Syllabus and Case List of Transportation Laws

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CHAPTER I DEFINITION AND CONCEPTS 1. Contract of Transportation 2. Parties a. Carriage of Passengers Baliwag Transit Corporation vs. Court of Appeals. G.R. No. 8044 . !an. "1# 1$$$. %. Carriage of Goo&s ". Perfection a. Aircraft %. Buses# !eepne's an& (treet Cars c. Trains i. Britis) Airwa's *nc. vs. Court of Appeals. G.R. No. $2288. +e%ruar' $# 1$$" Carrier 1. Tests 2. C)aracteristics a. Ancillar' Business %. ,i-ite& Clientele c. .eans of Transportation ". /ffect of C)arter Part' Distinguish fr ! Pri"ate Carrier 0e Gu1-an vs. CA 128 (CRA 212 +a%re vs. CA. G.R. No 11112 . !ul' 22# 1$$2 Bascos vs. CA G.R. No. 10108$. April #1$$" +G3 vs. GP (ar-iento Truc4ing Corp.# et al. "00 (CRA 221 Asia ,ig)terage ()ipping *nc. vs. CA. G.R. No. 14 242. Aug. 1$# 200". Crisosto-o vs. CA. G.R. No. 1"8""4. August 25# 200". Distinguish fr ! T #age$ Arrastre an% Ste"e% ring & "erning La#s Nature f Business Registere% O#ner Ru'e an% (a)it S*ste! 1. Registration ,aws 2. Registere& 6wner Rule ". 7a%it ('stea. Pari 0elicto Rule %. Aircrafts an& 8essels i. (antos vs. (i%ug. G.R. No. ,922815. .a' 22# 1$81 ii. Baliwag Transit *nc. vs. CA 14 (CRA 82 iii. ,ita /nterprises vs. (econ& Civil Cases 0ivision. 12$ (CRA $ CHAPTER II OBLI&ATIONS OF THE PARTIES OBLI&ATION OF THE CARRIER a. 0ut' to Accept %. 0ut' to 0eliver a. Co&e of Co--erce %. A%an&on-ent c. Rig)t of Passengers c. :)ere an& to w)o- &elivere& a. Place %. Consignee c. 0ela' to Transport Passengers &. 0ut' to e;ercise /;traor&inar' 0iligence a. Presu-ption of Negligence

1. .irasol vs. T)e Ro%ert 0ollar Co. G.R. No. ,92$ 21. .arc) 2 # 1$2$.
Transportation ,aw Case 0igests %. 0uration of 0ut' 1. Carriage of Goo&s 1. .aca- vs. CA. G.R. No. 12524. August 25# 1$$$ 2. Carriage of Passengers. 1. ,RTA vs. Navi&a& G.R. No. 145804. +e%ruar' 2# 200". 2. 0angwa Transportation Co. vs. CA. G.R. No. $5582. 6ct. # 1$$1 ". ,a .allorca vs. CA. 1 (CRA "$ 4. A%oiti1 ()ipping Corp. vs. CA. 1 $ (CRA $5. e. 0efenses of Co--on Carriers a. +ortuitous /vent 1. Re<uisites 2. Participation of t)e Carrier ". +ire 4. =i>ac4ing 5. .ec)anical 0efects %. 6t)er *nvali& 0efenses 1. P=*,A.G/. *N(. 8s. .C6. G.R. No. 1"5245. .arc) 8# 2002. 2. Pilapil vs. CA. G.R. No. 5215$. 0ece-%er 22# 1$8$. ". +ortune /;press *nc. vs. CA. G.R. No. 11$ 52. .arc) 18# 1$$$. 4. !untilla vs. +antanar. G.R. No. ,9452" . .a' "1# 1$85. 5. ,asa- et al vs. (-it). G.R. No. 1$4$5. +e%ruar' 2# 1$24. 2. Gacal et al vs. PA,. 18" (CRA 18$. c. Pu%lic /ne-' &. *-proper Pac4ing e. 6r&er of Pu%lic Aut)orit' 1. .auro Gan1on v. Court of Appeals# et al. G.R. No. ,948 5 . .a' "0# 1$88 f. 0efenses in Carriage of Passengers 1. /-plo'ees 2. 6t)er Passengers an& T)ir& Persons 1. .aranan vs. Pere1. G.R. No. ,9222 2. !une 22# 1$2 . 2. 0e Gillaco et al vs. .anila Railroa& Co. G.R. No. ,980"4. Nov. 18# 1$55. 3. Bac)elor /;press *nc. vs. CA. G.R. No. 852$1. !ul' "1# 1$$0. g. Passenger?s Baggage Page ,

