but are the purpose of it. *oin a favor when they seek business and not vice-versa. + part of business# not outsiders and they are life blood of the business 'eople who come with their needs and $obs *eserve the most courteous and attentive treatment.

TY:E2 O& )U2TOME-2 Internal )u"to!er6 The customer inside the company are called internal customers E?ternal )u"to!er"6 +n e!ternal customer is the one who used the product or service or who purchase the products or service or who influences the sale of the product or service. )U2TOME- 2U::LY )9AIN

)U2TOME- )OM:LAINT2 7&EE $A);8 7ustomer feedback must be continuously solicited and monitored to reduce the dissatisfied customers as much as possible. )U2TOME- &EE $A); O- )U2TOME- )OM:LAINT I2 -EQUI-E To discover customer dissatisfaction To identify customerAs needs To discover relative priorities of quality To compare performance with the competition To determine opportunities# for improvement TOOL2 U2E &O- )OLLE)TING )U2TOME- )OM:LAINT2 )o!!ent card - 5ow cost method# usually attached to warranty card Que"tionnaire - 'opular tool# costly and time consumin - by mail or telephone preferably multiple choice questions or a point ratin system F, to :G or F, to ,)G

)u"to!er &ocu" #rou%" - ?eetin by a representative of the company with the roup of customers. "mprint analysis is an emer in technique to obtain intrinsic feelin s usin customer meetin s# word associations# discussion# rela!ation techniques etc. :5one 3 Toll free Telephone numbers )u"to!er vi"it" - <isit customerMs place of business. -e%ort card" - 4sually# send to customer on a quarterly basis. T5e internet and co!%uter - "t includes news roups# electronic bulletin board mailin lists# 3mployee feedback. Ma"" )u"to!i=ation - 7apturin the voice of customers usin data of what customer want instead of what customer is thinkin about buyin and manufacturin e!act what they want.

2TE:2 TO 2OL.E )U2TOME- )OM:LAINT2 7omplaints can be collected from all sources Fletters# phone -calls# meetin s and verb inputsG *evelop procedures for complaint resolution# that include empowerin front-line personnel. +naly.e complaints# but understand that complaints do not always fit into new cate ories 9ork to identify process and material variations and then eliminate the root cause. 9hen a survey response is received# a senior mana er should contact the customer and strive to resolve the concern. 3stablish customer satisfaction measures and constantly monitor them. 7ommunicate complaint information# as well as the result of all investi ation solution# to all people in the or ani.ation. . 'rovide a monthly complaint report to the quality council for their evaluation and needed# the assi nment of process improvement teams. "dentify customerMs e!pectations beforehand rather than afterward throu h complaint analysis.

?ore powerful and effective than customer satisfaction "t is the process of retainin the e!istin customer 7ustomer care can be defined as every activity which occurs within the or ani.ation that ensures that the customer is not only satisfied but also retained.

2IGNI&I)AN)E O& )U2TOME- -ETENTION ;)N of or ani.ations future revenue will come from e!itin customers (N increase in customer retention has ,)N decrease in operatin cost.

-;N of unhappy customers do not complain but 0 times likely to convey to other customers about their bad e!perience. -,N of unhappy customers never purchase oods and services from you. "t costs : times more to attract the customer than retainin the e!istin customer. 7ustomer retention creates customer loyalty and moves customer satisfaction to a ne!t level called customer deli ht.

EM:LOYEE IN.OL.EMENT "t is the total involvement from every person at all levels in the or ani.ation A2:E)T2 O& EM:LOYEE IN.OL.EMENT ,. (. 0. 8. :. 3mployee motivation 3mployee 3mpowerment Teams and Team work 1eco nition and 1eward /chemes 'erformance +ppraisal

/> EM:LOYEE MOTI.ATION "t is the process of stimulatin people or attemptin to influence other to do your will or accomplish desire oals throu h the possibility of reward "mproves employee involvement 1educes absenteeism and increases turn over 'romotes $ob satisfaction T9EO-IE2 O& MOTI.ATION

