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1he Model Challenge Screen

presenLed by 1he Soclal Man

CsLenslbly, Lhls documenL ls abouL a Lechnlque called Lhe Model Challenge Screen, an
absurd llLLle name for a few quesLlons and sLaLemenLs you'd make when Lalklng Lo a
professlonal model ln whom you're romanLlcally (or aL leasL physlcally) lnLeresLed.
8uL lL wouldn'L do much good Lo glve you Lhe Lechnlque wlLhouL glvlng you a blL of
AL 1he Soclal Man, one of Lhe foundaLlons upon whlch we bulld our soclal skllls ls
famlllarlLy. 1haL ls, Lhe more LhaL you know abouL someone else's world and can relaLe
Lo lL, Lhe easler lL wlll be Lo bulld a connecLlon. lLs all abouL belng an lnslder".
unforLunaLely, lL ls dlfflculL Lo be an lnslder" wlLh models. 1helr worlds are raLher
lnsular, and before we geL lnLo Lhe Lechnlque, l wanL Lo share some LhoughLs and deLalls
LhaL wlll lnevlLably help you on your quesL Lo brlng Lhese beauLlful women lnLo your llfe.

8elng a model lsn'L all lLs cracked up Lo be. unless you're ln Lhe Lop, Lop echelon, you
husLle for work [usL llke everyone else, and someLlmes even moreso. lL can be feasL or
famlne, and Lhe Lhlngs LhaL make a model good" aL her [ob aren'L lmmedlaLely obvlous.
8efore she ends up ln fronL of a camera, much work musL be done. lL all sLarLs wlLh her
represenLaLlon. uoes she have an agency behlnd her, or noL?
Asplrlng models - Lhose who aren'L agency rep'd - spend much of Lhelr Llme on slLes
llke cralgsllsL and modelmayhem, connecLlng wlLh phoLographers, fashlon deslgners,
makeup arLlsLs, and mosL lmporLanLly, anyone who wlll glve Lhem a [ob. 1hey wlll
Lyplcally do free shooLs wlLh up-and-comlng phoLographers ln order Lo bulld Lhelr
porLfollos (and Lhe value ls muLual, as Lhe phoLographer has Lhe opporLunlLy Lo bulld hls
or her porLfollo as well). 1hese asplrlng models wlll frequenLly Lake [usL abouL any work
offered Lo Lhem wlLhln reason, and ofLen end up worklng wlLh small buslnesses who
need a face for Lhelr webslLe, caLalog, or oLher promoLlonal maLerlal.
Cnce an asplrlng model has done sufflclenL work and bullL a good porLfollo, she'll send lL
Lo Lhe agencles. LllLe, remler, lord, nexL, Cllck, 8ed, Wllhelmlna. Lhe llsL goes on and
on. 1hose are some of Lhe blgger names, wlLh offlces ln clLles such as new ?ork, Los
Angeles, Mlaml, arls and Mllan, and achlevlng represenLaLlon aL any of Lhem ls a blg
sLep. 1hese agencles have connecLlons wlLh ma[or phoLographers, reLallers and brands
(l.e. Abercromble, 1argeL, Sephora), caLalogs, and magazlnes (l.e. 8edbook,
CosmopollLan, Men's PealLh), and wlll work hard Lo geL [obs for Lhelr models.
Some models geL agency represenLaLlon wlLhouL any of Lhe hard work. uue Lo Lhelr
exLraordlnary beauLy or unlqueness of feaLures, a LalenL scouL for one of Lhe ma[or
agencles flnds Lhem and slgns Lhem rlghL lnLo a conLracL. 1hey may be dlscovered
anywhere - on a small local runway, or walklng down Lhe boardwalk ln Lhelr homeLown.
1hese women are Lyplcally dlscovered aL a very young age - ln Lhelr mld Lo laLe Leens -
and may be broughL lnLo Lhe world of hlgh fashlon before Lhey really have a sense of
who Lhey are.
