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I Begin With The Name Of ALLAH The Most Beneficent & The Most Merciful

Table of Contents

PAG Ac!no"le#gement$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$% (e#ication$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%% *ecuti+e ,ummar- . &' &) &.

Cha/ter0 1 Intro#uction of NA(2A$$$$$$$$$$$$$%% &3

Introduction/History.. &4 Legal Position... &5

Vision..... ... 1& Mission. . 1& Goals & Achievements.. 16

Cha/ter0 6 Pro#ucts & ,er+ices$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$% 1)

Products. 1.

Cha/ter0 7 Organi8ation ,tructure$$$$$$$$$$$$$%$ 14

rgani!ational "tructure.. rgani!ation In#ormation. Various $e%artments o# the rgani!ation... 15 6& 61

Cha/ter0 ' Internshi/ */erience$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 66

&oncerned $e%artment.. '(%erience Learned.. )inding & *servation. "hort &omings... 67 6) 6. 6.

Cha/ter0) Critical Anal-sis$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$% 64

"+ , Analysis$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%% 65 -

P'", Analysis$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%$%% 7&

Cha/ter0 . 2ecommen#ations & conclusions $$$$$$$$$ 77

.ecommendations &onclusion .e#erences..... 7' 7' 7)


(G M NT,

I am grate#ul to all management mem*er o# 0A$.A 1ho hel%ed me give suggestions and advices to ma2e my %ro3ect. 's%ecially sta## mem*ers o# 0A$.A to guide me e##ectively in order to com%lete my %ro3ect. I am also e(tremely grate#ul to all other #aculty mem*ers o# the de%artment #or their moral su%%ort and valua*le suggestions. ,here %ositive criticism hel%ed me in im%roving the 4uality o# the Pro3ect. ,han2s to everyone 1or2ing in 0A$.A to hel% me to ta2e my ideas ta2e o## the ground. All %rays to Almighty Allah5 the most merci#ul and com%assionate5 1ho ena*led us to com%lete this %ro3ect 1or2.

(e#icate# To M- Belo+e# Pro/het Ha8rat Muhamma# :Peace Be ;/on Him<= M- Parents= M- Teachers= & M- >rien#s%

*ecuti+e ,ummar-

)or the com%letion o# my M8A %rogram5 it is re4uired to attend an internshi% %rogram in a 1ell re%uta*le organi!ation9 internshi% is the #irst ste% #or every student to enter into the 1orld o# %ractical li#e. 'ducational li#e and %ractical li#e has a lot di##erences *ut study li#e is the *ase #or the %ractical li#e. According to my e(%erience internshi% is the *est 1ay to enter into the %ractical li#e. $uring internshi%5 students can learn a lot5 1hich is5 more than that they can learn #rom *oo2s. Internshi% is much *etter o%tion to start career as com%ared to directly start the 3o*. $uring the %eriod o# internshi%5 an internee can come to 2no1 many things li2e ho1 to handle the 1or2 in %ractical li#e: Ho1 to communicate: Ho1 to *ehave and res%ect the elders and senior o##icers: "o it is the only 1ay to develo% good em%loyees *y %roviding them training and develo%ment during their internshi%. $uring my internshi%5 I #ound mysel# to learn all these things. According to my %oint o# vie15 every student must do internshi% *e#ore starting his %ro#essional career *ecause this 1ill hel% him in his/ her 1hole li#e. ,his re%ort is *ased on;

Primar- (ata
Primary data consists o# my e(%erience as internee in 0A$.A. I also collected the data *y intervie1s/discussion 1ith o##icials5 colleagues and e(ecutives. And a*ove all the only truth in the data is 1hich I o*served during the course o# 3o*.

,econ#ar- (ata
"econdary data is collected #rom %rint media li2e *rushers5 ne1s%a%ers5 #inancial 3ournals5 manuals5 and Internet etc.


ur Vision +e 1ill %rovide e##ective Internet services and solutions to individuals and *usinesses throughout the .egion5 so em%o1ering them to %ursue and achieve e(cellence. ur Mission +e 1ill *uild a leading5 %ro#ita*le5 service=oriented organi!ation that consistently delivers innovative solutions and relia*le services. +e 1ill maintain an e(citing5 challenging5 high=energy 1or2ing environment that encourages original thin2ing. And 1e 1ill create 1ealth #or our em%loyees5 our customers5 and our shareholders.


