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Rocky meets G.


Personaje: George: George Washington-G Radu: Rocky-R Marina: John Footpenis-FT Nina: Thomas Jefferson-J Paula: Benjamin Franklin-FR

(George sta la masa mare, ceilalti stau in tribuna, iar Rocky se ascunde in spate)

G: Today, 4 july 1776, we all gathered here, in Philadelphia, to sign the D. I. This D. is the result of our peoples hard work and ambition. Its also in the memory of the people who died in war for equality, for peace, for FREEDOM! OK. Lets take roll call first. B. Franklin? FR: Here! G: T.Jefferson? J: Here! G: Well, I think everybody is present. Lets get started. J: Sir, someone is missing. I can feel it. G: Mister Jefferson, I checked the list and everybody is present. FT: I came. Sorry for being late. G: Awww. I forgot Mister John Footpenis.

FT: Its Hancock now. G: Why? FT: Because mind your own business thats why. G: Ok. ( Mister J. Hancock checked). I declare this meeting open. J: With all respect sir, I will to read the D.I. G: Go ahead! (Jefferson starts to read from the D.I.) J: When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. FR: Excuse me, sir, but I think we forgot something. G: What?!? Whats the problem? Someones missing again? Who? Bin Laden? Michael Jackson? Rocky? (weird sounds are cuming from the back of the room and Rocky appears) G: Rocky? Is that you? R: Where am I? Who are you? How do you know my name? G: Youre in Philadelphia. Im George Washington, the future first president of United States of Murica! Im also the only president to have received 100% of the electoral votes. This is Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of The D.I., That one is B. Franklin, also a founding father like all of us here and a leading author. Finally, there is J.Footpenis ( FT: Its Hancock, for god sake). He is a merchant, a patriot, a good fella. But how did you get here? R: All I remember is that I won the fight against Apollo and some dude punched me in the face. Next thing I knew I was thrown here and.. WAIT! You said the FIRST president of the USA??? G: Yes. We are in the year 1776 in Philadelphia.

R: Woah! At least I didnt leave the town. He he... What are you doing here? G: We are about to sign the D. (toata lumea rade) G: Come on people, not that D...The Declaration. R:WHAT? G: The declaration of Independence.. R:WHAT?!? G: SAY WHAT AGAIN. SAY WHAT AGAIN. I DARE YOU. I DOUBLE DARE YOU. SAY WHAT ONE MORE GODDAMN TIME! (George scoate pistolul si il indreapta spre Radu. Toti sar de pe scaune si ma opresc. Si imi spun sa ma opresc.) G:OK! Im calm. Im good. Get back to your places. That was close. Rocky, what are those things in your hands? R: These are gloves. They are used in boxing. G: Hmmm. Ill make you an offer you cant refuse. R: I listen. G: You will give me one of your gloves and I will give you nothing. R:NO! I wont do that. G:I dont think so. Your will is mine. R:NO! You, you, you cant do that. G: YES, I can cause Im awesome. R:hmm. Sounds fair. Here, take the right one. (ii da manusa) G:You said a punch threw you here? What if I...

(George il pocneste si Radu cade pe scaun in spate.) G: Damn! These things are useless. Theyre not letal. Well, at least hes not talking anymore...Ok people, lets get back to our work. J: (continua sa citeasca amendamentul) He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

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