O)'igati ns f Shi++er$ C signee an% Passenger 1. Negligence of ()ipper or Passenger a. ,ast Clear C)ance b. Assu-ption of Ris4 i. *saac vs. A.,. A--en Transportation Co.# 101 P)il. 1042 ii. Co-pania .ariti-a vs. CA. G.R. No. ,9"1" $. August 2$# 1$88. iii. Cangco vs. .anila Railroa& Co. "8 P)il. 28 iv. 0el Pra&o vs. .anila /lectric Co. G.R. No. 2$422. .arc) # 1$2$. v. PNR vs. =on. CA. G.R. No. ,955"4 . 6cto%er 4# 1$85. 2. +reig)t a. A-ount to %e pai& b. :)o will pa' c. Ti-e to pa' i. Carriage of Passengers %' (ea

ii. Carrier?s ,ien 3. 0e-urrage

Page Transportation ,aw Case 0igests

CHAPTER III E.TRAORDINARY DILI&ENCE Rati na'e H # Dut* is C !+'ie% With 0ut' to T)ir& Persons Effe/t f Sti+u'ati n Goo&s Passengers @Gratuitous Passengers A E0tra r%inar* Di'igen/e in the Carriage )* Sea 1. (eawort)iness a. :arrant' of (eawort)iness of ()ip b. No 0ut' to *n<uire c. .eaning of (eawort)iness d. +itness of t)e vessel i. Cargo wort)iness ii. /<uip-ent an& .anning iii. A&e<uate /<uip-ent 2. 6verloa&ing 3. Proper (torage 4. Negligence of Captain an& Crew a. Passenger (afet' i. (tan&ar& 8acuu- 6il Co. vs. ,u1on (teve&oring. G.R. No. ,9520". April 18# 1$52. ii. Planters Pro&ucts *nc. vs. CA et al. G.R. No. 10150". (epte-%er 15# 1$$". iii. .ecenas vs. CA. 180 (CRA 8". 5. 0eviation an& Transs)ip-ent E0tra r%inar* Di'igen/e in the Carriage f Lan% 1. Con&ition of 8e)icle 2. Traffice Rules a. Brinas vs. People. G.R. No. ,9"0"0$. Nove-%er 25# 1$8". b. B,TB vs. *AC. G.R. Nos. 4"8 9$0. Nove-%er 14# 1$88. c. Batangas Transportation Co vs. Cagui-%al. G.R. No. ,922$85. !anuar' 24# 1$28. d. .allari# (r. vs. CA. G.R. No. 12820 . !anuar' "1# 2000. 3. 0ut' to *nspect E0tra r%inar* Di'igen/e in Carriage )* Air 1. *nspection a. RA 22"5 i. PA, vs. CA. G.R. No. 8221$. (epte-%er 15# 1$$". ii. A%eto vs. PA,. G.R. No. ,9282$2. !ul' "0# 1$82. CHAPTER I1 BILL OF LADIN& AND OTHER FOR2ALITIES 1. Concept 2. Nature of Bill ,a&ing ". :)en /ffective 4. Bill of ,a&ing as Contract a. Contract of A&)esion %. Parol /vi&ence Rule c. Bill of ,a&ing as /vi&ence &. Actiona%le 0ocu-ents e. Basic (tipulations i. 6verlan& Transportation ii. .ariti-e Co--erce iii. Air Transportation f. Pro)i%ite& an& ,i-iting (tipulations i. Civil Co&e

