Tanner Fraughton B2 #4

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Tanner Fraughton B2 Reflection #4

The movie I chose to watch was The Lorax (2012 ! "hile watching this# I notice$ that there were a lot of messages that one might not %uite see# es&eciall' in the case of chil$ren! The movie is mar(ete$ mainl' towar$s chil$ren# an$ ever'thing a)out it loo(s ver' intriguing to a chil$ (The animation# the stor'line ! But there seems to me more to this movie than *ust the animation# or the stor'line! It+s a lot $ee&er of a movie than some might ex&ect! The main message that I saw that was &ushe$ in this movie is to )e ecofrien$l'! The whole movie is an exaggerate$ i$ea of the future of our &lanet if we continue to &ollute it! The &ortra'e$ town has ,ero &lantsever'thing is manufacture$ an$ ma$e of &lastic! It gives the i$ea that the average &erson is a min$less consumerist an$ that it+s u& to 'ou to save the environment# an$ the &lanet! .one of this is necessaril' negative# teaching (i$s to care a)out the environment# )ut it is interesting to see the messages l'ing un$er the rest of the movie! /nother thing that I saw )eing &ushe$ towar$ the viewer is that )ig )usiness# cor&orations# an$ the &eo&le involve$ with them are gree$' scum! The main /ntagonist is a )usiness man# whose onl' goal is to sell health' air to the &ollute$ town! The i$ea is that the more )ottle$# health' air he sells# the more &ollution his factories ma(e# an$ the more air he sells! It all ties into the 01ou nee$ to )e the one to ma(e a $ifference2 message! The average &erson is a )lin$ consumer# an$ the rest are evil# gree$'# )usiness owners! 1ou nee$ to )e the &erson that stan$s out an$ saves ever'one else# )ecause the'+re too ignorant to $o it themselves! /gain# might not )e a )a$ thing# might )e# I $on+t reall' (now! I su&&ose if I watche$ a $ifferent movie an$ was o)servant of the hi$$en messaging# their might )e $ifferent results! 3a')e there woul$ )e a more negative message# li(e (ill 'our $og! 4r ma')e there woul$ )e a more &ositive message# li(e &et 'our $og! 5ither wa'# it+s ver' $ifferent to loo( &ast the surface of a common chil$ren+s movie# an$ see a whole $ifferent movie then 'ou ha$ seen originall'!

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