Histor- of NA(2A :Intro#uction<

,he 0ational $ata*ase rgani!ation ?0$ @ 1as esta*lished under the Ministry o# Interior as a sister organi!ation to underta2e the tas2 o# handling the data *eing collected through 0ational $ata )orms during the Po%ulation &ensus in 1AAB. ,he 0ational $ata )orms ?0$)s@ 1ere designed *y a committee o# e(%erts encom%assing ma(imum social and #iscal indicators as im%lements #or #uture %lanning5 documentation o# the economy5 and #or creation o# a com%rehensive &iti!ensC $ata*ase. ,o cater to a cohesive and uni#ied a%%roach in *oth registration and social #ields5 0A$.A 1as #ormed on 1Dth March -DDD *y merging the 0ational $ata*ase rgani!ation ?0$ @ and the $irectorate General o# .egistration ?$G.@. It is an inde%endent cor%orate *ody 1ith re4uisite autonomy.

0A$.A 1as #ormed to aid the government in develo%ing and im%lementing a #act= *ased system o# good governance in the country to encounter undocumented %o%ulation gro1th and register items *elonging to its citi!ens and organi!ations.

It 1as esta*lished 1ith the o*3ective o# evolving a ne15 im%roved5 and moderni!ed system o# registration #or the citi!ens o# Pa2istan5 to underta2e the collection o# demogra%hic and geogra%hic data. Initially5 the main o*3ective 1as the issuance o# state=o#= the=art 0ational Identity &ards ?0I&s@ to all eligi*le citi!ens o# Pa2istan. ,hese 0I&s 1ere *ac2ed *y a com%uteri!ed data*ase and a data 1arehouse res%ectively called the &iti!ensC $ata*ase and 0ational $ata +arehouse ?0$+@. ,his com%rehensive &iti!ensC $ata*ase 1as com%leted at the da1n o# the ne1 millennium and is regularly u%dated *ased on the 0ational $ata )orms.

0A$.A Head4uarters is located in the historic "tate 8an2 8uilding 1hich 1as %reviously the 0ational Assem*ly 8uilding5 and in its historic Parliament Hall the 1A>/ &onstitution 1as %assed. It has #ive %rovincial head4uarters namely5 Islama*ad5 Earachi5 Lahore5 Pesha1ar5 Fuetta and three .egional Head Fuarters located at "u22ur5 Multan and "argodha. 0A$.A has esta*lished a country1ide $ata &ommunication 0et1or2 lin2ing the &entral $ata +arehouse 1ith eight regional hu*s across the country. )rom here a%%licant data is regularly u%dated and monitored through direct in%uts #rom di##erent user agencies. ,he data that is regularly u%dated at %rovincial and district o##ices is com%rehensive including statistical5 geogra%hic and com%lete *iogra%hic details o# every citi!en. 0A$.A has made Pa2istan the #irst country in the Muslim 1orld to develo% a #ully integrated and centrali!ed system o# registration through technologically advanced and e##icient com%uteri!ation and automation.

Legal Position
0A$.A has *een em%o1ered under the PresidentCs rdinance no. VIII o# the year -DDD to #acilitate the registration o# all %ersons in the esta*lishment and the maintenance o#

multi%ur%ose data*ases5 $ata +arehouses5 net1or2ing5 inter#acing o# data*ases and related #acilities. Gnder the ordinance 0A$.A must ensure and %rovide security5 secrecy and necessary sa#eguard #or the %rotection o# data and in#ormation and shall %er#orm and e(ercise any other %o1er as may *e *y entrusted to or vested in the Authority *y the )ederal Government. 0A$.A is authori!ed to see2 advice #or carrying out its 1or2. It is #urther authori!ed to charge #ees5 and other sums #or its services5 to carry out research studies5 surveys5 e(%eriments and other investigations.


