S.W.O.R (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Recommendation) Strength Weakness Opportunity

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R (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Recommendation) STRENGTH o Ward Pediatric ward is clean, wide & spacious to accommodate a lot of patient. They have computerized system for easy transfer of patients data (lab request and other diagnostic procedure) They have proper segregation system. They promote continuous ealth Teaching. o Staff ighly!s"illed qualified clinical and e#perienced staff. $urses are responsible, and very compassionate with their wor". o Student %illing to learn and ta"e on new challenges Therapeutic communication and social s"ills, building rapport with patients &bility to remain calm in stressful and challenging situations 'tilization of Teamwor" in the area to complete tas"s o !inica! "nstructor &ble to provide assistance when necessary. &ble to guide student from time to time (ood wor"ing relationships with the hospital staff, clients and students

WE#$NESS O%%ORT&N"T' o Ward )earn and e#perienced how to assess and do charting. )earn how to communicate and apply care in children of all ages. )earn how to do *+&, charting, e#perienced plotting of -ital signs in the TP, sheet. )earn the significance of difference lab result. &n opportunity to establish ourselves to be a competent nurse someday. o Staff (ives student nurses the opportunity to render care in promoting wellness state of the patient o Student (ives an opportunity to learn & to establish a good wor"ing relationship to each other. o !inica! "nstructor (ives an opportunity to enhance our "nowledge, s"ills and attitude in providing care to our patients. Recommendation

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