1. Purpose 2. (tipulation Re&ucing 0iligence ii. Carriage of Goo&s %' (ea Act Page 3 Transportation ,aw Case 0igests 1. .eaning of Pac4age a. =./. =eacoc4 Co. vs. .acon&ar' B Co. G.R. No. ,9 125$8. 6cto%er "1# 1$21. %. 6ng Cu vs. CA. G.R. No. ,9405$ . !une 2$# 1$ $. c. (ea9,an& vs. *AC. G.R. No. 5118. August "1# 1$8 . &. Cita&el ,ines vs. CA. G.R. No. 880$2. April 25# 1$$0. e. /verett (tea-s)ip vs. CA. G.R. No. 1224$4. 6cto%er 8# 1$$8. iii. *nternational Air Transportation 1. Nort)west Airlines# *nc. vs. Cuenca. G.R. No. ,922425. August "1# 1$25. 2. A,TA,*A vs. *AC. G.R. No. 1$2$. 0ece-%er 4# 1$$0. ". PAN A-erican vs. *AC. G.R. No. ,9 0422. August 11# 1$$8. 4. C)ina Airlines vs. C)io4. G.R. No. 152122. !ul' "0# 200". 5. (antos *** vs. Nort)west Airlines. G.R. No. 1015"8. !une 2"# 1$$2. 2. 3nite& Airlines vs. 3'. G.R. No. 12 28. Nove-%er 1$# 1$$$. ,a&ing as Receipt ,a&ing as Contract Negotia%ilit' i. /ffect of Notation DNon9negotia%leE =ow Negotiate& i. Bearer 0ocu-ent ii. 6r&er 0ocu-ent /ffects of Negotiation

5. Bill of 2. Bill of a. %. c.

CHAPTER 1 ACTIONS AND DA2A&ES IN CASE OF BREACH 1. 0istinctions 2. Concurrent Causes of Actions a. (oli&ar' ,ia%ilit' ". Notice of Clai- an& Prescriptive Perio& a. 6verlan& Transportation of Goo&s an& Coastwise ()ipping i. :)en to file a clai- wit) carrier ii. /;tinctive Prescriptive 1. Rol&an vs. ,i- Pon1o B Co. G.R. No. ,911"25. 0ece-%er # 1$1 . %. *nternational Carriage of Goo&s %' (ea i. Prescription 1. *nsurance P)il A-erican General *ns. 8s. (weet ,ines *nc. G.R. No. 8 4"4. August 5# 1$$2. 06,/ P)ils.# *nc. vs. .ariti-e Co. G.R. No. ,921"52. +e%ruar' 2 # 1$8 . .ariti-e Agencies B (ervices# *nc. vs. CA. G.R. No. 2"8 F 2 4. !ul' 12# 1$$0. 4. Recovera%le 0a-ages a. /;tent of Recover' %. 7in&s of 0a-ages i. Actual or Co-pensator' 0a-ages 1. ,oss of /arning Capacit' 2. Attorne'?s +ees ". *nterests c. .oral 0a-ages &. No-inal 0a-ages e. Te-perate or .o&erate 0a-ages