Vision is a guiding image o# success #ormed in terms o# a contri*ution to society. I# a strategic %lan is the H*lue%rintH #or an organi!ationCs 1or25 then the vision is the HartistCs renderingH o# the achievement o# that %lan. It is a descri%tion in 1ords that con3ures u% a similar %icture #or each mem*er o# an organi!ation o# the destination o# the grou%Cs 1or2 together. As advancement in technology has created an Hin#ormation revolutionH and has resulted in generating a glo*al community9 0ational $ata*ase and .egistration Authority ?0A$.A@ 1as #ormed5 as a re4uisite *ody 1ith managerial and #inancial autonomy5 to moderni!e and revolutioni!e the system o# registration o# Pa2istani 0ationals 1ithin and outside Pa2istan. 0A$.A has *een geared to meet the challenges o# 1or2ing and living in a society that is driven *y the e(change o# in#ormation. An e##ective integrated system o# in#ormation and communication technology along 1ith strong core develo%ment %ro3ects has ena*led it to *ecome one o# the most success#ul organi!ations o# the -1st century.

@ision & Mission

0A$.A 1as created 1ith a vision to set u% a technologically advanced 0ational $ata*ase o# the Pa2istani &iti!ens5 1hich is Itrans%arentJ and Ieasily accessi*leJ. ur mission is to su%%ort develo%ment and communicate 1ith sta2eholders in an e##icient and %roductive manner. +e have managed and still strive to; o 8uild strong analytical s2ills %lus good relationshi%s 1ith governments and other %artners around the 1orld. o Manage our assets sa#ely5 1ith ma(imum ca%ital and o%erating e##iciency.


o '(ceed our reach to gain 1ider investment choice and ne1 o%%ortunities #or gro1th. o Hold mar2et leadershi%. o $eliver *ene#its to customers through technology and su%%ort. A disci%lined #rame1or2 is in %lace across all our *usiness centres. ,his hel%s us *alance our short= and long=term *usiness o*3ectives and generate returns #or sta2eholders 1hile also investing in the #uture. +e have %roved our a*ility to o%erate in challenging environments and have *uilt a re%utation as a C#irst moverC K ta2ing the #irst ste% 1ell ahead o# other organi!ations and sei!ing ne1 o%%ortunities. ,o achieve our vision5 1e have ado%ted a %roactive and o%timistic a%%roach and #ocus on our e(%eriences and 2no1ledge. +e see ourselves as catalysts in *uilding ca%acity #or change.



0ational $ata*ase & .egistration Authority ?0A$.A@ 1as esta*lished as a %u*lic sector endeavour to1ards a *etter understanding o# Pa2istan and its %eo%le through the systematic ac4uisition5 evaluation5 and inter%retation o# demogra%hic and s%atial in#ormation. 0A$.A started *y registering citi!ens and issuing com%uteri!ed national identity cards5 ma2ing use o# the latest technology to assist its goals. ,oday5 0A$.A has made technology its *usiness. ,he organi!ation o1ns the largest in#ormation and communications technology resources in the country5 1ith an I, 1or2#orce o# more than eleven thousand and the most modern communication systems o1ned *y any single Pa2istani organi!ation. 0A$.A is no1 strategically %oised to *e o# %ro#ound conse4uence to the socio= %olitical environment o# the country. A seamless5 accurate record o# the more than 17D million %eo%le cou%led 1ith high=tech analy!ing ca%a*ilities5 and %o1er#ul 2no1ledge discovery tools 1ould ena*le 0A$.A to maintain a com%rehensive 1atch on the social dynamics o# the nation. ,hese advances have *een made %ossi*le5 a*ove all5 *y 0A$.ACs continuous investment in its %eo%le = 1orld=class %ro#essionals5 dedicated to e(cel. &ommitted to %er%etual im%rovement5 0A$.ACs em%loyees are its most cherished asset. ,his has hel%ed


give rise to 0A$.ACs culture o# a learning organi!ation5 %ro%elling it to1ards ne1 *rea2throughs in technological areas. ,he organi!ationCs sustained gro1th in *oth scale and sco%e has ena*led it to *ecome an industrial %layer o# international stature5 and it is no1 o##ering its e(%ert registration and security services to the international community5 services that have *ecome all the more relevant in todayCs crisis=ridden 1orld.