WlLh Lhe excepLlon of Lhe Lop few percenL, mosL models flnd Lhelr [obs Lhrough
!"#$%&'#, and spend much of Lhelr non-camera Llme golng Lo casLlngs. A casLlng
happens when a company llke Abercromble or a magazlne llke Cosmo ls looklng for a
parLlcular phoLo or serles. 1hey'll conLacL Lhe agency wlLh a seL of speclflcaLlons of Lhe
Lypes of glrls Lhey'd llke - blonde or bruneLLe? how Lall? curvy or rall-Lhln? - and Lhe
agenLs wlll conLacL Lhe models wlLh correspondlng feaLures who Lhey represenL, and leL
Lhem know when and where Lo show up.
A casLlng can Lake [usL a few mlnuLes. A model walks ln wlLh her ())* - a porLfollo of
many dlfferenL shoLs - and shows Lhem Lo Lhe casLlng dlrecLor. uependlng on how
versaLlle she ls, her book may lncludes (+",$- shoLs (showlng off makeup or halr),
."#/%)& (showlng off cloLhlng - ofLen very arLlsLlc) (%*%&%0 2%&'+3%+0 +3)$%!, and more. 1he
casLlng dlrecLor can be very preclse, he or she Lyplcally knows exacLly whaL Lhey're
looklng for, and ls qulck Lo make [udgmenLs based on appearances.
?ou can also break up Lhe Lype of work a model does by where lL appears (as Lhls ls
ofLen how Lhey break lL up, as dlfferenL economlc values are aLLached Lo Lhe followlng
caLegorles). 45%$)3%"2 work ends up ln magazlnes - Lhose plcLures ln Lsqulre you see
alongslde Lhe feaLure of how Lo glve her more pleasure Lhan she's ever experlenced
before. 6"$"2)' work ends up ln caLalogs such as !. Crew and Lddle 8auer. 7"#/%)&
work may end up ln an arL collecLlon or ln a sexy magazlne adverLlsemenL, lf you've ever
seen a Skyy vodka ad, LhaL's consldered fashlon. 8,&9"- work has Lhe woman on a
caLwalk or on dlsplay for a fashlon show. :3);)$%)&"2 work ls Lhe leasL presLlglous: beer
glrls, Lrade-show glrls, and Lhose annoylng glrls who hand ouL haLs aL movle premlers
are all ln Lhls caLegory. 1here can be some crossover, of course, Lhe more versaLlle a
woman, Lhe more work she'll flnd for herself.
A model's versaLlllLy ls a funcLlon of her feaLures. Women wlLh perfecL bodles and less-
Lhan-perfecL faces ofLen end up dolng blklnl modellng for an lnLerneL caLalog. Women
wlLh perfecL faces and average, aLhleLlc or curvy bodles may end up dolng beauLy shoL
for an adverLlsemenL. 1all rall-Lhln women ofLen end up dolng runway modellng.
Women who wanL Lo be models buL who, frankly, don'L have whaL lL Lakes. Lhey ofLen
end up dolng promoLlonal work.
Cnce a model has been casL, she has Lo plan for Lhe [ob lLself. uependlng on when and
where Lhe shooL ls, Lhls may lnvolved calllng her agency Lo book her a fllghL, golng Lo Lhe
Lannlng bed, or oLher such acLlvlLles.
AnyLhlng can happen aL Lhe shooL. Abercromble shooLs, for example, ofLen Lake place
afLer 3 or 4 days durlng whlch Lhe male and female models have spenL Llme LogeLher ln
close quarLers. 1hey've been served plenLy of llquor over Lhls Llme, some have probably
hooked up wlLh each oLher, and Lhe emoLlons and camaraderle you see ln Lhelr on-
camera lnLeracLlons are Lyplcally real.
CfLenLlmes models wlll work wlLh a makeup arLlsL lmmedlaLely prlor Lo golng ln fronL of
Lhe camera Lo have Lhelr halr or makeup done properly. 1hls could Lake mlnuLes or
hours dependlng on Lhe shooL.
