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Prepared by: Kate Brentzel Index: Type bundle index here

Date Prepared: 8/7/02 DOC Number: 155990

Reviewed by: Type reviewer name here DOC Library: Type library name here
Job Code: 320087

Record of Interview Department Qf

Purpose To discuss Department of Justice's interpretation of terrorism-related visa
refusals and to ask Mr. Levey for more information on the Condor process

Contact Method In-person interview

Contact Place Department of Justice

Contact Date July 23, 2002

Participants Justice: Stuart Levey, Associate Deputy Attorney General, Department of

Justice and Vickie Sloan, GAO Liaison;

GAP: Judy McCloskey, Kate Brentzel, Gabrielle Anderson, Laverne

Tharpes, and Mary Moutsos


Pagel Record of Interview

Prepared by: Kate Brentzel Index: Type bundle index here
Date Prepared: 8/7/02 DOC Number: 155990
Reviewed by: Type reviewer name here DOC Library: Type library name here
Job Code: 320087


consular officer tctfe,:

Post 9-11 Security Checks

We asked Mr. Levey about some of the post 9-11 security checks on visa
applicants. He said that the 20-day check will probably be abolished and
that the Condor criteria will be updated.

Homeland Security

Mr. Levey commented that he does not think anyone has considered
whether Homeland Security or the FBI will control the background
security checks for visa applicants.

When asked about judicial review for visa applicants, Mr. Levey said that
this should not be a problem even if Homeland Security is tasked with
doing visas.

Mr. Levey said that Homeland Security needs to have more oversight over
State in order to force State to change its culture and to force it to be more
security minded. However, he thought that visa-issuing officers should
continue to be Foreign Service officers. He made the analogy between new
FSOs doing consular work and new doctors working in an emergency
room - it's how you get bright people to do a demanding job for a few
years at the beginning of their career path.

Page 2 Record of Interview

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