NA(2AAs Achie+ements0

+ith more than 7< million &0I&s ?&om%uteri!ed 0ational Identity &ards@ issued

all over Pa2istan5 the &0I& has *ecome the sole identi#ication document #or all Pa2istani adult citi!ens. +ith ne1 registrants steadily gro1ing5 0A$.A aims to register all 17D million citi!ens o# Pa2istan.

0A$.A has %re%ared a &iti!ensC $ata*ase5 *ased on 0ational $ata )orms5

collected during the 1AAB census and u%dated systematic in%uts5 %roviding #or su*se4uent integration o# the entire %o%ulation o# Pa2istan5 including Pa2istanis living a*road.

0A$.A has introduced the #irst Multi=*iometric '=Pass%ort in the Asian .egion5

setting international standards #or others to #ollo1. ,his ne1 e=%ass%ort has un%recedented security #eatures that very #e1 countries currently have on their %ass%orts. &onse4uently5 the %ro3ect has %rom%ted signi#icant international interest.

,he Vehicle Identi#ication and ,rac2ing "ystem ?VI,"@5 currently under nce #ully

develo%ment5 is another landmar2 in 0A$.ACs technological advancement. e##iciency o# our la1 en#orcing agencies.

#unctional5 the VI," 1ill not only hel% in decreasing automo*ile the#t *ut also im%rove the 0A$.A has "1i#t .egistration &entres throughout ma3or cities o# Pa2istan5 in

order to e(%edite the registration o# Pa2istani citi!ens. All centers are lin2ed to the central sites5 #rom 1here data is u%loaded to the central data 1arehouse.

0A$.ACs 0ational $ata +arehouse serves as a com%rehensive central re%ository

o# demogra%hic in#ormation that ena*les the government to 2ee% ta*s on the identities o# all Pa2istani citi!ens. ,his translates into *etter national security #or Pa2istan.


0A$.A has set u% an Automated 8order &ontrol "ystem ?A8&@ at all International verseas Pa2istanis ?0I& P@ or Pa2istan rigin

air%orts in Pa2istan that screens and validates all incoming and outgoing %assengers holding either 0ational Identity &ard #or &ard ?P &@.

.egistration and issuance o# 8irth &erti#icates5 &hild .egistration &erti#icate ,he Automated )inger Identi#ication "ystem ?A)I"@ is also another ma3or 0A$.A is 1or2ing on a Geogra%hical In#ormation "ystem ?GI"@ that 1ill 2ee%

?&.&@5 Marriage/$ivorce5 and $eath .egistration &erti#icates at national level.

achievement. ,his *iometric solution ena*les #ool=%roo# identi#ication o# individuals.

trac2 o# land o1nershi% records and regional demogra%hics. ,his system 1ill eventually re%lace the role o# the traditional %at1ari5 ma2ing #or more trans%arency in the real estate sector.

)A&IAL recognition systems are *eing designed to im%art a ne1 dimension to 0A$.A is o##ering %ro3ect management services to the international community.

national security.

0A$.ACs un%aralleled e(%ertise in net1or2ing5 secure documents and registration services5 has %ut it in an envia*le *usiness %osition.

Having created and o##ered 3o*s to almost 115DDD %ro#essionals #rom a 1ide variety

o# areas o# s%eciali!ations5 0A$.A can 3usti#ia*ly claim o# *eing the largest 3o* %rovider in Pa2istan. )urthermore5 these %ro#essionals have *een %ut on a %romising career %ath5 leading to various management %ositions.



