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Standard V:

Reflection and Self-Evaluation (DM4)

DM1- Diversity I included culturally responsive curricula in my TWS and instruction by first, getting to know all of the students. I learned many things about the students that changed the way I taught. I learned that the students come from diverse backgrounds that effect their attitude on education. For example, I discovered that one student, a Navajo, was raised to not look adults in the eyes and to not talk when an adult is speaking. Since I learned this, I was able to be more understanding when he would not look at me or when he would speak at an inaudible level. Some other cultural factors I learned were that one student is a vegetarian and does not celebrate certain holidays, some students only have one parent they are I contact with, and one or more children suffer from child neglect at home. All of these factors changed the way I planned and taught. I took into consideration all differences including race, education level, exceptionalities, religion, and interests while planning my TWS. For each lesson I taught, I provided multiple opportunities for my students to work in small groups and in pairs. I had them seated in teams with varied abilities and backgrounds. DM2 Effective Pedagogy Our classroom includes plenty of technology already so it was not too difficult to include it as a supplementary material during my lessons. Each student has their own Ipad and there is a

Promethean board in the front of the class. For each lesson, I used at least one type of technology. I used the Promethean board to show videos, photos, slides, and to have students present their water cycle projects. I used the ELMO system to model activities and assignments for students. Students were also allowed and encouraged to use their Ipads to research ideas and information for their water cycle projects. I also had a group assignment in which each group would had a higher-order thinking question they were to research and present their answer to the class. They were able to synergize by sharing the information they found on the internet about their groups question. DM3-Subject Matter I felt very confident while planning and teaching the water cycle unit. However, there were a couple of times I was unsure of a certain concept such as creating new water or changing salt water to fresh water. Since I was unsure of these concepts, I asked the other fourth grade teachers what they knew and then also researched on reliable websites. Along with learning the material that was required for students to know, I dove deeper into each concept of the water cycle. At the beginning of the unit I had each student write something they wanted to learn about water or the water cycle. I researched each question so that I could share with the class. Although I knew a lot, I didnt know everything the students mi ght be curious about. When a student had a question I did not have an answer for, I told them, I dont know. They need to know that teachers are just regular people and dont know EVERYTHING but that we can find answers to questions as a class. DM4- Environment

My mentor teacher did a great job of setting up a wonderful physical classroom environment. The students sit at tables in groups rather than by themselves at their own desks. My mentor teacher has certain ways she manages the class but I found those same ways dont work for me. I was able to come up with my own management plan that was effective for me. I took the idea from a college professor to ring a bell to gain student attention. Before starting the unit, I had the students practice what to do when they hear the bell. I told them they were to close their mouths, fold their arms, and look at me. This procedure worked very well, but to keep them on their toes I will switch up between that and a few other management procedures. Something that my mentor and I found to be ineffective was giving group points. Each week, whatever group has the most points is supposed to be given popcorn. However, since the popcorn machine has been broken for a while the students are starting to lose motivation. We are currently working on a new management place revolving around the classroom theme Survivor where the students will move up or down on a totem pole depending on their behavior. DM5- Reflection Although this TWS was very time consuming, I learned many things that will be valuable for my future teaching career. By looking at the pre and posttest scores, I learned it is important to evaluate formative assessments and give feedback right away. There was a specific question that was missed my most students on both the pre and post assessments. This question was worded in a confusing way and I failed to explain the meaning of it before they took the posttest. I also discovered that students with attention problems such as ADD or ADHD need hands on activities to stay motivated and engaged. My unit included many interactive activities that helped these students stay engaged and in the end the ADD/ADHD subgroup received the same post test scores as the rest of the class.

Every time I met with my mentor teacher or site supervisor, I listened carefully to their input. I took their ideas seriously and used them to improve my instruction. I would often set goals and make plans in order to reach them. I invited other teacher and college professors in the classroom to observe me so that I could get as much input as possible. The more input I received, the more I felt prepared for future lessons. DM6- Teaching Disposition When I started this teaching experience I was somewhat uncomfortable taking charge of the classroom and wasnt sure how to get them to pay attention. I continued to ask my mentor teacher for advice and slowly became more of a teacher figure to the students. After about two weeks I felt very confident with my role as the assistant teacher and the students had more respect for me because of that confidence. After about two weeks in the classroom I was aware of many exceptionalities, interests, learning levels, and cultural backgrounds of the students and was able to use that knowledge for better instructional planning. I knew the students by name and I knew a little about each of their home lives. I also shared some interesting things about myself and showed them photos of my husband and child. On Halloween the students met my family and I could tell it made them feel closer to me. Throughout my teaching experience I have gotten to know my mentor teacher as well as the other 4th grade teachers. I was able to strengthen my relationship with each of them by attending staff meeting and by collaborating with them on the units that were to be taught. Over the semester I met many of the parents before and after school and also at school activities such

as the schools Family Math Night. I am looking forward to meeting the rest of the parents during this weeks Student Education Plan meetings. Overall, this semester has been the most important semester of the whole program because it has taught me to become comfortable in the teachers shoes. I know I still have and always will have a lot to learn, but I honestly feel ready to take on my own class.

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