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Find the current in a series RL circuit in which the resistance, inductance, and voltage are

ince i(0) = 0, c = '

R t E (1 e ) R


constant. Assume that i(o)=0; that is initial current is zero.

i (t ) =

olution! "t is modeled #$ (%.10)

di + Ri = E (t ) dt

(. A 100'volt electromotive )orce is a**lied to an R+ series circuit in which the resistance is (00 ohms and the ca*acitance is 10'% )arads. Find the charge ,(t) on the ca*acitor i) , (0)=0. Find the current i(t). olution!


di R E (t ) + i= dt

ince , R and & are constant e

R dt


R t

E i (t )e = e dt R Rt t E or i (t )e = e +c R



dq 1 + q = E (t ) dt C


R=(00, +=10'%, &(t) = 100 -hus

i(t) =

E + ce R

R t

dq 1 1 + 10 4 q = dt 200 2

-his is a linear di))erential e,uation o) )irst' order -he integrating )actor is e 50dt = e50 t
1 ,(t)e.0t= e 50 t dt + c 2

dq( t ) 1 50t = e dt 2

/ut i =

dq( t ) and so dt

1 i= e 50t 2








or ,(t)=

1 + ce 50t 100

remained in *osition A )or a long time and moves to *osition / at t=0. -he 11F ca*acitor is assumed to #e ideal, whereas the *ractical inductor is modeled #$ a 10m2 ideal inductor in series with a (03 resistor. Find and *lot u+(t) )or t40 )or the )ollowing three cases! case 1!

1 + ce 50.0 ,(0)=0= 100

or c =
q( t ) =

1 and so 100

1 1 50 t e 100 100

R(=%0. 3; case (! R(=0; and case 0! R(=1503. &ach o) these cases re*resents a di))erent t$*e o) res*onse.

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