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1. Lesson Plan Information Subject/Course: Gym Grade Level: Grade 5/6 To ic: Cooperative Relays #.

$% ectation&s' $% ectation&s' &Directly from The Ontario Curriculum):

Name: Kimberley Britton Date: May 1/2013 Len!t" of Period: 50 minutes

Grade 5 - a tively parti ipate in a !ide variety o" pro#ram a tivities $e%#%& lead-up #ames& re reational a tivities& "itness and enduran e a tivities& dan e'& a ordin# to t(eir apabilities& !(ile applyin# be(aviours t(at en(an e t(eir readiness and ability to ta)e part $e%#%& en oura#in# ot(ers !it( positive omments& displayin# "air play by respe tin# t(e de isions o" ot(ers' Grade 6 - a tively parti ipate in a !ide variety o" pro#ram a tivities $e%#%& lead-up #ames& re reational a tivities& "itness a tivities& dan e'& a ordin# to t(eir apabilities& !(ile applyin# be(aviours t(at en(an e t(eir readiness and ability to ta)e part $e%#%& bein# en#a#ed and movin# t(rou#(out t(e a tivity& usin# time e""e tively& bein# open to ne! a tivities& displayin# "air play by ta)in# turns and s(arin#& listenin# to ot(ers& not blamin# or ta)in# advanta#e o" ot(ers Learnin! S(ills (Where applicable): Collaboration ). Content What do I want the learners to know and/or be able to do - ooperate !it( one anot(er on a team - en oura#e ea ( ot(er as t(ey ra e - parti ipate a tively and !illin#ly in all a tivities Today learners will actively participate in a relay, encouraging teammates along the way. *. +ssessment &collect data' / $valuation &inter ret data' &,ecordin! Devices &-"ere a licable': anecdotal record. c"ec(list. ratin! scale. rubric' !ased on the application" how will I know students ha#e learned what I intended *ssessment+ observation ,valuation+ not bein# evaluated at t(is time /. Learnin! Conte%t A. The Learners (i) What prior experiences, knowledge and skills do the learners bring with them to this learning experience - student-s (ave been doin# ooperative a tivities !it( one anot(er (ii) !ow will " di##erentiate the instruction (content, process and$or product) to ensure the inclusion o# all learners (%ust include where applicable accommodations and$or modi#ications #or learners identi#ied as exceptional.) - *./ - ma)e sure to )eep an eye on (im& ma)e sure (e is able to parti ipate% Repeat instru tions i" ne essary% 0ave an ,* )eep (im involved i" s(e is available to !or) !it( (im at t(e time

0. Learnin! $nvironment

- Gym C. ,esources/1aterials - 2 0oola 0oops - 6 pylons - 3 bean ba#s/tennis balls - 3 bas)etballs - 3 bu )ets - 3 s)ippin# ropes

2. Teac"in!/Learnin! Strate!ies INT,3D4CTI3N $ow will I en%a%e the learners &e.!.. motivational strate!5. "oo(. activation of learners6 rior (no-led!e. activities. rocedures. com ellin! roblem' - .tudents !ill run/!al) around t(e #ym in laps "or 5 minutes& (an#in# dire tions o asionally - 1 students !ill be (osen to lead stret (es !it( t(e lass $1 stret ( ea (' %"&&L'( Teaching( !ow does the lesson develop $15-20 minutes' - .tudents !ill be split into 2 #roups& and !ill "orm a ir le (oldin# (ands - 2(ey !ill (ave a (oola (oop pla ed over t(e arms o" 2 students - 3 !ill e4plain t(at t(ey must !or) as a team to #et t(e (oola (oop all t(e !ay around be"ore t(e ot(er team does - 3 !ill model en oura#in# be(aviours "or t(e students to use to en oura#e t(eir teammates as t(ey #o - 5n e one team (as ompleted t(e ra e& !e !ill try it one more time in t(e opposite dire tion - ,4plain t(at !e !ill be !or)in# on team!or) as a lass today and !ill be doin# relays - /emonstrate t(e relay ra e - students !ill arry t(e bean ba# t(e !(ole !ay& "irst t(ey !ill s)ip 10 6umps& t(en t(ey !ill pi ) up t(e bas)etball& dribblin# it around t(e t!o pylons and ba ) in a "i#ure 7& t(en t(ey !ill pla e t(e bean ba# bet!een t(eir )nees !addlin# to t(e bu )et !(ere t(ey !ill drop it in& t(ey !ill pi ) t(e bean ba# ba ) up and run ba ) to t(eir team !(ere t(ey !ill pass t(e bean ba# to t(e last person in line !(o !ill start an over-under !it( t(e bean ba# to #et it to t(e "ront "or t(e ne4t person to #o% 5n e t(e student is done& t(ey !ill sit do!n and !(i (ever team (as everyone sittin# "irst !ins% )onsolidation and$or *ecapitulation +rocess( !ow will " bring all the important ideas #rom the learning experiences together #or$with the students !ow will " check #or understanding $2 minutes' - *s) t(e lass i" anyt(in# is un lear about t(e relays - ,n oura#e t(e students to use positive en oura#ement to (eer on t(eir team Application( What will learners do to demonstrate their learning $10-15 minutes' - 0ave t(e students parti ipate in t(e relay ra e% - 3" time permits& t(ey !ill run it t!i e ),-)L./",-( !ow will " conclude the lesson $5-10 minutes' - 0ave 1 ne! students lead t(e stret (es "or t(e lass 8ositively omment on t(eir en oura#ement durin# t(e relay

7. 15 ,eflections on t"e Lesson What do I need to do to become more effecti#e as a teacher in supportin% student learnin% 3 need to ma)e sure t(at 3 (ave ba ) up a tivities "or t(e students to do a"ter t(e main a tivity is over% 2(e a tivities 3 (ad planned did not 9uite ta)e t(e !(ole 50 minutes% 3 need to ma)e sure t(at all e9uipment is leared out o" t(e !ay be"ore t(e se ond a tivity be#ins "or sa"ety reasons% 3 need to pla e more o" an emp(asis on en oura#in# one anot(er and #ive t(em better ideas o" (o! t(ey an do t(is e""e tively%

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