9E-B$E-GC2 T4O &A)TO- T9EO-Y ,. ?otivation %actorO 'eople are motivated by reco nition# responsibility# achievement# advancement and the work itself. These are called as motivators (. *issatisfies or Dy iene %actorO 5ow salary# minimal frin e benefits# poor workin conditions# ill defined or ani.ational policy# mediocre technical supervision are dissatisfies which implies they are preventable. EM:LOYEE 4ANT2 ,. Cood pay factor is normally in the middle of rankin . (. Iormal 9ants are interestin work# appreciation# involvement $ob security# Cood pay# 'romotionJ rowth# Cood workin conditions# 5oyalty to employees# Delp with personal problems arid Tactful *iscipline. A)9IE.ING A MOTI.ATE 4O-; &O-)E $Y T9E MANAGE-2 =now thyself# =now employees# 3stablish a positive attitude# /hare the oal# ?onitor pro ress# *evelop interestin work by $ob rotation# $ob enlar ementFDori.ontalG and $ob enrichment F<erticalG# 7ommunicate effectively# 7elebrate success. EM:LOYEE EM:O4E-MENT "t is an environment in which people have the ability# the confidence and the commitment to take his responsibility and ownership to improve the process and initiate the necessary steps to satisfy customer requirements within well-defined boundaries in order to achieve or ani.ational values and oals. 6ob 3nrichmentO "s e!pandin content of the 6ob. 6ob 3mpowermentO "s e!pandin the conte!t of the $ob.
GENE-AL :-IN)I:LE2 O- )9A-A)TE-I2TI)2 &O-D EM:O4E-ING EM:LOYEE2 ,. Tell people what their responsibilities are. (. Civen the authority equal to the responsibility assi ned to them. 0. /et standards of e!cellence. 8. Cive them knowled e information and feed back. :. Trust them and treat them with di nity and respect.

)ON ITION2 TO )-EATE T9E EM:O4E-E EN.I-ONMENT ,. 3very one should under stand the need to chan e (. The system need to chan e to new paradi m. 0. The or ani.ation must provide information# education# and skill to its employees. Teams and Team works + team can be defined as a roup of people workin to ether to achieve common ob$ectives or oals

Team work is the cumulative actions of the team durin which each member of the team subordinates his individual interest and opinions for the fulfillin of ob$ectives of the roup. $ENE&IT2 O& TEAM 4O-; "mproved solutions to quality problems# ownership of solutions# communication and inte ration Ob$ectives /hort Term 'lannin Coal 5on Term 'lannin TY:E2 O& TEAM2 :roce"" i!%rove!ent tea!6 "nvolved in improvement of sub processes or processes. 4sually has ;-,) members. *isbanded when the ob$ective is reached. ?ay include the local supplied and customer dependin on the location )ro"" functional tea!"6 ;-,) members temporary team. ?embers are Top mana ement level from various functional areas of mana ement. *iscuss comple! problems and break down into smaller parts to refer it to various departmental teams for further solution. Natural 'or( tea!"6 Iot voluntary and the total work unit is part of the team. ?ana er also a part of the team and the mana ement selects the pro$ects to be improved. ?ana ers must also ensure that the entire team is comfortable with each other. 2elf directed E "elf !ana#ed 'or( tea!6 3!tension of natural work teams but here the roup of individuals is empowered not only to do work but mana e it. Io man er will present but a coordinator F9hich will be normally rotated amon membersG will be appointed. +dditional responsibilities of the team hirin J dismissal# performance evaluation# customer relations# supplier relations# reco nitionJrewards and trainin . )9A-A)TE-I2TI)2 O& 2U))E22&UL TEAM2 ,. 2%on"or6 "n order to have effective liaison with quality council# there should be sponsor. (.
The sponsor is a person from the quality council# he is to provide support to the or ani.ation Tea! )5arter6 + team charter is a document that defines the teamAs mission boundaries# the back round of the problem# the teamAs authority and duties and resources. "t also identifies the members and their assi ned roles leader# recorder# time keeper and facilitator. Tea! )o!%o"ition6 Iot e!ceedin ,) members e!cept natural work team and self mana ed teams. Trainin#6 The team members should be trained in the problem solvin techniques team dynamics and communication skills Ground -ule"6 The team should have separate rules of operation and conduct. Cround rules should be discussed with the members# whenever needed it should be reviewed and revised

0. 8. :.

