Type Pali and Sanskrit in Word

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Cach go chu Pali va Sanskrit trong office word, windows 8. O day Vm dang su dung office word 20 !.

"#y$e P%li and &anskrit in 'icrosoft office( ) Cach thiet la$* 'o van +an office word, chon font chu #imes ,ew -oman, chon ta+ ./nsert0 ) click vao .sym+ol0, click more sym+ol, chon den +ieu tuong chu %, roi click .Shortcut 1ey0. 2uc do se hien len +ang Customi3e 1ey+oard, click con chuot vao o trong .Press ,ew shortcut key0. 4iu $him alt va go chu a, sau do click assign, close. 5ong mot chu %. #at ca cac chu khac cung lam theo kieu nay. O$en office, font* #imes ,ew -oman, click #a+ ./nsert06 Sym+ol6more sym+ol, click sym+ol .%0, click .shortcut key0. Click mouse in em$ty s7uare .Press ,ew shortcut key0. Press alt key, ty$e .a0, then click assign, close. 8inish one letter .%0. 9ll other letters are the same a+ove.

5ong thi tat office word. 2an sau mo office word len, moi lan muon go chu Pali hay Sanskrit thi chi can nhan $him 9lt va go vao chu ma minh da thiet la$. :uoi day la goi y mot so $him tat de thiet la$. ;hen finish all, close office. ,e<t time when you o$en word to ty$e P%li and Sanskrit, only $ress all and ty$e the letter that you have done. 4ood luck. -ecommended short keys* 9lt key = a >% 9lt key = 9>? 9lt key = w>@ 9lt key = ;>& 9lt key = s>A 9lt key = S>B 9lt key = m>C 9lt key = k>D 9lt key = E>F 9lt key = G>H 9lt key = +>I 9lt key = n>J 9lt key = i>K 9lt key = u>L 9lt key = t>M 9lt key = r>N 9lt key = h>O 9lt key = d>P 9lt key = l>Q

:e con chuot vo day, giu $him 9lt, go chu a

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