Into The Wild Reading and Annotations Guide

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EPT Preparation- Into the Wild 12th Grade Expository Reading and Writing Into the Wild Reading

and Annotations Guide Directions: As you read Jon Krakauers Into the Wild, you need to annotate in preparation for class discussion, extended essay analyses, and essay preparation. As you read, annotate using the following guide and for anything else you find intriguing, interesting, or pro ocati e. Part I: Writing Prompt Annotate Into the Wild using the following writing pro!pt" Write a well organized essay arguing the point that McCandless was admirable for his courage and noble ideas or was a reckless idiot who perished out of arrogance and stupidity. Use details from the text to support your answers. Part II: Reading Guide Annotate Into the Wild using the following reading guide" Chapters 1 and 2 (pgs 2!1"# : $%he &eginning and the End'
#. $ake note of all the !aps that %egin the text. &. Each chapter %egins with a short epigraph 'a (uotation that is rele ant to that chapter). *hy do you think these epigraphs are rele ant to these chapters+ ,. *hat is your assess!ent of -hris $c-andless so far+ Keep notes as you read, ask (uestions of the text, and write down your reactions.

.. /dentify $c-andless positi e and negati e personality traits. Reading Chapter ( (pgs 1)!2(#: $*ome'
#. 0escri%e $c-andless character. &. 1ow would you characteri2e $c-andless relationships with other people" his parents, his sister, *ester%erg+ ,. *hat did his friends !ake of his secreti e life+ .. /dentify $c-andless positi e and negati e personality traits.

Reading Chapters "+, (pgs 2"!-.#: $%he /ourney'

3tudy the !ap that %egins -hapter . and refer to it as you follow $c-andless 4ourney. Jot down answers to the following as you read these chapters" #. *hat was it a%out $c-andless personality that !ade an i!pression on people+ &./dentify $c-andless positi e and negati e personality traits. ,. 5ote Alexs 4ournal. *hy do you think he a oided using the first person when he talked a%out hi!self+ '1e did not use 6/.7) .. *hat is the purpose of -hapter .+ 8. -haracteri2e 9onald :ran2. *hat kind of a hu!an %eing was he+ 0id he ha e your sy!pathy+ *hy or why not+

EPT Preparation- Into the Wild

;. *hat !ore did you learn a%out Alexs relationship with his father+ 0o you think his anger is 4ustified+ *hy or why not+ <. As you read, see if you can find e idence of Alexs preparation for Alaska. =. 9eread the notes Alex sent to his friends at the end of -hapter <. *hat is his tone+ *hat is his attitude+

Reading Chapters 0+11 (pgs ,1!112#: $%he 2utcasts'

#. *hat is the function of these chapters+ *hat is their relationship to the rest of the text+ &. *hy did Krakauer interrupt the $c-andless story with -hapters = and >+ ,. *ere you surprised that $c-andless left trails so that the authorities could find out who he was+ .. 9eread -hapter = and consider the charges %y others against Krakauer. 3hould they %e taken seriously+ *hy or why not+ 8. 3tudy the !ap that %egins -hapter > and follow 9uesss 4ourney. -onsider how the story of the papar '/rish !onks) relates to the story of the 6outcasts7 that Krakauer discusses '-hapter >). ;. /dentify $c-andlesss positi e and negati e personality traits.

Reading Chapters 11+1( (11(!1(2#: 3ami4y *istory

These three key chapters gi e %ackground infor!ation that will help you piece together the !ystery of $c-andless. -hapter ## fills in his personal past? -hapter #& fills in his fa!ily past? and -hapter #, chronicles $c-andless fa!ilys grief. #. Jot down the surprises 'if any) that you encountered as you read. *hat was $c-andless like as a child and as a teen+ *hat was he like as an adult+ *ere there indications throughout his life as to the kind of person he would %eco!e+ 0o you think you are essentially the sa!e person you were as a child+ 1ow ha e you changed+ 0oes that change your iew of hi!+ -haracteri2e each of $c-andless fa!ily !e!%ers. *hat are their strengths and weaknesses+ *as $c-andless reasona%le in his reaction to his parents past+ 3hould he ha e forgi en the!+ 1ow do you think the infor!ation a%out his parents affected $c-andless+ 0oes his anger at the! explain so!ething a%out $c-andless choices in life+

&. -onsider $c-andless fa!ily history.

,. /dentify $c-andless positi e and negati e personality traits.


EPT Preparation- Into the Wild

Reading Chapters 1" and 1) (1((!1)-#: $5ra6auer Inter7ects'

#. *hy does Krakauer talk a%out hi!self in these two chapters+ &. 0o you like his inter4ections+ ,. *hat is your reaction to his description of his own cli!%ing experience+ .. 1ow is Krakauers life related to $c-andless+ 8. /dentify the co!parisons you see %etween $c-andless relationship with his father and Krakauers relationship with his. ;. 0o you think Krakauer understands $c-andless+ *hy or why not+ <. 0o you think Krakauer reads too !uch into $c-andless life %ecause he feels so!e sort of affinity to hi!+ =. /dentify $c-andless positi e and negati e personality traits. Reading Chapters 1-+10 (1),!1..#: $Into the A4as6an Wi4d' #. @o %ack to the authors notes and 4ot down your thoughts on the (uestions Krakauer asks at that point" *as $c-andless cra2y+ *as he 4ust ignorant+ 0id he ha e a death wish+ /n estigate further the wild sweet peas and wild potatoes $c-andless ate. *ere they toxic+

&. /dentify the arious !iscalculations and !istakes $c-andless !ade. ,. /dentify $c-andless positi e and negati e personality traits.

Reading the Epi4ogue: $Grie8'

*hat was your initial sense of $c-andless !ental condition co!pared to what you think now+ 1a e you changed your !ind+ *hat was your reaction to his parents as they isited the %us+

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