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70XX Series [ Economical DVR

h.264 ua| 8Iream V

Advauced h.264 Na|n ProI||e hardWare compress|on a|go||lhm w|lh ua| sIream|ng lo| Reco|d|ug & helwo|| sell|ugs.
4 l|mes belle| pe|lo|mauce compa|e lo uo|ma| h.2G4 comp|ess|ou a|go||lhm, Na|u p|ol||e Comp|ess|ou w||| suppo|l l||es s|/e
as sma|| as GO ol owu |eve| lhau olhe| uo|ma| h.2G4.
Advauced h| luucl|ou Ch|psel, comp||ed w|lh Lowe| powe| cousumpl|ou, lasl |espouse, h|ghe| |uleg|al|ou Capab|||ly. Neaus
Cove| a|| luucl|ou |u s|ug|e ch|psel.
L|uu/ |ea| l|me ope|al|ug syslem lo p|ov|de h|ghe| l|e/|b|||ly, uelwo|| l|ausm|ss|ou suppo|l, secu|ed & slab|e Syslem.
8 Ch v|deo w|lh 8 Ch Aud|o lupul.
L|ve v|ew|ug w|lh 1Suppo|l & s|mu|laueous|y VA, Nou|lo| & Spol oulpul, VA Reso|ul|ou Suppo|ls uplo 144O*9OO,
8 Ch 1 Rea|l|me Reco|d|ug & 4 Ch 1 Rea|l|me P|aybac|, o| 8 Ch ha|l Rea|l|me P|aybac|, o| 8 Ch Cll Rea|l|me P|aybac|.
A|| Chauue| p|aybac| & suppo|ls lasl p|aybac|, lasl lo|wa|d, Reve|se, Bac|up & elc.
Suppo|l SATA 2TB * 8 h o| G h + 1V, uSB 2.O lo| lasl Bac|up.
Advauced h |oup Slo|age Nauagemeul lo| Commou/A|a|m/Reduudaul/Bac|up.
L|ve Suap Shol lac|||ly.
Advauced Reco|d Selup.
Suppo|l Slal|c lP, hCP, hS, PPP0E & A|e|l E-Na|| lac|||ly. lE web c||eul & w|udows Nob||e G.1, Symb|au SGO 8|d ed|l|ou
Nob||e & lPh0hE.
Schedu|e, Coul|uuous, Nauua|, Nol|ou delecl|ou & A|a|m T||gge| Reco|d|ug 0pl|ou, Nu|l|p|e use| w|lh Aulho||ly Nauagemeul.
AVK-8XLR1 8 A/|s Joysl|c Keyboa|d Coul|o||e| Suppo|led.

