T5 B68 Terrorist Database Materials 2 of 2 FDR - 6-4-03 Ginsburg Email Re Terrorist List - Redacted 604

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Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2003 14:03:55 -0400
From: "" <sginsburg@9-11 commission.gov>4J
To: "" <Teldridge@9-11 commission.gov>^,"" <JKephartRoberts@9-11commission.gov>4P
Subject: Fwd: Terrorist list
Part(s): |g 2 List of Terrorists.doc application/msword 42.97 KB ^

Team, this is the first part of the associate list we need to establish our
factual base re: entry methods. Tom are you entering these on the grid? Let's
discuss further steps soon. Susan

Forwarded message from Marc Sageman

Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2003 23:39:13 -0400
From: Marc Sageman |
Reply-To: "" \: Terrorist list

To: sginsburg <sginsburg@9-llcommission.gov>

Dear Susan \
Attached is the list of the global salafi terrorists who came to the US
and Canada. It is not complete, but is a good start. Included are two
names of people who failed to get a visa.
By the way, no one else from teh 9-11 Commission h^s contacted me. I
still eagerly awaiting for their call or e-mail.
PS: Call with any question. When I'll have more time, Tj'll sent you a
more complete list. \

Sdaeman. MD, PhD •--""""9/11 Personal Privacy

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List of Terrorists, who came to the U.S. or Canada

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9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive

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