So whaL makes a good model? Cne Lhlng: she can always Lake Lhe perfecL shoL. Some
women are so naLural, and so phoLogenlc, LhaL no maLLer how Lhey're poslng ln fronL of
Lhe camera, Lhe shoL comes ouL well. 1he less work LhaL a phoLographer has Lo do ln
posL-producLlon, wheLher lL be golng Lhrough phoLo afLer phoLo Lo flnd Lhe rlghL smlle,
or alrbrushlng her love handles away, Lhe easler Lhe model has made hls or her [ob. Any
lmperfecLlons ln Lhe model's feaLures - especlally ln Lhe symmeLry of her faclal feaLures
- comes lnLo lmmedlaLe focus as Lhe raw phoLos are revlewed. And Lhe besL models
can Lake perfecL shoL afLer perfecL shoL expresslng a varleLy of emoLlons and/or wlLh a
varleLy of poses: smlllng, looklng sexy, laughlng, eLc.
hoLographers and agencles also llke worklng wlLh rellable models. Clven Lhe naLure of
Lhe [ob, and many Llmes, Lhe young age of Lhese lndlvlduals, flaklness ls hlgher Lhan ln,
say, Lhe sofLware englneerlng professlon. A model who shows up Lo a shooL on Llme,
sober, focused and confldenL abouL Lhe [ob aL hand ls a real blesslng for a phoLographer.
Cver Lhe long-Lerm, a model may slgn a conLracL wlLh a brand for excluslve
represenLaLlon. Pence, Lhe Calvln kleln" model or Lhe face of olo". 1hese conLracLs
may be excluslve or non-excluslve. 1he slze of Lhe [ob, Lhe amounL of hlgh-proflle
exposure, and Lhe excluslvlLy of Lhe conLracL (can Lhe model do oLher [obs whlle under
Lhls conLracL?) all go lnLo deLermlnlng a model's payouL. a small edlLorlal can neL $2300
- $3000, a decenL ad campalgn can neL $30,000 - $230,000. A mulLl-year conLracL can
neL even more.
lL may noL requlre a degree ln parLlcle physlcs Lo be a professlonal model. And whlle Lhe
[ob has many perks (and offers a Lruly amazlng llfesLyle for Lhose who break lnLo Lhe Lop
Ller), lL ls noL wlLhouL lLs hard work. undersLandlng and appreclaLlng Lhe unlqueness of
Lhe model wlLh whom you're speaklng wlll Lake you a long way.

Cenerally, preLLy good. She geLs pald Lo be aLLracLlve, and has access Lo Lhlngs LhaL
mosL mere morLals do noL.
lor a momenL Lhough, leL's dlsLlngulsh beLween Lhe dlfferenL Lypes of models you're
llkely Lo meeL. l know plenLy of glrls who call Lhemselves 'models' who, frankly, are noL.
1hey're occaslonally pald Lo Lake phoLographs and dlsLrlbuLe promoLlonal maLerlals.
And Lhls ls Lhe flrsL lesson of communlcaLlng wlLh models - don'L leL yourself be phased
when Lhe 'm' word ls Lhrown ln your face. l've found LhaL Lhe sLrongesL self-promoLers
are Lhe leasL secure abouL Lhelr poslLlons as models, and Lhus consLanLly need Lo remlnd
Lhe resL of Lhe world (and Lhemselves) abouL lL.
1he broadesL segmenL ls probably beLween Lhose who are self-represenLed, and Lhose
represenLed by an agency. Cnce a glrl geLs agency represenLaLlon, a few Lhlngs happen.
llrsL, she ls ln Lhe club," so Lo speak, of women who are beauLlful and LalenLed enough
Lo make a go aL Lhls professlonally.
?ou'll also flnd a hlgh correlaLlon beLween models who are agency-rep'd, and models
who llve ln ma[or meLropollLan clLles. 1hey Lyplcally llve where Lhe work ls and/or where
Lhelr agencles are locaLed. lf Lhey're from a small Lown, Lhey may vlslL home (frequenLly,
even), buL Lhe llkellhood of meeLlng a model ln new ?ork or Mlaml ls much hlgher Lhan
ln WlchlLa or SLalns.
