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1. Prior to 9/11 please describe the level of information you received from federal
intelligence agencies with respect to the general threat of militant Islamic
terrorism? Were you ever briefed on Usama Bin Laden and al Qaeda

2. Prior 9/11, to what extent did federal intelligence agencies, particularly the FBI,
warn you of specific terrorist threats to New York City? Would you be given the
underlying data from which the FBI determined that there was a threat, or would
you simply be advised of FBI's conclusion that there was a threat?

3. Were you ever briefed prior to 9/11 about the possibility of terrorists flying planes
into buildings?

4. In your opinion, what is the proper level of intelligence information sharing

between the FBI and a city's police force?

5. Why did you see a need to form the Office of Emergency Management?

6. What did you view as OEM's role in preparing the city for major emergencies and
in responding to actual emergencies?

7. To your knowledge, why was OEM headquarters located at the WTC complex?
Did you or anyone else express any concern about its location there prior to 9/11?

8. Despite OEM's existence, first responders from different agencies responding to

the WTC did not fully coordinate their operations. Was this incident simply too
large, complex, and unfolding too rapidly for a fully coordinated response from
the NYPD, FDNY and PAPD?

9. Should there have been an overall unified command post on September 11 ?

10. Our staff research indicates that many first responders on 9/11 knew to evacuate
the north tower after the south tower collapsed, but delayed their exit in order to
help injured civilians. What does this tell you about first responders?
11. Do you think New York City should have a Commissioner of Public Safety with
direct authority over the NYPD and the FDNY?

12. How should local governments and the federal government approach illegal

13. Looking to the future, should New York City have a single, unified Incident
Command? In the event of a terrorist attack, who should be the Incident

14. As a Chief Executive, when you are presented with a series of potential threats to
public safety, how do you prioritize them? How do you decide which one to
tackle first?

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