People Vs Teehankee Case Digest

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Bantug, Marc Angelo V. II-BSLM CASE DIGEST People of the Philippines vs. Claudio Teehankee, Jr.

FACTS OF THE CASE: On July 10, 1991 Maureen Hultman, Jussi Leino and Roland Chapman while walking a long thecorner of Caballero & Mahogany streets, was approached by the accused Te ehankee jr. And after a seriesof events, the accused fired his gun killing Chapm an and mortally wounding Hultman and Leino, then left. Leino, though mortally wounded mustered all his strength and called for help and noticed at least 3 peoplelooking on from outside their house namely Vicente Man gubat, Domingo Florece and Agripino Cadenas. Mangubat, after the gunman sped away, ran outside his house, helped the victims and reportedthe incident to the proper authorities. During their Investigation the NBI and the Makati police asked Jussi Leino twice regarding the person whoshot them; The first instance was On July 15, 1991 while Leino was still in the hospital, h e was shown (3) pictures ofdifferent men by the investigators. He identified Cla udio Teehankee Jr. as the gunman from the pictures. In order to confirm the identification made by Leino and other witnesses Cadenas and Mangubat who alsopointed the accused as the gunman thru a separate out of co urt identification procedures. The Assistantdirector of NBI Epimaco Velasco, the Chief of NBI-Special operations group Salvador Ranin and 2 otheragents brought the accused to Forbes park for further identification by the surviving victim, J ussi Leino. Leino has just been discharged from the hospital the day before. Since his paren ts were worried about hissafety, they requested the NBI to conduct the investiga tion of the gunman in Forbes Park where the Leinosalso live. The NBI agreed. So, the security agents from US embassy fetched Leino at his house and his fathe r to a vacant house inForbes Park. After a couple of minutes, Leino was brought out of the laws and placed in a car with slightlytinted windows. The car was par ked about 5 meters away from the house. Inside the car with Leino was hisFather, NBI-SOG chief Salvador Ranin and a driver. Leino was instructed to look at men who will be comingout of the house and identify the gunman from the line up. A g roup of five to six men (including theaccused) then came out of the unoccupied h ouse, into the street. From the group, Leino identified theaccused as the gunman for the second time. 3 separate criminal cases were filed against accused Claudio Teehankee, Jr. Init ially, he was charged with: MURDER for the killing of ROLAND CHAPMAN, and two (2) FRUSTRATED MURDER for the shooting andwounding of JUSSI LEINO and MAUREEN HULTMAN. When Hultman subsequent ly died after 97 days ofconfinement at the hospital and during the course of the trial, the Information for Frustrated Murder wasamended to MURDER. The trial court convicted the accused Claudio Teehankee jr. because the strength of the testimonies of 3eyewitnesses who positively identified him as the gunman . However, in his appeal, he vigorously assailedthe validity of the out-of-court identification by these eyewitnesses especially the identification of JussiLein o. ISSUE:

Whether or not the out-of-court identification in this case is a valid and licit way in the identification of theaccused? HELD: Out-of-court identification is conducted by the police in various ways. It is do ne thru show-ups where the suspect alone is brought face to face with the witness for identification. It is done thru mug shots where photographs are shown to the witness to identify the suspect. It is also done th ru line-ups where a witness identifies the suspect from a group of persons lined up for the purpose. Since c orruption of out-of-court identification contaminates the integrity of in-court identification during the trial of the case, courts have fashioned out rules to assure its fairness and its compliance with the requireme nts of constitutional due process. (People vs. Teehankee jr. 249 SCRA 54-125, pg 95). Based on this statement given by the high court regarding the issue, we can say that out-of the courtidentification of the accused is valid and licit when it is in line with the rules that the Supreme court have

fashioned. In the case given, the authorities did not violate anything stated in the latter, otherwise it isstated in the decision that they violated one. Wherefore, the out of court identification in this case is valid and licit. Whic h makes the contention of the accused regarding the validity of the identification, groundless.

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