;. )lear o*Fective"+ Accounta*ility 6 'eriodic status report should be submitted to quality

council for review

>. 4ell defined deci"ion %rocedure+ -e"ource"6 +dequate information should be provided @. Tru"t *y t5e !ana#e!ent+ Effective %ro*le!" "olvin#O Iot by hunches or quick fires
-. O%en co!!unication+ A%%ro%riate Leader"5i%+ $alanced %artici%ation and )o5e"ivene""

TEAM MEM$E- -OLE 5eader# %acilitator FOne who helps the team ets started in the sta esG# 1ecorder# Time keeper and Team member. E)I2ION MA;ING MET9O 2 Ion decision# 4nilateral decision# Dandclasp decision FTwo members with a ood idea of the sub$ect decideG# ?inority-rule decision# ?a$ority rule decision# 7onsensus FIot everyone need to accept# &ut every one should be willin to implementG ELEMENT2 O& E&&E)TI.E TEAM 4O-; 1e ular schedulin with a fi!ed time limit# purpose# role and responsibilities# activities# decision# results and reco nition. TEAM MANAGEMENT 49EEL To make a lean more effective a team mana ement wheel has been evolved. The activities are advisin # innovatin # promotin # developin # or ani.ation# producin # inspectin # maintainin and linkin . The roles of wheel are advisor# e!plore# or and controller. 2TAGE2 O& TEAM E.ELO:MENT &or!in# "ta#e3 "nitial sta e with only roup of individuals and no team work. Team purpose# roles are created. 2tor!in# 2ta#e 3"nitial a reement roles are challen ed. Dostilities# emer e which may be resolved Nor!in# 2ta#e3%ormal informal relations et established. :erfor!in# 2ta#e -Team operates in a successful manner with trust# openness# healthy conflict and decisiveness amon the members. Maintenance "ta#e %unctionin should not deteriorate with time Q Evaluatin# 2ta#e 3valuatin team performance
TEN )OMMON :EO:LE :-O$LEM2 %lounderin # overbearin participants# *ominatin participants# reluctant participants# unquestioned acceptance of opinions as facts# rush to accomplish# +ttribution# *iscounts and plops# 9anderlust# %eudin team members.

$A--IE-2 TO TEAM :-OG-E22

"nsufficient trainin # "ncompatible rewards and compensation# %irst-line supervisor resistance# 5ack of plannin 2 5ack of mana ement support# +ccess to information systems# 5ack of union support# 'ro$ect scope too lar e# 'ro$ect ob$ectives are not si nificant# Io clear measures of success and Io time to do improvement work.

-E)OGNITION AN -E4A-eco#nition is a process whereby mana ement shows acknowled ement F<erbal or writtenG of an employee outstandin performance. 1eco nition is a form of employee Bve motivation. -e'ard is a tan ible one such as increased salaries# commission# cash bonus# ain sharin etc.# to promote desirable behavior. "t can be even theatre tickets# dinner for two# a small cash

awards# etc.# The employees are reco ni.ed to improve their morale# show the companyMs appreciation for
&etter 'erformance# create satisfied and motivated workplace and stimulate creative efforts.

INT-IN2I) .2 EAT-IN2I) -E4A- 2

INT-IN2I) -E4A- 2 EAT-IN2I) -E4A- 2 1elated to feelin of accomplishment or 1elated to pay or compensation issues self worth ,. Ion monetary forms of reco nition ,. 'rofit sharin to acknowled e achievement of (. Cain sharin quality improvement oals 0. 3mployment security (. 7elebrations to acknowled e 8. 7ompensation time achievement of quality :. "ndividual based performance improvement oals systems 0. 1e ular e!pression of appreciation ;. Quality based performance by mana ers and leaders to appraisals employees to acknowled e achievement of quality improvement oals 8. 0;)o performance appraisals feedback from co-workers# subordinates or customers is incorporated into performance appraisal :. %ormal su estion system available for individuals to make quality improvement su estion ;. *evelopmental based performance