f. ,i<ui&ate& 0a-ages g. /;e-plar' or Corrective 0a-ages i. Bac)elor /;press *nc. vs. CA. G.R. No. 852$1. !ul' "1# 1$$0. ii. Gulueta et al vs. PAN A-erican. !anuar' 8# 1$ ". iii. Air +rance vs. Carriascoso. G.R. No. ,9214"8. (epte-%er 1$22. iv. Trans :orl& Airlines vs. CA. G.R. No. 8252. August "0# 1$88. v. Ar-ovit vs. CA. G.R. No. 88521. April 20# 1$$0. vi. PA, vs. CA. G.R. Nos. 50504905. August 1"# 1$$0 PART II 2ARITI2E LAW Page 4 CHAPTER 1I &ENERAL CONCEPTS 1. .ariti-e ,awH 0efine& 2. Real an& ='pot)ecar' Nature a. Nature an& Rationale %. (tatutor' Provisions c. Coverage &. /;ceptions i. Negligence ii. *nsurance iii. :or4er?s Co-pensation e. A%an&on-ent f. Proce&ure for /nforce-ent i. P)il. ()ipping Co. vs. 8ergara ii. T)e Gov?t of t)e P)il. vs. *nsular .ariti-e Co. G.R. No. 214$5. .arc) 18# 1$24. iii. Cangco vs. ,aserna. G.R. Nos. 4 44 94 44$. 6cto%er 2$# 1$41. iv. ,u1on (teve&oring Corp. vs. CA. G.R. No. ,9588$ . 0ece-%er "# 1$8 . v. C)ua Ce4 =ong vs. *AC. G.R. No. 4811. (epte-%er "0# 1$88. vi. =eirs of A-paro 0elos (antos vs. CA. G.R. No. 51125. !une 21# 1$$0. ". Protest 4. A&-iralt' !uris&iction CHAPTER 1II 1ESSELS 1. General Concepts a. 0efinitions i. ,ope1 vs. 0uruelo# et al. G.R. No. 2$122. 6cto%er 22# 1$22.I %. Construction# /<uip-ent an& .anning c. Personal Propert' 2. 6wners)ip a. Ac<uisition i. Prescription ii. (ale %. Registration i. .arina Rules c. ()ip?s .anifest i. +u%iso an& Belito vs. Rivera. G.R. No. ,91140 . 6cto%er "0# 1$1 . &. .ortgage i. ()ip .ortgage 0ecree ii. .arina Rules e. 6t)er Co&e of Co--erce Provisions f. (afet' Regulations CHAPTER 1III PERSONS WHO TA(E PART IN 2ARITI2E CO22ERCE 1. ()ip 6wners an& ()ip Agents a. Part 6wners %. ()ip Agents i. Powers

Transportation ,aw Case 0igests

ii. iii. iv. v.

,i-itations of Powers 0ut' to Account Rei-%urse-ent an& ,ia%ilities 0isc)arge of Captain an& Crew 1. Cu Can vs. *pil. G.R. No. ,9101$5. 0ece-%er 2$# 1$12. 2. :ing 7ee Co-pra&oring Co. vs. Bar4 .anangueta. 44 P)il 424 ". :alter (-it) B Co. vs. Ca&waller Gi%son. 55 P)il. 51 4. Cu Biao (antua B Co. vs. 6sorio. G.R. No. 1 2$0. !une 14# 1$22.

2. Captains an& .asters Page 5 Transportation ,aw Case 0igests a. Concepts %. Jualifications c. Powers an& +unctions &. 0iscretion of Captain or .aster e. Pilotage i. .aster an& Pilot ii. ()ip owner an& Pilot iii. Pilot an& Association f. Co&e of Co--erce an& Provisions on Captain i. *nter96rient .ariti-e /nt.vs. N,RC. G.R. No. 115282. August 11# 1$$4. ii. (weet ,ines vs. CA. G.R. No. ,9424"0. April 28# 1$8". ". 6fficers an& Crew a. Regulation of .erc)ant .arine Profession %. .ini-u- (afe .anning c. (ecurit' of Tenure &. Co&e of Co--erce Provisions i. (ailing .ate ii. (econ& .ate an& .arine /ngineer iii. Crew 4. (upercargoes