0LI0' 8ILL PALM'0, EI "E 0LI0' ,'",I0G " LG,I 0 I0,'G.A,'$ " LG,I 0" $.IVI0G LI&'0"' '=PA""P ., V'.I"L" VI," A8& &0I& 0I& P P & &.&






8rig. ?.@ "aleem Ahmed Moeen ?"I=M@

L GAL A(@I,O2,:
Kundi & Kundi (an Bar-at-Law)

M/s Ferguson (Chartered Accounts) Auditor General of Pa istan

BAN9 2,:
As2ari &ommercial 8an2 Ha*i* 8an2 o# Pa2sitan

&a%ital Hos%ital



A#ministration0 Identi#ies and im%lements im%roved streamlined %rocesses Customer Business (e+elo/ment: It hel%s *usiness enhance its ca%acity *y ena*ling %roactive interactions 1ith customers Customer ,er+icesCIntegrate# Logistics: Management o# the #lo1 o# materials/%roducts and services and %rocess #inished %roducts through the su%%ly chain. ngineering0 $evelo% ne1 %roducts or design ne1 %rocesses. *ternal 2elations0 )unctions as strategic *usiness %artner in various areas o# %u*lic relations. >inance & Accounting Management0 Provide #inancial leadershi% at all levels. Assist in *udgeting and #inancial resource allocating and ris2 management Human 2esources0 Partner 1ith management to set direction5 develo% and im%lement strategies. Manages5 develo%s and de%loy the human ca%ital o# the organi!ation. Information Technolog-0 Im%act glo*al mar2et5 leading *usiness o*3ectives *y em%loying the state o# the art technology. Mar!eting: $e%loy %lans to initiate innovative %roducts5 attractive #or the sta2eholders and the customers. $evise and develo% %romotional activities. Procurement0 Providing su%%ort to the main #unction o# the organi!ation in all areas. 2esearch & (e+elo/ment0 &reate and develo% innovative %roducts5 %rocesses and technologies so as to hel% im%rove the 4uality o# li#e o# the masses.



Concerne# (e/artment

Organi8ational ,tructure of the Human 2esource Management :H2M< (e/artment



Human 2esource Planning :H2P< an# >orecasting

General General Manager Manager (Log (Log && HR) HR) Deputy Deputy General General Manager Manager HR HR

Manager HR Manager HR (Operations) (Operations)

Manager HR Manager HR (Orientation & (Orientation & Development) Development)

Manager HR Manager HR (Recruits) (Recruits)

Manager HR Manager HR (Trainings) (Trainings)

Deputy Manager Deputy (HRMS) Manager (HRMS)

Deputy Manager Deputy Manager

Deputy Manager Deputy Manager

Deputy Manager Deputy Manager

Assistant Assistant Manager Manager (HRMS) (HRMS)

Assistant Assistant Manager Manager

Assistant Assistant Manager Manager

Assistant Assistant Manager Manager

Supervisor Supervisor

Supervisor Supervisor

Supervisor Supervisor

Supervisor Supervisor

Assistant Assistant

Assistant Assistant

Assistant Assistant

Assistant Assistant

Assistant Assistant

Assistant Assistant

Assistant Assistant

Assistant Assistant

The Human 2esource Planning Process

,he %rocess consists o#;

a) )orecasting;
In %ersonnel #orecasting5 the H. Manager attem%ts to ascertain the su%%ly o# and demand #or various ty%es o# human resources. ,he %rimary goal is to %redict areas 1ithin the organi!ation 1here there 1ill *e #uture la*or shortages or sur%luses.


b) Goal "etting and "trategic Planning!

,he %ur%ose o# setting s%eci#ic 4uantitative goals is to #ocus attention on the %ro*lem and %rovide a *enchmar2 #or determining the relative success o# any %rograms aimed at redressing a %ending la*or shortages or sur%luses. ,he goals should come directly #rom the analysis o# la*or su%%ly and demand and should include a s%eci#ic #igure a*out 1hat should include a s%eci#ic #igure a*out 1hat should ha%%en 1ith the 3o* category or s2ill area and a s%eci#ic timeta*le #or 1hen results should *e achieved.

c) Program Im%lementation and 'valuation!

In the im%lementation %hase it is to ma2e sure that some individual is held accounta*le #or achieving the stated goals and has the necessary authority and resources to accom%lish this goal. It is also im%ortant to have regular %rogress re%orts on the im%lementation to ensure that all %rograms are in %lace *y s%eci#ied times and that the early returns #rom these %rograms are in line 1ith %ro3ections. 'valuation involves chec2ing 1hether the com%any has success#ully avoided any %otential la*our shortages or sur%luses. It is also im%ortant to see 1hich o# the s%eci#ic %arts o# the %lanning %rocess contri*uted to success or #ailure.

