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70XX Series [ Economical DVR

h.264 |g|Ia| V|deo 8erver

key FeaIures:
A0-0101 |g|Ia| V|deo 8erver ema|| . |
The lealu|es & Spec|l|cal|ou cau be chauged w|lhoul auy p||o| uol|ce. humau e||o| |s p|obab|e |u lhe couleul ol Pl.

h.2G4 ma|u p|ol||e comp|ess|ou a|go||lhm lo| uelwo|| l|ausm|ss|ou.

Rea|-l|me ||ve d|sp|ay, mu|l|p|e |mage |eso|ul|ou suppo|led. 1/ ha|l1/Cll.
Sma|l v|deo delecl|ou. mol|ou delecl|ou, came|a b|au|, v|deo |oss.
Sma|l came|a sell|ugs. p||vacy mas||ug, co|o| sell|ug, aud l|l|e d|sp|ay.
0S ove||app|ug aud chauue| uame ove||app|ug suppo|led |u |emole p|ev|ew aud p|aybac|.
Pau T||l /oom Coul|o|. mu|l|p|e p|oloco|s suppo|led, p|esel, scau, aulo pau, aulo lou|, palle|u, au/|||a|y luucl|ou suppo|led.
A|a|m l||gge||ug sc|eeu l|ps, bu//e|, PT/ p|esel, lTP up|oad.
Powe|lu| sollwa|e suppo|led. bu||d-|u web se|ve| & E/V|d Ceul|a| V|deo Nauagemeul Sollwa|e. helwo|||ug access lo| |emole
||ve v|ew|ug, |eco|d|ug, p|aybac|, sell|ug, syslem slalus & eveul |og luucl|ou elc.
Techn|ca| 8pec|I|caI|on:
V|deo & Aud|o
V|deo Comp|ess|ou . h.2G4 Na|u P|ol||e.
V|deo |eso|ul|ou . PAL 7O4 / 57G (1), hTSC G4O / 48O (1)
V|deo lupul . 1Ch, BhC, 1Vp-p, 75O
Comp|ess|ou b|l |ale. 2OK-4Nbps , se|eclab|e.
L|ve |sp|ay
Comp|ess|ou lo|mal. Cll
8ysIem : hT80 PAL
852 X 24O 852 X 288
Commuu|cal|ou po|l . 1 / RS282, 1 X RS485.
A|a|m lupul po|l . 2chauue|, couslaul opeu/c|osed suppo|led.
A|a|m oulpul po|l . 1 chauue|, |e|ay oulpul 8OVC 1A, 125VAC 1A.
A0-0101 |g|Ia| V|deo 8erver
Aud|o Comp|ess|ou . .72G
Aud|o |upul . 1 ch aud|o |upul, RCA, 2Vp-p, GOOO
Aud|o 0ulpul . 1 ch RCA , 2Vp-p, GOOO
Samp||ug |ale . 8Kh/
Samp||ug s|/e . 1G b|l
Aud|o l|ac| . s|ug|e l|ac|
L|ve |sp|ay
InIerIace & heIWor|
helwo|| Po|l . RJ-45 Po|l (1O/1OON).
helwo|| P|oloco| . TCP/lP, hCP, hAT, PPPoE, hTTP.
Remole 0pe|al|ou . Nou|lo|, PT/ coul|o|, p|aybac|, syslem
sell|ug, l||e dowu|oad, |og |ulo|mal|ou. ema|| . |
The lealu|es & Spec|l|cal|ou cau be chauged w|lhoul auy p||o| uol|ce. humau e||o| |s p|obab|e |u lhe couleul ol Pl.
I|||Iy & A|arm
Nol|ou elecl|ou .
V|deo Loss .
/oues. 192(1G / 12) delecl|ou /oues
Seus|l|v|ly. h|gh, m|dd|e, commou T||gge|
|eco|d|ug, p|esel pos|l|ou, PT/ movemeul,
lou|, a|a|m, up|oad lo ceule|.
T||gge| |eco|d|ug, PT/ movemeul, lou|
a|a|m, up|oad lo ceule|.
A|a|m lupul . 2
A|a|m 0ulpul . 1
chauue|, couslaul opeu/c|osed suppo|led
T||gge| |eco|d|ug, PT/ movemeul, lou|,
a|a|m, up|oad lo ceule|.
chauue|, |e|ay oulpul 8OVC 1A.

A0-0101 |g|Ia| V|deo 8erver
Techn|ca| 8pec|I|caI|on: ema|| . |
The lealu|es & Spec|l|cal|ou cau be chauged w|lhoul auy p||o| uol|ce. humau e||o| |s p|obab|e |u lhe couleul ol Pl.
|mens|ons & Env|ronmenI
P|oducl |meus|ous .
Nouul|ug . es|lop o| |ac|
|oss we|ghl . 4 |g
21Omm / 125mm / 4Omm (w / / h)
Powe| Cousumpl|ou :
Tempe|alu|e . Oc - 5Oc
hum|d|ly . 2O - 9ORh

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