CHAPTER I. CHARTER PARTIES 1. 0efinition an& Concept 2. 0ifferent 7in&s of C)arter Parties a. Bare%oat C)arter %. Contract of Affreig)t-ent ". /ffect of C)aracter of Carrier 4. Persons w)o -a' -a4e C)arter 5. Re<uisites 2. +reig)t . 0e-urrage an& 0ea&freig)t a. Co-putation of ,a' 0a's 8. Rig)ts an& 6%ligations a. ()ip 6wner or Captain %. C)arterer $. /ffect of Bill of ,a&ing 10.Co&e of Co--erce Provisions a. 6?+arrel ' Cia vs. .anila /lectric Co. G.R. No. "1222. 6cto%er 2$# 1$2$. %. Calte; @P)ils.A vs. (ulpicio ,ines# *nc. G.R. No. 1"1122. (epte-%er "0# 1$$$.

CHAPTER . LOAN ON BOTTO2RY AND RESPONDENTIA 1. 0efinitions an& Concepts 2. 0istinguis)e& fro- (i-ple ,oan ". Parties

4. +or5. Conse<uences of ,oss 2. Co&e of Co--erce Provisions

CHAPTER .I A1ERA&ES 1. Average in General 2. (i-ple Average a. 0efinition %. B' :)o- Born c. /;a-ple of (i-ple Average ". General Average Page 6 Transportation ,aw Case 0igests a. 0efinition an& Re<uisites i. Co--on &anger ii. 0eli%erate sacrifice iii. (acrifice -ust %e successful iv. Co-pliance wit) legal steps %. /;a-ples of General Average c. B' :)o- Borne i. *nsurers ii. ,en&ers on %otto-r' an& respon&entia &. :)o is entitle& to in&e-nit' i. .agsa'sa' *nc. vs. Agan. G.R. No. ,92"$". !anuar' "1# 1$55. ii. A-erican =o-e Assurance vs. CA. G.R. No. $414$. .a' 5# 1$$2. 4. Proof an& ,i<ui&ation of Average i. (tan&ar& 6il vs. Castelo. G.R. No. 1"2$5. 6cto%er 18# 1$21. 5. Cor49Antwerp Rules

CHAPTER .II COLLISIONS 1. Concepts a. 0efinition %. Gones in Collision i. /rror in /;tre-is 2. Applica%le ,aw ". Rules on ,ia%ilit' a. (pecific Rules i. 6ne 8essel at +ault ii. Bot) 8essel at +ault iii. Part' at +ault Cannot %e 0eter-ine& iv. +ortuitous /vent v. T)ir& Person at +ault 4. 6t)er Rules 5. Protest 2. ,i-ite& ,ia%ilit' Rule a. National 0evelop-ent Co. vs. CA. G.R. No. ,94$40 . August 1$# 1$88. %. Cit' of .anila vs. AGP Co. G.R. No. 4510. 0ece-%er 10# 1$08. c. Gov. of t)e P)il. *slan&s vs. P)il. (tea-s)ip Co. G.R. No. 18$5 . !anuar' 12# 1$2". &. ,ope1 vs. 0uruelo et al. G.R. No. 2$122. 6cto%er 22# 1$28. e. .arine Tra&ing Co.# *nc. vs. Gov. of t)e P)il. *slan&s. G.R. No. 1"422. Nove-%er 8# 1$18. f. (-it) Bell B Co. vs. CA. G.R. No. 522$4. .a' 20# 1$$0. g. T)e 3nite& (tates vs. (-it) Bell B Co. G.R. No. 18 2. (epte-%er "0# 1$05. ). 8er1osa vs. ,i-. G.R. No. 20145. Nove-%er 15# 1$2". i. C.B. :illia-s vs. Cangco. G.R. No. 8"25. .arc) 10# 1$14. CHAPTER .III ARRI1AL UNDER STRESS AND SHIPWREC(S