When a glrl geLs agency represenLaLlon, she ofLen meeLs a few oLher models, aL parLles,
on shooLs, Lhrough her agenL. And whlle you'll rarely see posses of models hanglng ouL
LogeLher as besL buds (Lhere ls a compeLlLlveness ln Lhe professlon LhaL breeds
secluslon), you'll ofLen flnd Lhem aL slmllar Lypes of places soclally.
Models are ofLen granLed access Lo parLles, evenLs and Lravel where Lhelr beauLy and
presence would be a value-add, elLher Lo Lhe general soclal slLuaLlon, or Lo a speclflc
man's soclal agenda. romoLers wlll work hard Lo recrulL Lhem, and wlll furnlsh Lhem
wlLh free drlnks, a group of cool men and women, and fun parLles. 1hey don'L have Lo
work Loo hard Lo geL access Lo Lhese Lhlngs, or Lo bulld Lhelr soclal clrcles, and Lhus, may
noL appreclaLe Lhe hard work you've puL ln Lo geLLlng Lhere. Cbvlously, a gross
generallzaLlon, buL one LhaL l've found Lo be, well, generally Lrue.
1hose excepLlonally beauLlful models who are dlscovered early may be exposed Lo a
fasL-paced culLure, and LempLed Lo do and experlence Lhlngs LhaL, done and
experlenced enough, wlll leave Lhem feellng [aded and/or lsolaLed. Agaln, a gross
generallzaLlon, buL agaln, generally Lrue ln my experlence.
As Lhelr professlon ls a vlsual one, Lhey are Lyplcally more vlsual Lhan oLher women.
1hey pay very close aLLenLlon Lo Lhelr men: cloLhlng, body language, general aesLheLlc.
And Lhey ofLen Lake lnLeresL ln vlsual sub[ecLs: phoLography, arL, beauLy and fashlon.
knowledge of self, and of Lhese sub[ecLs, wlll llkely ensure many flne, real conversaLlons
wlLh Lhese women.
When lL comes Lo men, Lhelr experlences are rarely 100 poslLlve (buL Lhen agaln, can
any woman say LhaL?). 1hey may have meL and/or daLed model-chasers," men who
deflne Lhemselves by how many models Lhey can daLe and/or sleep wlLh. Llke oLher
forms of lnauLhenLlclLy, Lhls behavlor ls sure Lo [ade any woman. 1o love beauLy ls one
Lhlng, Lo chase lL for Lhe sake of one's ego ls anoLher.
1hey've also meL plenLy of men who feel LhaL Lhey need Lo be overly asserLlve,
domlnanL, or flaL-ouL mean, ln an aLLempL Lo esLabllsh value and conLrol. Agaln,
generally a masslve Lurn-off.
A Lhlrd group of men who dlsappolnL Lhem are all Lhose who are Loo afrald Lo approach
Lhem and have a real conversaLlon wlLh Lhem.
8uL Lhese generallzaLlons are dangerous. l daLed a model who was 21, and anoLher who
was 31, and besldes Lhelr professlons, Lhere was very llLLle Lhey had ln common.
ALLrlbuLlng a seL of personallLy characLerlsLlcs Lo a person based solely on Lhelr [ob ls a
dangerous Lhlng (as any woman who Lhlnks she Lruly knows me based on my [ob would
flnd ouL) and aL Lhe end of Lhe day, you're sLlll deallng wlLh a real person who ls [usL a
llLLle blL dlfferenL Lhan Lhe resL of us ln a way LhaL socleLy really values.
l've meL models who became phoLographers, door glrls, professlonals, and
enLrepreneurs. Some of Lhese women are Lruly hlgh value, Lhrough and Lhrough. ?ou'd
never daLe Lhese glrls wlLhouL belng a fun, charlsmaLlc, asserLlve, hlgh-value guy
l've meL oLhers who are nearly soclopaLhlc Lralnwrecks. 1hey'll chase shlny ob[ecLs and
anyLhlng Lhey can'L have. 1hese are Lyplcally Lhe younger ones, and Lhey respond beLLer
Lo an lncredlbly domlnanL man wlLh hlgh soclal proof - Lhe alpha of alphas (or aL leasL
he seems LhaL way). Co afLer Lhem lf you llke, beauLlful or noL, you're ln for a rlde wlLh
many ups and more downs.
ln soclal slLuaLlons, models know Lhelr value. Approachlng and communlcaLlng wlLh
Lhem wlLh anyLhlng oLher Lhan confldence and auLhenLlclLy ls llkely Lo be a Lurnoff.
