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70XX Series [ Economical DVR

h.264 NaIr|x ecod|ng 0ard

Suppo|l mal||/ decod|ug, mal||/ oulpul, aud |mage compouud.
2 & 8 Chauue|s Nal||/ ecod|ug, oulpul w|lh Nu|l|p|e Reso|ul|ou.
Nu|l|p|e . 1/ha|l1/Cll comp|ess|ou |eso|ul|ou suppo|led.
Rea| l|me decod|ug.
V|deo- Aud|o syuch|ouous decod|ug suppo|led.
S|ug|e Ch|p w||| suppo|l Cll & 1 ecod|ug TV 0ulpul.
ACX-O2O4C suppo|ls up lo 4 chauue|s |ea| l|me 2Cll decod|ug 0| 2 chauue|s TV oulpul.

Suppo|ls VA aud TV oulpul.

lmage oulpul c|oss SP suppo|led.
ACX-O81GC suppo|ls up lo 1G chauue|s |ea| l|me Cll decod|ug 0| 8 chauue|s 1 TV oulpul.
S|ug|e Compule| suppo|ls up lo G4 chauue|s decod|ug by 4 boa|ds ol ACX-O81GC.
key FeaIures:
A0X-0B160 NaIr|x ecod|ng 0ard ema|| . |
The lealu|es & Spec|l|cal|ou cau be chauged w|lhoul auy p||o| uol|ce. humau e||o| |s p|obab|e |u lhe couleul ol Pl.
Techn|ca| 8pec|I|caI|on:
V|deo Comp|ess|ou . NEP-4 / h.2G4 / Euhauce h.2G4 (Na|u P|ol||e).
P|aybac| |eso|ul|ou . PAL 7O4/57G (1) , hTSC G4O/48O(1)
V|deo lupul . 1G Ch, BhC, 1Vp-p, 75O
Sub code |eso|ul|ou . PAL 852 / 288(Cll), hTSC 852 / 24O(Cll)
Comp|ess|ou b|l |ale. 2OK-2Nbps , se|eclab|e
Aud|o Comp|ess|ou . .72G
Aud|o |upul . 8 ch aud|o |upul, RCA, 2Vp-p, GOOO
Aud|o 0ulpul . 1 ch RCA , 2Vp-p, GOOO
Samp||ug |ale . 8Kh/
Samp||ug s|/e . 1G b|l
Aud|o l|ac| . s|ug|e l|ac|
L|ve |sp|ay
Comp|ess|ou Reso|ul|ou . 1
V|deo lupul . Rea| l|me v|deo |upul aud v|deo decoded |upul.
V|deo 0ulpul . lmage mu|l|p|e/e|, suppo|ls up lo G4 sp||ls a||ow|ug
v|deo |upul s|gua| be|ug d|sp|ayed ou auy sp||l.
Nal||/ 0ulpul . Rea| l|me v|deo |upul aud v|deo decoded |upul.
ecod|ug . VA aud TV oulpul, p|ay lh|ough uelwo||, vo|ume
adjuslmeul, l|me d|sp|ay |uc|ud|ug lola| l|me |euglh,
lola| l|ame, cu||eul l|ame, cu||eul l|me pe||od elc,
|mage suapshol.
P|ay|ug Coul|o| . P|ay, slop, pause, lasl lo|wa|d, |ew|ud, /oom,
mule, |ocal|ou.
Euc|ypl|ou . h|gh|y secu|e euc|ypl|ou lechu|que w|lh uu|que
|deul|l|cal|ou ca|d uumbe|.
8ysIem : hT80 PAL
7O4 X 48O 7O4 X 57G
A0X-0B160 NaIr|x ecod|ng 0ard
V|deo & Aud|o
L|ve |sp|ay
P|oducl |meus|ous . 94mm / 17Omm (w / )
|oss we|ghl . 1 |g
|mens|on & Env|ronmenI
Powe| Cousumpl|ou : O81GC<22w
Tempe|alu|e . -1Oc - 55c
hum|d|ly . 1O - 9ORh ema|| . |
The lealu|es & Spec|l|cal|ou cau be chauged w|lhoul auy p||o| uol|ce. humau e||o| |s p|obab|e |u lhe couleul ol Pl.

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