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Elena Sabol 11/25/13 Lactate Threshold Based on the article, I believe that workload intensities should be prescribed based

on the lactate threshold as opposed to maximum efforts for various reasons. For one, the lactate threshold is the most consistent predictor of performance during endurance because studies have shown that there is a high correlation between high endurance during an exercise and maximal workload at the lactate threshold. Knowing your lactate threshold can improve your performance in a race. The more work you are able to do before reaching the lactate threshold, the greater the pace. During a competition, a runner can rely on the aerobic system, saving valuable energy for closer to the end when he or she can then push towards the lactate threshold limit and win. The lactate threshold also offers accurate training methods for preparing for such races and improving workload intensities. One method is maximal steady-state training, where the individual builds up training volume in increments, which prevents injuries for individuals just starting lactate threshold training. Maximal steady-state training can monitor lactate threshold occurrence using either heart rate reserve or the RPE scale (Rate of Perceived Exertion). Furthermore, RPE is related to blood lactate response regardless of gender, type of exercise or the level of the trainee. Another method is interval training, which also monitors RPE. This method involves training sessions that occur in short periods above the lactate threshold. For both methods, the trainee should work between 13-15 RPE, which is when the lactate threshold begins. These hard intensity workloads push the trainee at a steady level and can be utilized by everyone with the proper training instructor. I think that the term anaerobic threshold is inaccurate and should not be used. Anaerobic implies that there isnt any oxygen being used; however, there is no evidence that muscles are

deprived of oxygen during a work out. Also, the phrase is misleading; the body doesnt completely shift to the anaerobic system, but rather the anaerobic is used to increase energy supply.

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