appraisals >. Quality based promotion

2TE.E 2MIT9C2 T4ENTY I&&E-ENT 4AY2 TO -E)OGNIBE T9E EM:LOYEE2 /end thank letter whenever possible *evelop behind the scenes award 7reate the best ideas of the year booklet %eature the quality team of the month and put their picture in prominent place Donor peers by reco them +llow people to attend meetin s in your name when you are not available "nvolve teams with e!ternal customers and suppliers by visitin them "nvite a team for coffee or lunch whenever possible 7reate a visibility will displayin posters# pictures# to thank the contributions of employee 7redit the team to hi her authorities when their ideas are accepted Take interest in employeeAs development Cet the team picture in company newspaper ?ention the ideas of others durin your meetin s# so that they are reco ni.ed 9rite a letter of praise to contributed team member and copy to boss +sk people to help you with the pro$ect which is difficult but challen in /end a team to special seminars# workshops to cover topics they are really interested in +sk your boss to send a letter of acknowled ement and thanks Donor outstandin contribution with awards Dave a stock of small ifts to ive to people on the spot whom you catch doin thin s ri ht 'romote or nominate for promotion# those people who contribute most :E-&O-MAN)E A::-AI2AL "t is a systematic and ob$ective assessment or evaluation of performance and contribution of individual Ieeds "dentifyin employees for salary revision# promotion# transfer# demotion# lay off To determine trainin needs of employee To take or ani.ational inventory of people To know personal stren th and weakness of individuals To validate the selection procedure A::-AI2AL &O-MAT2

1ankin F%rom hi hest to lowestG# Iarrative FTellin stren th and weaknessG# Craphics FCraphical display of duties by ratin G# %orced choice F'lacin each employee with a predetermined N like Cood (:N# 'oor ,)N etcG

A::-AI2AL :-O)E22

$ENE&IT2 O& :E-&O-MAN)E A::-AI2AL ,. (. 0. 8. :. ;. >. 'rovides a feedback to identify employees for salary revision# transfer# lay-off Delps in determinin trainin needs of employee 'rovides or ani.ation inventory of people Delps to evaluate personal stren th and weakness of individuals To validate the selection procedure. 'rovide the basis for promotion# demotion etc ?ay provide some information on e!ternal factors like family circumstances# health# financial or personal matters that may be affectin the performance

)ONTINUOU2 :-O)E22 IM:-O.EMENT 7):I8 TQ? has been defined as a philosophy based on quest for pro ress and continual improvement in the areas of cost# reliability# quality# innovation# efficiency and business effectiveness "t is a continuous learnin process which never stops and is cyclic and iterative

To do 7'"# we have different approaches such as 6uran Trilo y# '*/+ cycle# =ai.en and :/ concept

IN:UT E OUT:UT :-O)E22 MO EL The process refers to business and production activities of an or ani.ation. 3!ample 'urchasin # 3n ineerin # ?arketin and +ccountin

$A2I) 4AY2 TO IM:-O.E :-O)E22 To reduce resources To reduce errors To meet e!ceed customer needs To make process safer To make process more satisfyin to the person doin it. ,U-AN T-ILOGY *r. 6oseph ?. 6uran# who .wrote a ,-)) pa e te!t. book on Q4+5"TP 7OIT1O5 D+I*&OO= and other contributions to the total quality. 6uran dividesQ Quality ?ana ement into Quality 'lannin Quality control Quality improvement. .

