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THE BATTLE OF HASTINGS The Battle of Hastings took place on 14 October 1 !!

bet"een the Nor#an$French ar#% of &'ke (illia# II of Nor#an)% an) an English ar#% 'n)er the Anglo$ Sa*on +ing Harol) II, )'ring the Nor#an con-'est of Englan). It took place appro*i#atel% / #iles 011 kilo#eters1 north$"est of Hastings, close to the present$)a% to"n of Battle, East S'sse*, an) "as a )ecisi2e Nor#an 2ictor%. (illia# II lan)e) his / troops )oing this "hile Harol) )i)n3t kno" an%thing. (illia#4s ar#% then set 'p an) battle) fiercel% the ne*t )a% 'ntil Harol) an) the Sa*on ar#% "ere e2ent'all% c't )o"n b% Nor#an s"or)s. Nothing "as left behin) b't a trail of horse an) h'#an corpses. The Battle of Hastings earne) the title 5the battle that change) histor%5 beca'se of the h'ge i#pact it ha) on the people an) their c'lt're, the co'ntr%, an) the "a% the% "ere looke) 'pon b% the "orl). The #ost significant change co#ing as a res'lt of the battle "as the ne" lang'age an) c'lt're that "as a)opte), replacing the pre2io's Anglo$ Sa*on c'sto#s of 6 %ears.

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