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Forming Dough Rounds

Perfect dough deserves a perfect shape. Forming smooth and shapely dough rounds is one of the most important skills for a baker to have. Dough rounds are the basic form used in a wide variety of baked goods like dinner rolls, pizza crusts, bagels, and monkey bread. Properly forming dough accomplishes two things: it stretches the thin sheet of gluten on the outside of the round to form an attractive spherical shape for the loaf or rolls; and it tightens the gluten strands within the dough. oaves that lack this structure will be dense and heavy rather than light and airy. !he goal of this method is to form a very tight, smooth, and round ball.

1 "e are using dough made from the recipe for #agels $$ , the dough has already
risen once. !he size that the dough must be portioned into varies from one recipe to another, so be sure to double%check the recipe you are following to ensure you portion the dough correctly. !he recipe we are following calls for the portion size to be & ounces. !his forming method can apply to dough weighing from ' ounce to ' pound.

2 !ake two ends of the dough and fold them into the middle; repeat ( or ) times. $n
essence, you are turning the dough inside out. !he dough will be noticeably tighter.

3 *ne side of the dough will be perfectly smooth +e,cept for a possible small carbon
dio,ide blister, which is good-, the other side will look like a seam of dough closing in on itself. Place the ball seam%side down on the work surface. "ith the palm of your hand against the smooth side of the dough, move the ball around in circles on the work surface. .eep as little flour as possible on the work surface, as some friction is re/uired for the dough to stretch. !he non%smooth end needs to be in constant contact with the work surface. #e careful not to use too much force and tear the outside of the round; too much pressure will weaken the structure of the dough. !he act of moving your hands in circles will cause the seam to close and the smooth side to stretch, forming a perfect sphere. $f another proofing needs to be done before baking, set the rounds down on a greased tray or the work surface before baking.

4 0nother more complicated way to form dough rounds is to e,ert pressure with your
palm when rolling. !his e,tra pressure will make the dough even tighter but re/uires a lot of practice to avoid over%working the dough. #egin acclimating yourself to this process by rolling one of the balls with one hand the first couple of tries, then switch to the other hand a few rounds down the road. 1tudy the rounds that you e,erted e,tra pressure on and 2udge whether you have done a successful 2ob. 0fter both hands feel comfortable and you feel you are not e,erting too much pressure on the dough, try rolling two rounds at once.

5 *nce all of the dough pieces have been formed into rounds, set them on a floured
or greased tray to be proofed once again. !o keep them from drying out and forming a skin, cover the rounds with a slightly damp towel or plastic wrap. "hip up some batter and practice your dough rolling skills3 4ou5ll be happy you baked fresh

Forming and Baking Cinnamon Rolls

!here5s nothing better to wake up to than a house filled with the warm aroma of fresh%baked cinnamon rolls +also called cinnamon buns-. 4ou could make a fresh batch of cinnamon rolls every day and fill them with something different and delicious every time3 1ome people fill their cinnamon rolls with diced apples and walnuts while others use cinnamon sugar and frosting and still others go for the traditional sticky pecan. "e used our 6innamon 7olls $$ recipe to illustrate this techni/ue, but any version is sure to please.

1 *nce the dough has risen once, turn it out onto a lightly floured surface. Flatten the
dough with the palms of your hands and gently stretch it into a rectangle.

2 8se a rolling pin to roll the dough out into a larger rectangle. !he dough may be wet,
so flour both your hands and the rolling pin. 7oll out the dough until it is a large rectangle appro,imately '(,(9 inches in size.

3 1pread softened butter over the surface of the dough, leaving a ' inch strip along
the one long edge of the rectangle completely dry.

4 1prinkle the sugar over the butter. "e used a blend of sugar and cinnamon for our
rolls. *ther spices such as nutmeg and cardamom could also be used. 1pread the mi,ture evenly across the whole sheet of dough.

5 !his is the point where any other filling should be added. "e chose to fill our rolls
with a blend of raisins and pecans. "hatever the filling, make sure to spread it on evenly.

6 1tarting at one corner of the edge nearest you, roll up the dough, tightening it as
you go.

7 "hen the dough is completely rolled, lightly moisten the last edge of dough and seal
the seam.

