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Victoria's - 2nd Grade Portfolio

This is a picture of me and my teacher Mrs. Schulze. She is a great teacher!

This is the picture of me at the Math Calendar where we tell what the day of the month is.

This is a picture of me holding Bun Bun, Mrs. Schulze pet bunny.

This is a picture of me holding Cinnamon, our classroom pet guinea pig.

This is my box that holds all the stuff I did this year.

This is a picture of my VIP.

This is a picture of my African mask that I made when we were learning about Africa.

I picked out this piece because it tells when my birthday is and stuff like that.

This is a Kente cloth I made in Unit of Study while we were learning about Africa. It was really fun to make!

This picture is me getting on stage to present my poster.

This is me on stage presenting my poster on the Walking Stick. This is one interesting fact about the Walking Stick. There are over 3000 species of Walking Sticks identied world wide!

This is a picture of me riding my bike in front of my house. This year I learned to ride a 2-wheeler.

This is a picture of me and the rest of my competition group at our last competition And won 2nd place and got a ribbon.

This is a picture of me at my piano recital at Sunrise Baptist Church.

This is a picture when I got baptized May 4th 2003. The person baptizing me is my teacher for 2nd service in Sunday School.

This is a picture of me wearing my Sparky vest,and in my arms is my Sparky Plaque.

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