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I. Math Chapter 1 - Numbers to 1000 Chapter 2 - Addition and subtraction within 1000 Cahpter 3 - Using Models - addition and subtraction Chapter 4 - Multiplication and Di ision Chapter ! - Multiplication and Di ision o" 2 and 3 II. Science Chapters 1# ! $ % Acti it& 'oo(s) 1*2# 2*2# 2*3# 3*1# 3*2# +e iew "or Unit 1 -4


Comp te! Chapter1) Computer - A Machine Chapter2) parts o" a computer Chapter3) Uses o" Computer

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En#$i%h -rammar ./) 1-% 0.1ercise % is also included2 ,ocab - .1ercises 1 - 2!

M& 3als - Unit 1- 4 Creati e 4riting - .1ercise 1 5 %


Chine%e &T.T!ac'-(a%ic #!o p)&Le%%on *-11) Pa!t 1 Li%ten an+ ci!c$e the ,o!+ 'o hea!. Pa!t 2 p$ea%e ,!ite the Chine%e ,o!+% acco+in# to the #i-en pin'in Pa!t 3 p$ea%e ci!c$e the Chine%e ,o!+% acco+in# to the #i-en pin'in. Pa!t .T!an%$ation Pa!t/ p$ea%e ,!ite the Chine%e cha!acte!% %tep 0' %tep Pa!t * p$ea%e ,!ite / %entence% to int!o+ ce 'o !%e$1 &Fo! mo!e +etai$%2 p$ea%e !e1e! to the c$a%%note%) 3!o p1 &T.Am' Le%%on32 * to Le%%on 10) 1* 4o!+ $i%t on p#. 152 3/-/*&,o!+2 pin'in an+ meanin#) 2. %tep 0' %tep &p#. 352 ..2 .52 /02 //2 /*) 3. The %entence%2 meanin# &P#. 152 362 .12 .3 .* /2 /. /6) .. p#. *1 ta0$e &name2 an+ e7amp$e%)

/. Compo%ition &at $ea%t /0 ,o!+%) Topic8 9Int!o+ ce m'%e$1: o! 9m' c$a%%!oom: &Loo; at the 'e$$o, note0oo;)

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