QUALITY :LANNING 'lannin process is crucial for improvement to become continuous activity with a lon term viewO The 6uran Quality 'lannin road ?ap as iven below. 3!istin H 3stablished 'roduct# 'rocess H Coals R Identify )u"to!er" R 5ist of customersR i"cover cu"to!er" need" R 7ustomerAs needs Fin their lan ua eG R Tran"late R 7ustomerMs needs Fin our lan ua eG R E"ta*li"5 Unit of !ea"ure R4nits of measure R E"ta*li"5 !ea"ure!ent R )u"to!er need" 7in unit" of !ea"ure R3!istin 'roduct and process R evelo% :roduct R 'roduct features R O%ti!i=e %roduct de"i#n R 'roduct oals R evelo% %roce"" R'rocess features R O%ti!i=e6 :rove %roce"" ca%a*ility R'rocess ready to transfer R Tran"fer to o%eration R'rocess ready to produce QUALITY )ONT-OL +t this sta e# control processes are desi ned to meet and ensure the oals set in the plannin sta e. 6uranMs Quality control 'rocess as shown. 7hoose control sub$ects# decide items to control R )5oo"e unit" of !ea"ure!ent R E"ta*li"5 "tandard" of %erfor!ance R Mea"ure actual %erfor!ance G Note difference *et'een %erfor!ance and "tandard G Ta(e action to clo"e t5e %erfor!ance #a% . QUALITY IM:-O.EMENT To find and remedy the basic causes of poor quality - +ims to hi her levels of performance that are si nificant to current level- 6uranMs ten steps to improvement are &uild awareness of the need and opportunity for improvement /et for improvement Or ani.e to reach the oals 'rovide trainin 7arry out pro$ect to solve problems 1eport pro ress Cive reco nition 7ommunicate results =eep score ?aintain momentum by makin annual improvement part of the re ular system processes of company ,U-AN T-ILOGY IAG-AM "t describes the way in which 6uranMs trilo y is desi ned to the cost of quality over time which is a cyclic and ever-endin continuous improvement approach. - The sporadic waste should be identified and corrected throu h whereas the chronic waste requires an improvement process.

2UMMA-Y O& ,U-ANC2 QUALITY T-ILOGY Quality :lannin# "dentify the customers *etermine the customerAs needs *evelop product features 3stablish quality oals *evelop a process 'rove process capability Quality )ontrol 7hoose control sub$ects 7hoose unit of measurement 3stablish measurement and standard of performance ?easure actual performance "nterpret the difference Take action on the difference Quality I!%rove!ent 'rove need for improvement "dentify specific pro$ects for improvement Or ani.e to uide the pro$ects Or ani.e for dia nosis for discovery of cause *ia onise to find the causes 'rovide remedies 'rove that remedies are effective under operatin conditions 'rovide for control to hold ains

: 2A )Y)LE "t is also called as *emin 7ycle or *emin 9heel. *eveloped by 9alter +. /hewart and populari.ed by 3dward *emin

:LAN "dentify the problem# plan and opportunities Observe and analy.e "solate the real causes *etermine corrective actions O 'repare +pply 7heck application 2TU Y E )9E); 7heck results 7ompare with oals A)T /tandardi.e and consolidate 'repare ne!t sta e of plannin $ENE&IT2 O& : 2A )Y)LE *aily routine mana ement for the individual and or the team 'roblem solvin process 'ro$ect mana ement 7ontinuous development <endor development

Duman resource mana ement Iew product development 'rocess trials

<2 9OU2E ;EE:ING This is a house keepin technique used to establish and maintain a productive and quality environment in an or ani.ation. This method is invented in 6apan which will ive safer# more efficient and more productive operation results in boostin of morale of workers# $ob involvement and satisfaction and ownership of their responsibilities. ,A:ANE2E TE-M 2EI-I 2EITON 2EI2O 2EI;ET2U ENGLI29 EQUI.ALENT Tidiness Orderliness 7leanliness /tandardi.ation MEANING )leanin# Throw away all rubbish unrelated materials in the work place Arran#in# /et everythin in proper place for quick retrieval and stora e 2'ee%in# 7lean the work place# every thin with out fail Maintainin# )leanline"" / the way of maintainin cleanliness 2elf i"ci%line 'ractice S:/A daily. ?ake it a way or life. This also means commitment




O$,E)TI.E2 O& <2 To create a neat and clean work place To create systemi.e day to day workin To improve work efficiency To standardi.e work practice To improve work discipline To improve the quality of work and products