*/erience Learne#
As internshi% is %ractical training so it gives a lot o# 2no1ledge o# %ractical li#e. It is the *est 1ay to 2no1 the environment inside the organi!ation $e%artment5 1hich 1e have to #ace in the %ractical li#e. Internshi% gives e(%osure to the 1orld *y meeting and dealing 1ith the di##erent 2ind o# %eo%le every day 1hich have given *oost to our con#idence and e(%erience.


"o #irst o# all 1hen you enter into an organi!ation #or internshi% or #or 3o* most im%ortant thing is your communications s2ills. "o the thing that hel%ed me and *oosted my con#idence 1as communication s2ills. As 1e have studied 8usiness communication s2ills and Presentation during the M8A5 it gave me the con#idence to s%ea2 out my mind in #ront o# many %eo%le. Internshi% goals or o*3ectives usually descri*e 1hat you intend to learn through your = internshi%. 8e s%eci#ic.

Are you loo2ing to im%rove or develo% selling s2ills5 e(%and 2no1ledge o# a s%eci#ic #ield5 a%%ly or test a %articular *ody o# 2no1ledge: Are you interested in testing a career interest and your o1n suita*ility #or that career or trying to decide 1hat you 1ant to ma3or in and/or clari#y the direction o# your remaining Gniversity years:

Are you interested in learning ho1 a %articular $e%artment5 organi!ation or industry 1or2s:

In Human .esource 1e studied the %eo%le #rom di##erent educational *ac2ground and s2ills that they have5 during my internshi% I o*served that ho1 the sta## mem*ers deal 1ith the candidates during selection %rocedure. And #ind the suita*le %erson against each %osition.

>in#ings an# Obser+ations

Although 0A$.A govt. institution and it has a lot o# su%%ort #rom the Ministry o# Interior in a *etter direction. It needs a lot o# things 1hich should *e im%roved and demand direct attention o# u%%er management #or the 1el#are o# organi!ation. $edication to 1or2 in the direction o# %ro#ita*ility 0o com%romise on services Gnderstanding the needs and 1ants o# customers Providing *ene#its and #acilities to em%loyees to *oast there moral -<

+idening the vision through mar2eting research +ith culture o# cor%oration and %olitics #ree $ecision ma2ing #rom *ottom to to% 'm%loyee motivation should *e #ollo1ed

,hort Comings
$uring my internshi% at 0A$.A Head4uarter I mysel# #eel a lot o# short coming as an internee and overall short coming 1hich every internee %assed out. ,hose short coming are; At start o# my internshi% I 1as very con#used a*out ho1 to go through all the tas2s e##ectively and e##iciently. Lac2 o# guidance #rom manager and de%artment incharge creates a lot o# %ro*lem in accom%lishing my tas2s. ,o *e on time at o##ice 1as a *ig shortcoming #or me. $uring my internshi% I 1as very much con#used a*out 1hat to say and 1hat not to say.

"2ills Gsed; )ollo1ing are the s2ills 1hich I have used #or the *etter %er#ormance o# my 3o*5 hard 1or25 and commitment to 1or25 %unctuality5 and strong #ollo1 u%. "2ill Learned;


I have learned many s2ills Intervie1ing s2ills5 $ra#ting5 ,ime Management5 and so on. $uring my %eriod I gain a good %ro#essional 1riting s2ills ho1 to res%ond to di##erent 4ueries. +hat 2ind o# 1riting s2ills you re4uired to s%ea2 a language o# com%any:



,WOT anal-sis of H2 Practices in NA(2A

,WOT Anal-sis
"+ , Analysis5 is a strategic %lanning tool used to evaluate the "trengths5 +ea2nesses5 %%ortunities and ,hreats involved in a %ro3ect or in a *usiness venture. 0o1 1e shall discuss the strengths5 1ea2nesses5 o%%ortunities and threats #aced *y 0A$.A.

