Rewards As Though Years of Night Prayer and Fasting

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Ajrun As Though Years of Qiyamul Lail And Fasting

‫بسم ال الكتب‬

'An Awus bin Sa'ad Ats Tsaqafi, he said, "I have heard Rasulullaah Shalallaahu 'Alaihi wa
Sallam said, "Whoever take a bath in Jum'at with a serious bath, then quickly come and
hear the first khutbah by walking, does not ride a vehicle, and being close with the imam,
and then listening to it and do not talk in it (or busy with other thing), so in EVERY
STEPS of him will gain good deeds of 1 YEAR: of his fasting and his Qiyamul Lail.
(HR.ibn Majah kitabu Iqamaatish Shalawati wa Sunnati Fiiha bab 80: Jum'at Prayer Bath,
no.898-1096). Shahih: Al Misykah (1388), Shahih Abu Daud (372). At Ta'liq Ar-Raghib
(1/247) by Syaikh Muhammad Nashiruddin Al Albani.

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