&A)TO-2 IN IM:LEMENTING <2 :artici%ation *y all - /hould be understood and practiced by all employees To% !ana#e!ent co!!it!ent 73O and /enior mana ement team need personally commitment practice and supervise the pro ram 25ould *e "elf "u"tainin# &anners# slo an posters and new tutors should be fully utili.ed to draw attention of every one -evie' t5e %ro#ra! 3very month roup of people from different areas of responsibilities plan and evaluate each .one

$ENE&IT2 IN IM:LEMENTING <2 9ork place becomes proud place to work 1esults in ood ima e and- enerates business Operations become easier and safer in work place *isciplined people "mprove productivityM and morality &etter quality awareness ?ore usable space 5ess ?aterial handlin time 5ess production cost 'reventive maintenance Di h employee involvement 5ess accidents ?ore time to improvement.

;AIBEN 6apanese - word -means continuous improvement or improvement over improvement - continuous improvement in small increments that make the process more efficient# effective# controllable and adequate. ;AI-YO

9estern philosophy - improvement throu h innovation# i.e.# improvement in one or two reat $umps

;AIBEN .2 ;AI-YO ;AIBEN "t is achieved throu h conventional know how and '*7+ "t is employee oriented "t requires little investment but reat effort to maintain "t involves everybody in the company "t requires reco nition of effort before results

;AI-YO "t is obtained by technolo ical or or ani.ational break throu h "t is technolo y oriented "t requires lar e investment but little effort to maintain "t involves a selected few e!perts and researchers "t is motivated by e!pected results

&EATU-E2 O& ;AIBEN ,. <alue added and non value added work activities (. ?uda# which refers to the seven classes of wastes. 9astes are over production# delay# transportation# processin # inventory# wasted motion# and defective parts 0. 'rinciples of motion study and the use of cell technolo y 8. 'rinciples of materials handlin and use of one piece flow :. *ocumentation of standard operatin procedures ;. The :/ for workplace or ani.ation# which are five 6apanese words that mean proper arran ement F/3"1"G# Orderliness F/3"TOIG# 'ersonal cleanliness F/3"/OG# /tandardi.ation F/3"=3T/4G and *iscipline F/D"T/4=3G >. <isual mana ement by means of visual display that everyone in the plant can use for better communication @. 6ust in time principle to produce only the units in the ri ht quantities at the ri ht time and with the ri ht resources -. 'oka-Poke to prevent or detect errors ,). Team dynamics# which include problem solvin # communication skills and conflit resolution -OLE O& :EO:LE IN IM:LEMENTING ;AIBEN ,. Top mana ement must be committed to introducin =ai.en as a company strate y (. The e!ecutives $ust below top mana ement must formulate and carry out =ai.en oals accordin to uidelines from top mana ement 0. /upervisors like everyone else must use =ai.en in their activities 8. 9orkers must be involved in =ai.en throu h the su estions systems and small roup activities 2U::LIE- :A-TNE-29I:

+ commitment to continuous quality improvement cannot be translated into reality without treatin supplier as partner :-IN)I:LE2 O& )U2TOME- E 2U::LIE- -ELATION &oth the customer and the supplier are fully responsible for the control quality &oth the customer and the supplier should be independent of each other and respect each otherAs independence The customer is responsible for providin the supplier with clear and sufficient requirements so that the supplier can know precisely what to produce &oth the customer and the supplier should enter into an non adversarial contract with respect to quality# quality# price# delivery method and terms of payments The supplier is responsible for providin the quality that will satisfy the customer and submittin necessary data upon the customerAs request &oth the customer and the supplier should decide the methods to evaluate the quality of the product or service to the satisfaction of both parties &oth the customer and the supplier should establish in the contract the method by which they can reach an amicable settlement of any disputes that may arise &oth the customer and the supplier should continually e!chan e information# sometimes usin multifunctional teams# in order to improve the product or service quality &oth the customer and the supplier should perform business activities such as procurement# production and inventory plannin # clerical work and system so that an amicable and satisfactory relationship is maintained 9hen dealin with business transactions both the customer and the supplier should always have the best interest of the end user in mind

2U::LIE- :A-TNE-ING "t is defined as a continuin relationship# between a buyin firm and supplyin firm# involvin a commitment over an e!tended time period# an e!chan e of information# and acknowled ement of the risks end rewards of the relationship. $ENE&IT2 O& 2U::LIE- :A-TNE-ING "mproved Quality 1educed cost "ncreased 'roductivity "ncreased efficiency "ncreased market share "ncreased opportunity for innovation 7ontinuous improvement of productsJservices. .