8 8se a knife or pastry cutter to cut the dough into even%sized pieces. 4ou may prefer
to discard the very ends of the roll since they often contain little filling.

9 Place the cut rolls into a greased baking tray. 6over them with a damp cloth and let
them rise until they nearly double in size +about :& minutes-. $f you would like, the rolls could be covered with plastic wrap and placed in the refrigerator to be baked the ne,t


10 "hen the rolls have doubled in size, bake them in the preheated );& degrees F
+'<9 degrees 6- oven. 6innamon rolls are generally baked at a lower temperature than other breads.

11 0fter appro,imately )9 minutes, when the tops of the rolls are golden brown,
remove them from the oven.


et the rolls rest on a cooling rack before eating, but you may find it difficult to

keep yourself and your guests from digging in3

French Bread Rolls to Die For

"Easy to make French bread rolls. Do !h can be made "n m"#er$ bread maker$ or by hand. %oa&es or rolls can be br shed be'ore bak"n! ("th a !la)e o' 1 beaten e!! (h"te m"#ed ("th 1 tables*oon (ater "' des"red." Yields 16 rolls. 1 1+2 c *s (arm (ater ,110 de!rees F+45 de!rees -. 1 tables*oon act"&e dry yeast 2 tables*oons (h"te s !ar 2 tables*oons &e!etable o"l 1 teas*oon salt 4 c *s bread 'lo r

1 /n a lar!e bo(l$ st"r to!ether (arm (ater$ yeast$ and s !ar. %et stand nt"l creamy$ abo t 10
m"n tes.

2 0o the yeast m"#t re$ add the o"l$ salt$ and 2 c *s 'lo r. 1t"r "n the rema"n"n! 'lo r$ 1+2 c * at a
t"me$ nt"l the do !h has * lled a(ay 'rom the s"des o' the bo(l. 0 rn o t onto a l"!htly 'lo red s r'ace$ and knead nt"l smooth and elast"c$ abo t 8 m"n tes. %"!htly o"l a lar!e bo(l$ *lace the do !h "n the bo(l$ and t rn to coat. -o&er ("th a dam* cloth$ and let r"se "n a (arm *lace nt"l do bled "n &ol me$ abo t 1 ho r.

3 De'late the do !h$ and t rn "t o t onto a l"!htly 'lo red s r'ace. D"&"de the do !h "nto 16 e2 al

*"eces$ and 'orm "nto ro nd balls. 3lace on l"!htly !reased bak"n! sheets at least 2 "nches a*art. -o&er the rolls ("th a dam* cloth$ and let r"se nt"l do bled "n &ol me$ abo t 40 m"n tes. 4ean(h"le$ *reheat o&en to 400 de!rees F ,200 de!rees -..

4 5ake 'or 18 to 20 m"n tes "n the *reheated o&en$ or nt"l !olden bro(n. Makes 16 servings


er! Dinner Rolls

Yields 2 do"en.

1 /n a small m"#"n! bo(l$ d"ssol&e yeast and s !ar "n 1 c * (arm (ater. %et stand nt"l creamy6
abo t 10 m"n tes.

2 /n a lar!e bo(l$ st"r to!ether the yeast m"#t re ("th m"lk$ e!!s$ salt$ b tter$ *arsley$ ch"&es$ and
4 c *s 'lo r. 7dd the rema"n"n! 'lo r$ 1+2 c * at a t"me$ nt"l do !h has * lled to!ether. 0 rn do !h o t onto a l"!htly 'lo red s r'ace$ and knead nt"l smooth and elast"c$ abo t 8 m"n tes. %"!htly o"l a lar!e bo(l$ *lace the do !h "n the bo(l$ and t rn to coat ("th o"l. -o&er ("th a dam* cloth and * t "n a (arm *lace to r"se nt"l do bled "n &ol me$ abo t 1 ho r.

3 8rease t(o 9#13 "nch bak"n! *ans. De'late the do !h$ and t rn "t o t onto a l"!htly 'lo red

s r'ace. D"&"de the do !h "nto 24 *"eces. 1ha*e each *"ece "nto a ro nd ball$ and *lace "nto the *re*ared *ans. -o&er the rolls ("th a (arm$ dam* cloth$ and let r"se nt"l do bled "n &ol me$ abo t 40 m"n tes. 2 tables*oons o' (ater6 br sh e!! (ash o&er to*s o' rolls.

