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Program 1: Write a program in Visual Basic to Print your personal details.

Private Sub Command1_Click() Print "Rashmeen" End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() Print "BBA(CAM)" End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click() Print "Guru Gobind Singh IP University" End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click() Print "Ideal Institute of Management & Technology End Sub

Program 2: Write a Program in Visual Basic to design a Simple Calculator.

Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a, b, r As Integer a = Val(Text1.Text) b = Val(Text2.Text) r=a+b

Text3.Text = r End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim a, b, r As Integer a = Val(Text1.Text) b = Val(Text2.Text) r=a-b Text3.Text = r End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click() Dim a, b, r As Integer a = Val(Text1.Text) b = Val(Text2.Text) r=a/b Text3.Text = r End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click() Dim a, b, r As Integer a = Val(Text1.Text) b = Val(Text2.Text) r=a*b Text3.Text = r

End Sub Program 3: Write a program to show the working of IF Statement.

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