1. Arrival 3n&er (tress a. 0efinition %. (teps c. Co&e of Co--erce Provisions i. :)en i-proper ii. /;penses iii. Custo&' of Cargo iv. ,ia%ilit' of Captain 2. ()ipwrec4s a. 0efinition %. Co&e of Co--erce Provision CHAPTER .I1 SAL1A&E Page 7 Transportation ,aw Case 0igests 1. Governing ,aw 2. 0efinition an& Concept ". /le-ents of 8ali& Clai-s a. A%an&on-ent 4. Basis for /ntitle-ent 5. Rig)ts an& 6%ligations 2. (alvage ,aw a. G. 3rrutia B Co. vs. T)e Pasign (tea-er B ,ig)ter Co. G.R. No. 2$4. .arc) 22# 1$12 %. C( Ro%inson et al vs. T)e ()ip DA,TAE G.R. No. ,9"488. August 10# 1$0 . c. T)e .anila Railroa& Co. vs. .acan&ra' B Co. G.R. No. ,9124 5. .arc) 21# 1$18 &. :allace vs. Pu>alte B Co. G.R. No. ,91001$. .arc) 2$# 1$12. e. +ernan&e1 vs. T)o-pson B Co. G.R. No. 124 5. .arc) 21# 1$18. f. AG B P Co. vs. 3c)i&a 7isen 7ais)a. G.R. No. ,9158 1. Nove-%er # 1$21.

CHAPTER .1 CARRIA&E OF &OODS BY SEA 1. =istor' 2. /;tent of Application ". T)e ,aw a. Ang vs. A-erican (tea-s)ip. G.R. Nos. ,92504 an& ,925050. .arc) 18# 1$2 . %. A-erican *ns. Co. vs. Co-pania .ariti-e. G.R. No.,924515. Nove-%er 18# 1$2 .

PART III PUBLIC UTILITIES CHAPTER .1I PUBLIC SER1ICE RE&ULATIONS 1. Concepts a. ,u1on (teve&oring Co. vs. P(C. G.R. No. ,95458. (epte-%er 12# 1$5". 2. Constitutional Provisions ". Regulator' Agencies 4. Bases of Regulation 5. 6wners)ip of Pu%lic 3tilities 2. Regulation of Rates a. Non9&elegation 1. 0o-estic ()ipping Rates %. 0iscri-ination c. (tan&ar& of +i;ing Rates

1. +actors to Consi&er 1. ,T+RB 2. Provisional *ncrease . Aut)orit' to 6perate a. +ranc)ise an& CPC %. *ssuance of CPC 1. Basic Re<uire-ents c. Nature of CPC &. :)en CPC is not Re<uire& e. Transfer of CPC f. Revocation of CPC 8. 0ue Process a. 8&a. &e ,at vs. P(C. G.R. No. ,9"4$ 8. +e%ruar' 22# 1$88. %. Cogeo9Cu%ao 6perators B 0rivers Ass. 8s. CA. G.R. No. 100 2 . .arc) 18# 1$$2. c. (an Pa%lo vs. Pantranco (out) /;press# *nc. G.R. No. ,921421. August 21# 1$8 . &. .an1anal vs. Ause>o. 124 (CRA "2. CHAPTER .1II POWERS OF AD2INISTRATI1E A&ENCIES Page 8 1. 0epart-ent of Transportation an& Co--unication Transportation ,aw Case 0igests 2. ,an& Transportation +ranc)ising an& Regulator' Boar& ". ,an& Transportation 6ffice 4. Civil Areonautics Boar& a. Policies %. Powers an& 0uties 5. Air Transportation 6ffice 2. .ariti-e *n&ustr' Aut)orit' . P)ilippine Coast Guar& a. 6%>ectives an& Powers %. 0elineation of +unctions 8. P)il. Ports Aut)orit' a. 0efinitions %. Power of PPA $. National Teleco--unications Co--ission a. Power of NTC %. Teleco--unications i. Policies ii. 0efinitions iii. Responsi%ilities 1. P,0T vs. NTC. G.R. No. 88404. 6cto%er 18# 1$$0.

Page 9 Transportation ,aw Case 0igests

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