4 3reheat o&en to 350 de!rees F ,175 de!rees -.. /n a small bo(l$ l"!htly beat the e!! (h"te ("th # 5ake "n *reheated o&en 'or abo t 30 m"n tes$ or nt"l !olden bro(n. Makes 24 servings

ot $nion %in&heels
Yields 1 ' 2 do"en. 1 1+2 ,.25 o nce. *acka!es act"&e dry yeast 1 c * hot (ater 1 tables*oon (h"te s !ar 1 teas*oon salt 1 tables*oon mar!ar"ne 1 tables*oon dry m"lk *o(der 2 c *s all9* r*ose 'lo r 1 e!! 4 on"ons$ th"nly sl"ced 4 tables*oons mar!ar"ne 1+2 teas*oon cr shed red *e**er

1 D"ssol&e yeast "n a c * o' hot ta* (ater ("th 1 tables*oon o' s !ar. 4"# 1 teas*oon o' salt$ 1

tables*oon b tter$ 1 tables*oon *o(dered m"lk ("th 2 c *s all * r*ose 'lo r. 7dd 1 beaten e!! and *roo'ed yeast (ater. 4"# and knead 'or 10 m"n tes$ add"n! more 'lo r as needed. %et r"se nt"l do bled. *e**er.

2 4ean(h"le cook 4 lar!e$ th"nly sl"ced on"ons "n 4 tables*oons mar!ar"ne or b tter. 1t"r "n red 3 3 nch do(n do !h$ s*read "nto a rectan!le. E&enly s*read on"ons on do !h$ roll * 'rom the
short end. :"th a shar* kn"'e$ sl"ce "nto *"n(heels. abo t ten m"n tes or nt"l done.

4 3lace on a bak"n! sheet$ let r"se the second t"me. 5ake at 350 de!rees F ,175 de!rees -. 'or

Makes 12 servings

(erman')t*le +eck Rolls

":eck rolls are co s"ns to the 5rochten and ;a"ser rolls b t are *re*ared and sha*ed d"''erently. 0hey are trad"t"onally to**ed ("th coarse salt$ *o**y seeds$ cara(ay seeds or sesame seeds be'ore be"n! baked." Yields 16 rolls. 2 tables*oons act"&e dry yeast 1 tables*oon (h"te s !ar 2 1+2 c *s (arm (ater ,110 de!rees F+45 de!rees -. 2 tables*oons shorten"n! 2 teas*oons salt 7 c *s bread 'lo r 3 e!! (h"tes$ st"''ly beaten 1 tables*oon cold m"lk 1 e!! (h"te 1 c * "ce c bes
%re, -ime. Cook -ime. Read* /n. 30 4"n tes 20 4"n tes 3 <o rs 25 4"n tes

1 /n a small bo(l$ d"ssol&e yeast and s !ar "n (arm (ater. %et stand nt"l creamy$
abo t 10 m"n tes.

2 /n a lar!e bo(l$ comb"ne the yeast m"#t re ("th the shorten"n!$ salt and 3 c *s