H. 0et1or2 &ommitted +or2#orce Accessi*ility $ynamic 'nvironment Initiative 8ased

Lac2 o# H. Policies Lac2 or &on#idence in H. 0o Mo* "ecurity "ur%lus Gn=utili!ed +or2#orce )inancial &onstraints

International Mar2et "u%%ly o# I, "u%%ly o# I, .esources

'm%loyee ,urnover Govt. Policies &hanges


P ,T Anal-sis
A scan o# the e(ternal macro=environment in 1hich the #irm o%erates can *e e(%ressed in terms o# the #ollo1ing #actors;

Political 'conomic "ocial ,echnological

,he acronym P'", ?or sometimes rearranged as H",'PH@ is used to descri*e a #rame1or2 #or the analysis o# these macro environmental #actors. A P'", analysis #its into an overall environmental scan as sho1n in the #ollo1ing diagram;

'nvironmental "can / N Internal Analysis

'(ternal Analysis / Macro environment O P.'.".,. N



Political >actors
Political #actors include government regulations and legal issues and de#ine *oth #ormal and in#ormal rules under 1hich the #irm must o%erate. "ome e(am%les include;

,a( %olicy 'm%loyment la1s 'nvironmental regulations ,rade restrictions and tari##s Political sta*ility

conomic >actors
'conomic #actors a##ect the %urchasing %o1er o# %otential customers and the #irmCs cost o# ca%ital. ,he #ollo1ing are e(am%les o# #actors in the macro economy;

'conomic gro1th Interest rates '(change rates In#lation rate

,ocial >actors
"ocial #actors include the demogra%hic and cultural as%ects o# the e(ternal macro environment. ,hese #actors a##ect customer needs and the si!e o# %otential mar2ets. "ome social #actors include;

Health consciousness Po%ulation gro1th rate Age distri*ution &areer attitudes


'm%hasis on sa#ety

Technological >actors
,echnological #actors can lo1er *arriers to entry5 reduce minimum e##icient %roduction levels5 and in#luence outsourcing decisions. "ome technological #actors include;

.&$ activity Automation ,echnology incentives .ate o# technological change




Internshi% Programs should *e strengthened as it %rovides *asic %ractical e(%erience to students. nline ,est system should *e %rotected 1ith 0A$.A co%y rights. already in use. H. $e%t should ma2e a %ermanent search o# s2il#ul %ersons. $iscrimination should *e e(%elled in order to im%rove 1or2ing e##iciency. Internshi% also needs resources9 Government should %rovide #inancial assistance to the organi!ations #or the internshi% %rogrammes.

Pa%er less 1or2ing environment should *e ado%ted *y using Gltimus nline "ystem

0A$.A is to% 7DJs I, countries organi!ation and its Human .esources "ystem is matching 1ith the International "tandard. All the tools used *y 0A$.A #or internshi% to recruitment and %lacement are u% to date there is no hurdle in the 1ay. ,he system o# nline ,est is more "ecurity Proo# system and candidates selected #rom the nline ,estJs are #ound e(traordinary in their %ro#ession. ,he selection %rocess o# 0A$.A is clean and easy to understand. &andidates are selected on merit and intervie1s are made through *oard nominated *y &hairman and in o#ten cases &hairman 0A$.A act as President o# the *oard so %ro%er merit system #ollo1ed every1here u% to the #inali!ation o# the case. ,he %romotion system in 0A$.A is also made through a %ro%er system. 0o1 a central *oard has *een nominated *y &hairman 1hich 1ill *e assem*led once in a year. All %romotion cases are collected and evaluated *y H. $e%t and %romotion made through central *oard 1here there is no chance o# discrimination as all head o# de%artments are %resent there. ,ermination system *ased on rules and #ollo1ed *y 0A$.A .egulations "ystem.


2eferences An# ,ources ;se#0 Previous internshi% re%orts $e%artment em%loyees 111.scri* Mr. Mohammad 0asir ?$e%uty Manager H.@ Ph; A-D6-< Mr. Asim "aleem Munior ?AM@ Ph; A-D6-<-



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