?ou're golng Lo have Lo play Lhe game, [usL llke wlLh anyone else, and noL leL Lhelr looks
or soclal value affecL your coolness or sense of personal value.
As Lo where Lo meeL Lhem. you'll rarely flnd agency-rep'd models hanglng ouL aL bars
where normal" glrls go. 1hey elLher wanL Lo go Lo places where Lhey know Lhey'll meeL
Lhe Lop dogs (soclally), places Lhey won'L be boLhered, or places where Lhey have a
sLrong personal lnLeresL (l.e. a rock and roll or hlp-hop show). 1hlnk very small, or very
excluslve. lf you llve ln a ma[or clLy, you need Lo be hooked lnLo a promoLer neLwork Lo
know when and where Lhey're ouL. ln new ?ork, lL ls Mondays aL 8uLLer. ln London,
SaLurdays aL Movlda. And so on. Cood luck geLLlng ln Lhe door lf you're noL ln Lhe
know - so geL ln Lhe know. lor more on LhaL, check ouL 8ocksLar LlfesLyle.
CLherwlse, you can meeL Lhem ouL and abouL durlng Lhe dayLlme 1hose men wlLhouL
real day [obs can spend Lhelr Llme hanglng ouL ln a park, walLlng for a Lall, consplcuously
aLLracLlve glrl Lo walk by wlLh a large porLfollo book hanglng ouL of her bag, en[oylng an
hour's break beLween casLlngs.
llnally, you can meeL Lhem Lhrough frlends. Models have real frlends Loo, and
appreclaLe real llfe [usL as much as anyone else. neLwork your way around enough ln a
ma[or clLy (and wlLh Lhe rlghL soclal skllls), and you're sure Lo meeL one or Lwo.

So much of a model's value ls fronL-loaded LhaL Lo approach her dlrecLly ls only advlsed
when you have solld eye conLacL. And how do you geL LhaL? uress well, and elLher be
exLremely good looklng (and be every glrl's Lype) or geL hlgh soclal value. AL a rock bar,
Lhls means belng ln Lhe band, or belng frlends wlLh Lhem. ln a club envlronmenL, Lhls
means knowlng a group of people (lncludlng promoLers), belng aL a Lable of your own
(elLher one you pald for or one Lo whlch you've been lnvlLed), and havlng a loL of fun
wlLh Lhe women around you. Cn Lhe sLreeL, well. [usL glve lL a shoL. ?ou [usL can'L
bulld soclal value LhaL qulckly.
Cnce you have eye conLacL, or proxlmlLy, or whaLever whlch makes Lhe conversaLlon
easy Lo sLarL, you sLarL lL. 1hls lsn'L a course on openlng - for LhaL, check ouL Say Pello.
AlmosL every Llme l've sLarLed a conversaLlon wlLh a model or anyone else of
excepLlonal physlcal beauLy, lLs been Lhrough an lnLroducLlon, a slLuaLlonal commenL, or
an lncredlbly dlrecL opener LhaL recognlzed her eye conLacL and sexual lnLeresL and
sklpped Lhe pleasanLrles.
So you're Lalklng Lo her. and lL comes up LhaL she's a model. Maybe you ask whaL she
does, or maybe your game ls LlghL enough LhaL she offers lL up. Cood slgn ln LhaL laLLer
case, models are lncredlbly aware of Lhe soclal power LhaL Lhelr [ob LlLles confer upon
Lhem, and lf Lhey're comlng ouL of Lhe blue and Lelllng you, Lhey're worklng for you.