key FeaIures:
A0N-7B0BV ua| 8Iream 8Iand A|one V ema|| . |
The lealu|es & Spec|l|cal|ou cau be chauged w|lhoul auy p||o| uol|ce.
AI 8 N8E EX-V/h/
h.264 ema|| . |
The lealu|es & Spec|l|cal|ou cau be chauged w|lhoul auy p||o| uol|ce.
key FeaIures:
A0N-7B0BV ua| 8Iream 8Iand A|one V
E/v|d Ceul|a| Nauagemeul Sollwa|e(CNS) |uc|uded Coul|gu|al|ou, Nou|lo||ug, & P|aye| Nodu|e.
G4 Chauue|s v|ew|ug s|mu|laueous|y ou s|ug|e sc|eeu & CNS suppo|ls up lo 255 chauue|s.
A|a|m lupul, A|a|m 0ulpul w|lh Eveul haud||ug Neuu 0pe|al|ou Came|a w|se w|lh Ema|| A|e|l 0pl|ou.
use| l||eud|y |aph|cs & w|udow 0S lo| easy & lasl ope|al|ou, suppo|l|ug w|lh meuu uole luucl|ou.
VR Coul|o||ed by |emole |eyboa|d, mouse, l|oul paue| |eypad, |emole coul|o||e| elc.
Loca||y & Remole|y VR Coul|gu|al|ou.
V|deo Nal||/ 0ulpul by Nal||/ Ca|d & Nauaged by E/V|d Ceul|a| Nauagemeul Sollwa|e.
Aulomal|c Sc|eeu /ooms upou l||gge| ol Nol|ou elecl|ou & A|a|m.
Bac|up by Loca| uSB & uelwo|| elc, lule|ua| & e/le|ua| uSB bu|ue| suppo|led.
Nu|l| |auguage meuu suppo|led.
Coul|gu|al|ou v|a TELhET suppo|led.
Su|lab|e lo| Ned|um oll|ce, Shops, co|po|ale oll|ce & elc.
Techn|ca| 8pec|I|caI|on:
V|deo Comp|ess|ou . h.2G4 Na|u P|ol||e ha|dwa|e Comp|ess|ou
V|deo lupul . 8 Ch, BhC, 1Vp-p, 75O
V|deo 0ulpul . 1 Ch BhC oulpul, 1Vp-p, 75O
VA 0ulpul . 1 Ch, 15 Plh 5O/GOO
Spol 0ulpul . 1 Ch BhC oulpul, 1Vp-p, 75O
Comp|ess|ou b|l |ale. 2OK-4Nbps , se|eclab|e
wo|||ug Node . Peulap|e/
Aud|o Comp|ess|ou . .72G
Aud|o |upul . 8 ch aud|o |upul, RCA, 2Vp-p, GOOO
Aud|o 0ulpul . 1 ch RCA , 2Vp-p, GOOO
Aud|o b|l |ale . 24|bps
Samp||ug |ale . 8Kh/
Samp||ug s|/e . 1G b|l
Aud|o l|ac| . s|ug|e l|ac|
L|ve 8Iream|ng
Comp|ess|ou lo|mal. 1
heIWor| 8Iream|ng
helwo|| Sl|eam . Na|u o| Sub sl|eam
Sub code |eso|ul|ou . PAL 852 / 288(Cll), hTSC 852 / 24O(Cll)
Sub code l|ame . lu|| l|ame o| l|ame |ale. 1-15lps, adjuslab|e
Sub code b|l |ale . 82|bps-512|bps
VA uIpuI : 8OO / GOO, 1O24 / 7G8, 128O / 1O24,
144O / 9OO, 1GOO / 12OO, 1G8O / 1O5O
8ysIem : hT80 PAL
7O4 X 48O 7O4 X 57G
hT80 FP8 PAL FP8
FormaI ToIa| / Per 0amera ToIa| / Per 0amera
Cll 24O / 8O 2OO / 25
2Cll 24O / 8O 2OO / 25
4Cll 24O / 8O 2OO / 25
A0N-7B0BV ua| 8Iream 8Iand A|one V
V|deo & Aud|o
L|ve, ecord & heIWor| 8Iream|ng
P|aybac| & 8Iorage FuncI|ons
P|aybac| Chauue| . 8 Ch
Sp||l w|udows . 1,4,8 Ch
h lule|lace . SATA
h Po|l . 8 h 0R G h + 1 V
h Capac|ly . Na/|mum 2TB
|s| |oup . Commou/A|a|m, Reduudaul & Bac|up
Nauagemeul ema|| . |
The lealu|es & Spec|l|cal|ou Cau be chauged w|lhoul auy p||o| uol|ce.
eso|uI|on P|aybac| 0hanne| hT80 PAL
4Cll(1) 4 12OlPS 1OOlPS
Cll 8 24OlPS 2OOlPS
2Cll(h1) 8 12OlPS 1OOlPS
4Cll(1) 8 GOlPS 5OlPS
ecord 8Iream|ng
Comp|ess|ou Reso|ul|ou . hT80 PAL
Cll @ 852 / 24O o| 288
h1@ 7O4 / 24O o| 288
1 @ 7O4 / 48O o| 57G
Techn|ca| 8pec|I|caI|on:
SNPS . Bu||l |u Powe| supp|y
Cab|es . AC Na|us Supp|y Co|d
SATA h ala & Powe| Cab|es
Couueclo| . A|a|m Couueclo| / h sc|ews
Pe||phe|a| . Remole Coul|o| / uSB Nouse
P|oducl |meus|ous . 45O / 4G5 / 8Omm (w / L / h)
Bo/ |meus|ous . GOO / 55O / 245mm (w / L / h)
|oss we|ghl . 12 |g
Tempe|alu|e . Oc - 55c
hum|d|ly . 1O - 9ORh
E|ecIr|ca| & Env|ronmenI
|mens|ons & Accessor|es
Loca| . uSB V-Rw / lLASh RlVE / h.
Remole . CNS & lE web c||eul.
E/v|d CNS . Coul|gu|al|ou, Nou|lo||ug, P|aye|.
VR Coul|gu|al|ou . Loca| / LAh / wAh.
web C||eul . lule|uel E/p|o|e|.
Nob||e 0S . w|udows G.1, symb|au SGO 8|d, lPh0hE.
ev|ce Nauagemeul . lE / TELhET.
ser App||caI|on ema|| . |
The lealu|es & Spec|l|cal|ou Cau be chauged w|lhoul auy p||o| uol|ce.
A0N-7B0BV ua| 8Iream 8Iand A|one V
InIerIace & heIWor|
Commuu|cal|ou po|l . 1 / RS422, 1 / RS282, Keyboa|d suppo|l
Keyboa|d Po|l . RS485
A|a|m lupul po|l . 1G chauue| |upul, ou/oll va|ue |upul
(couslaul ou /oll)
A|a|m oulpul po|l . 4 chauue| oulpul, |e|ay lype
uSB Po|l . uSB 2.O / 1.1
V Po|l . lule|ua| SATA V / E/le|ua| uSB V-Rw
lupul Powe| . AC22OV/11OV
Na/|mum Powe| . <8Ow
helwo|| Po|l . RJ-45 Po|l 1O/1OON se|l adapl|ve.
helwo|| P|oloco| . TCP / hCP / PPP0E / uP / hTP /
VR Commuu|cal|ou. RTP / RTCP / RTSP,
hTTP + XNL coul|o| p|oloco|.
hS Se|v|ce . YhhS, 8822, T/0, Easy hS &
mauy mo|e.

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