'lo r6 beat (ell 'or 2 m"n tes. Fold "n e!! (h"tes. 1t"r "n the rema"n"n! 'lo r$ 1+2 c * at a t"me$ beat"n! (ell a'ter each add"t"on. :hen the do !h has * lled to!ether$ t rn "t o t onto a l"!htly 'lo red s r'ace and knead nt"l smooth and s **le$ abo t 8 m"n tes. %"!htly o"l a lar!e bo(l$ *lace the do !h "n the bo(l and t rn to coat ("th o"l. -o&er ("th a dam* cloth and let r"se "n a (arm *lace nt"l do bled "n &ol me$ abo t 1 ho r. 3 nch do(n$ co&er and let r"se a!a"n nt"l do bled$ abo t 45 m"n tes. "nto 16 e2 al *"eces and 'orm "nto ro nds. =se a roll"n! *"n to 'latten each *"ece "nto a 7 "nch c"rcle. Fold le't s"de to center to 'orm a 'la*. <al'(ay do(n 'la* 'old a!a"n to center to 'orm another 'la*. >e*eat all the (ay aro nd to make o&erla**"n! 'la*s. %"'t the '"rst 'la* to ease the last 'la* nderneath. 3ress center to seal the do !h. 3lace rolls seam s"de do(n and 3 "nches a*art onto a (ell !reased bak"n! sheets. 0h"s hel*s the rolls to kee* the"r sha*e. %et r"se 30 m"n tes$ t rn r"!ht s"de *$ let r"se 15 more m"n tes. -o&er the rolls ("th a dam* cloth and let r"se nt"l do bled "n &ol me$ abo t 40 m"n tes. 4ean(h"le$ *reheat o&en to 425 de!rees F ,220 de!rees -. and *lace a shallo( *an on the bottom shel' o' the o&en. br sh the rolls ("th th"s e!! (ash. 3lace 1 c * o' "ce c bes "n the heated *an "n o&en. bro(n. 4o&e to ("re racks to cool.

3 De'late the do !h and t rn "t o t onto a l"!htly o"led s r'ace. D"&"de the do !h

4 /n a small bo(l$ beat to!ether the m"lk ("th the rema"n"n! e!! (h"te. %"!htly

# 5ake rolls "mmed"ately "n *reheated o&en 'or 15 to 20 m"n tes$ nt"l !olden Makes 16 servings

(erman Brotchen Rolls

0hese rolls are n"ce and che(y ("th a &ery '"rm cr mb. 4ost en?oyable." Yields 24 rolls. 2 tables*oons act"&e dry yeast 1 tables*oon (h"te s !ar 2 1+2 c *s (arm (ater ,110 de!rees F. 2 tables*oons shorten"n! 2 teas*oons salt 7 c *s all9* r*ose 'lo r 3 e!! (h"tes$ st"''ly beaten 1 e!! (h"te ,'or e!! (ash. 2 tables*oons cold m"lk

1 /n a lar!e m"#"n! bo(l$ d"ssol&e yeast and s !ar "n (arm (ater. %et s"t nt"l creamy6 abo t 10
m"n tes.

2 4"# "n shorten"n!$ salt and 3 c *s o' the 'lo r. 5eat ("th do !h (h"sk or hea&y s*oon 'or 2

m"n tes. Fold "n e!! (h"tes. 8rad ally add 'lo r 1+4 c * at a t"me$ nt"l do !h 'orms a mass and be!"ns to * ll a(ay 'rom bo(l. 0 rn onto a 'lo red s r'ace. ;nead$ add"n! more 'lo r as necessary$ 'or 8 to 10 m"n tes$ nt"l smooth and elast"c ("th b bbles. a dam* cloth and let r"se "n a (arm *lace nt"l do bled "n &ol me$ abo t 1 ho r. De'late the do !h$ 'orm "nto a ro nd and let r"se a!a"n nt"l do bled$ abo t 45 m"n tes.

3 %"!htly o"l a lar!e m"#"n! bo(l$ *lace the do !h "n the bo(l and t rn to coat ("th o"l. -o&er ("th

4 3reheat o&en to 425 de!rees F ,220 de!rees -.. De'late the do !h and t rn "t o t onto a l"!htly
'lo red s r'ace. D"&"de the do !h "nto 24 e2 al *"eces and 'orm "nto o&al rolls abo t 3 1+2 "nches lon!. 3lace on l"!htly !reased bak"n! sheets$ co&er and let r"se nt"l do bled "n &ol me$ abo t 40 m"n tes.

# 3lace an em*ty bak"n! sheet on the bottom rack o' the o&en. /n a small bo(l$ l"!htly beat the

e!! (h"te ("th the 2 tables*oons o' m"lk to make the e!! (ash. %"!htly br sh the r"sen rolls ("th the e!! (ash. 3lace 1 c * o' "ce c bes on the hot bak"n! sheet "n the o&en and "mmed"ately *lace the rolls "n the o&en. >emo&e to a ("re rack and cool.

6 5ake at 425 de!rees F ,220 de!rees -. 'or abo t 20 m"n tes or nt"l the to*s are !olden bro(n. Makes 24 servings

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