Cood [ob, chlef.
Pere's where our model challenge screen" comes ln. My frlend uavld came up wlLh
Lhls concepL of a challenge screen - a seL of quesLlons LhaL ls really meanL Lo suss ouL
Lhe value of someone's quallflcaLlons. noL only does lL show Lhem LhaL you won'L be
bowed by some surface-level quallflcaLlons, buL also LhaL you know a Lhlng or Lwo abouL
Lhelr world and wanL Lo geL Lo know where Lhey flL lnLo lL all.
1he key wlLh a challenge screen ls Lo noL be overly challenglng. 1hlnk abouL how lL
would feel lf a woman was belng excepLlonally challenglng Lo you - polnLed quesLlon
afLer polnLed quesLlon abouL your professlon. ?ou'd probably geL defenslve, Lhls ls whaL
we call a frame grab" (see unbreakable and Superpowers), and soclally saavy people
know when lLs happenlng, and don'L llke lL.
So your dellvery on Lhls has Lo be playful, fllrLy, and even a blL lnnocenL. 1he challenge
ls apparenL ln Lhe quesLlons, and Lo make her work for you wlLh several quesLlons ln a
row (and lf LhaL concepL doesn'L makes sense, please see unbreakable and Lhe secLlons
on lnvesLmenL and engagemenL), you have Lo keep her feellng good along Lhe way.
1he model challenge screen Lakes advanLage of several Lhlngs we learned above, plus
several oLher elemenLs, Lo geL her boLh worklng for you and en[oylng Lhe conversaLlon.
lL won'L usually save a conversaLlon LhaL's been messed up, buL don correcLly, lL wlll
Lake a conversaLlon ln whlch she's 30-30 and geL her Lo go all ln.
8o|ded quest|ons]statements are cr|t|ca|, non-bo|ded are used as needed
Per: l'm a model.
(Lhls may come up because you ask, Lhls may come up because she llkes you)
ou: eah! I can tota||y see that. Must be fun. What do you do, ||ke pr|nt, runway?
(Lhe musL be fun" ls a nlce llLLle compllmenL and prlmes her for Lhe screen. now you
ask lf she does prlnL or runway. 1hls ls almosL enLlrely unexpecLed, as mosL men wlll
sLarL slobberlng or asklng her so whaL's lL llke?")
a.) Per: runway
a.) ?ou: cool! Any crazy experlences? Llke, you ever. Lrlp?
(as a percenLage, very few models only do runway. Make sure Lo make dlrecL eye
conLacL when you say 'Lrlp'. from here, leL her answer, Lhen ask her whaL klnd of
phoLography she'd wanL Lo do lf she dld lL, slmllar Lo Lhe quesLlon b)
b.) Per: prlnL
b.) ou: coo|! so, ||ke fash|on, ed|tor|a|.?
(agaln, very fun and casual, as lf you're her blg broLher. no more Lhan Lwo caLegorles
here, and by guesslng some of Lhe more presLlglous ones, you're auLomaLlcally puLLlng
her ln a poslLlon Lo pass your screen, or Lo mlss lL lf she's a 'lesser model')
Per: 1he answers Lhe glves you aL Lhls polnL could go anywhere, and lLs noL worLh llsLlng
all Lhe posslble ouLcomes. Clrls who do caLalog and edlLorlal usually do lL because lL
pays well, noL because Lhey're passlonaLe abouL lL. Clrls who do promoLlonal modellng
wlsh Lhey were dolng caLalog. And glrls who do fashlon are Lruly lucky. lf she's a Lop
Ller model, she'll llkely do mosL of Lhe above and say someLhlng llke 'yeah, all LhaL'. ?ou
can leL her carry Lhls conversaLlon Lhread for awhlle. lf she glves you a long answer and
you can vlbe wlLh lL, do so, Lhen sklp ahead Lo Lhe nexL bolded quesLlon. lf she glves you
a shorL answer, move on Lo Lhe nexL quesLlon, whlch ls funcLlonally a screen.
