Definitions For Space Story

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Sample List of Content about Space for Short Story Mark Garneau: experienced astronaut who has been

into space on multiple journeys Items you would need traveling to space: not allowed to take very much into space, astronauts often only bring a few personal things each like a book or pictures How long it would take to get to the moon?: it takes approximately 3-4 days each way Sirius: brightest star in the night sky, often called the dog star How do they eat in space?: they have special trays where they put their food which holds it down. They then attach the trays to themselves. How do they sleep in space?: they usually sleep in sleeping bags and have to make sure they are attached to either a bunk bed, chair or wall. Moon: covered with craters which are formed when meteors hit the moon. The moon orbits the earth in 29.5 days going from new moon to full moon and back. How long does it take for a serious problem to occur when breathing in air on the moon?: it takes about 30 seconds before any real damage begins. After 1-2 minutes you will be dying. Spacesuit requirements: Spacesuits need to have stable internal pressure, mobility, a supply of oxygen and elimination of carbon dioxide system, temperature regulation, a communication system and a means for collecting and containing solid and liquid waste. Walking on the moon: astronauts say it is easier to hop on the moon than to walk. How do people in space communicate with earth?: they use radio waves much like how a radio runs on earth since they can not have wires from earth to space. Who, on Earth, communicates with people in space?: support team who is there all day every day while people are in space. Where do shuttles land?: often in the ocean, then teams of divers are sent to come and get them. Telescope: an item used to make objects appear closer then they are when viewing space. Food eaten on space shuttles: often many dehydrated foods, some fresh things such as bread and vegetables as well.

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