The 6apanese partnerin concept is =3513/T4 developin lon term relationships with a few key suppliers rather than havin short term relationship with many suppliers. =ey elements to 'artnerin 5on term 7ommitment Trust /hared vision - To satisfy the end users is the common oal of both supplier and customer. 2U::LIE- 2OU-)ING 2ole "ourcin# 3 only one supplier for the entire or ani.ation. This may be forced. to happen because of patent# technical specification# raw material location# monopolistic supplier Multi%le "ourcin# 3 %or a sin le item havin two or more supplier# resultin in better quality# better service at lower cost 2in#le "ourcin#3 use of one supplier to one item when several sources are available leadin to lon -term partnerin relationship.

$A2I2 O& 2U::LIE- 2ELE)TION 7ost# Quality# *elivery# 1eliability# ?ana ement compatibility# Coal con ruence and /trate ic direction of supplier firm. 2TAGE IN 2U::LIE- 2ELE)TION H E.ALUATION /urvey sta e# enquiry sta e# ne otiation and selection sta e# e!perience sta e. The supplier should understand and appreciate the mana ement philosophy of the or ani.ation The supplier should have a stable mana ement system The supplier should maintain hi h technical standards and have the capability of dealin with future technolo ical innovation The supplier should provide those raw materials and parts required by the purchaser and those supplied meet the quality specifications The supplier should have the capability to produce the amount of production needed The supplier should not breach the corporate secrets The supplier should be easily accessible in terms of transportation and communication The supplier should be sincere in implementin the contract provisions The supplier should have an effective quality system and improvement pro ram such as "/O J Q/ -))) The supplier should have a track record of customer satisfaction and or ani.ation credibility

2U::LIE- -ATING +lso referred as score card system# is used to obtain and overall ratin of supplier performance based on quality# price# performance and production capability O$,E)TI.E2 O& 2U::LIE- -ATING Obtain an overall ratin of supplier performance ensure completer communication with suppliers - provide each supplier about the details of problems for corrective action and - maintain and improve the partnerin relationship between the customer and the supplier.


T9-EE $A2I) &A)TO-2 &O- 2U))E22&UL 2U::LIE- -ATING 2Y2TEM +n internal structure to implement and sustain the ratin pro ram + re ular and formal review process + standard measurement for all the suppliers

-ELATION29I: E.ELO:MENT 1efers to maintainin the relationship development throu h the various techniques discussed previously. %or maintainability and rowth of relationship the followin key factors are considered "nspection ,))N inspection# /amplin # +udit and identify check Trainin Team approach %ormation of customer supplier team in all the functional areas 1eco nition 7ustomers can reco ni.e suppliers by non monetary J monetary rewards

:E-&O-MAN)E MEA2U-E +n important principle alon with customer satisfaction# employee involvement# continuous process improvement and supplier partnership# refers to measurin the performance of entire or ani.ation

EMING :9ILO2O:9Y ,. 7reate and publish the aims and purpose of the or ani.ation (. 5earn the new philosophy 0. understand the purpose of inspection 8. stop awardin business based on price alone :. "mprove constantly and forever the system ;. "nstitute trainin >. Teach and "nstitute leadership @. *rive out fear and create a climate for innovation -. Optimi.e the efforts of teams#. Croups and staff areas ,). 3liminate e!hortations for the work force ,,. 3liminate numerical quotas for the work force ,(. 1emove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship ,0. 3ncoura e education and self improvement for every one ,8. Take action to accomplish the transformation

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