?ou: do you geL a loL of work?
a.) Per: yes
a.) ?ou: nlce, your agenL musL love you.
b.) Per: no
b.) ?ou: well hopefully you geL Lo en[oy your free Llme.
ou: .where m|ght I have seen you?
Per: Lhls ls a blggle. MosL glrls love Lo Lalk abouL Lhe work Lhey've done. use Lhls as an
opporLunlLy Lo fllrL. lf you've waLched Superpowers, you should have a sense of how Lo
use playful false assumpLlons Lo good effecL here. A slmple example: lf she says
Cosmo", you can say haha cuLe, are you LhaL glrl havlng plllow flghLs. or Lhe one losL
ln orgasm?" lay around wlLh Lhls conversaLlon Lhread for as long as lL ls convenlenL.
1he challenge screen can end here, as you've probably demonsLraLed enough of an
undersLandlng of her world Lo geL her Lo open up Lo you and wanL Lo know abouL you aL
Lhls polnL. lf she sLarLs fllrLlng back or asklng you quesLlons, you're golden. Powever, lf
she doesn'L, or aL some polnL laLer ln Lhe conversaLlon you need Lo geL her laughlng, you
can use Lhe followlng.
?ou: so do you have a favorlLe phoLographer Lo work wlLh?
Per: yes/no/whaLever.
(her answer aL Lhls polnL ls lncldenLal. Some glrls wlll say LhaL Lhey don'L care as long as
he's fun, some glrls wlll have a sLrong preference. Agaln, you wlll need Lo use some of
your own creaLlvlLy Lo vlbe wlLh her. My only advlce ls Lo Lake Lhls parL of Lhe
conversaLlon serlously, as Lhe dlfference beLween a good phoLographer and a bad or
creepy phoLographer ls nlghL and day, and can make or break Lhe shooL. WhaLever Lhe
case, you wanL Lo geL Lo Lhe polnL where you say Lhe followlng).
?ou: ?ou know, Lhe oLher day l was aL a frlend's house and saw Lhls huge book by a guy
named uavld Lachapelle. l Lhlnk lL was called Peaven or Pell. And l can see you
worklng well wlLh hlm, llke. lL'd be a very colorful backdrop, and Lhen your legs (pause
for 2-3 seconds) and Lhen a huge, lnflaLable cheeseburger coverlng your upper Lorso.
lL'd be so hoL.
(uavld Lachapelle ls a promlnenL fashlon phoLographer, and lf you've ever read Lhrough
a 8olllng SLone magazlne, chances are you've seen hls work. And lncldenLally Peaven
or Pell" ls an amazlng coffee Lable book. l'd advlse you Lo buy lL, and Lhen you can Lalk
abouL Lhls ln Lhe flrsL person perspecLlve, lnsLead of saylng you saw lL aL a frlend's
house. And lL also won'L be a lle. ln any case, ;)#$ hlgh-fashlon models know of uavld
Lachapelle, and Lhls [oke relles on a sllghL neg", a funny vlsual lmage, and lnslder
knowledge LhaL only a Lrue fashlonlsLa would appreclaLe. l came up wlLh Lhls
sponLaneously one day, have Lold lL abouL seven Llmes slnce Lhen, and lL always geLs a
good response)

And LhaL's lL, no more necessary Lo geL Lhe conversaLlon hooked LlghL. lf you are a.)
regularly meeLlng models and b.) flndlng yourself ln a poslLlon Lo use Lhls, Lhen l'll
assume LhaL Lhlngs are generally golng well and LhaL you'll flnd Lhls Lo be an lncredlbly
useful addlLlon Lo your LoolklL. lf you're noL meeLlng models, or are geLLlng summarlly
re[ecLed by Lhem, Lhe Model Challenge Screen lsn'L golng Lo work wonders for you,
check ouL our oLher programs or comlng ln for coachlng so we can geL you polnLed ln
Lhe rlghL dlrecLlon.
8esL of luck, and don'L forgeL Lo brlng some love and flre Lo Lhese women's llves!

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