Cover Letter Baylor

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Mackenzie Adams

1uSu7 48
Ave. Apt. u6! Allenuale, NI 494u1
Phone: 269-221-482S ! E-Nail: auamsmacmail.gvsu.euu

0ctobei Su, 2u1S

Anuiew R. uallucci, PhB, LAT, ATC
Biiectoi of Athletic Tiaining Euucation
0ne Beai Place #97S1S
Waco, TX 76798-7S1S

Beai Bi. uallucci:

I am cuiiently a senioi in the Athletic Tiaining Piogiam at uianu valley State 0niveisity. I am
wiiting this lettei to expiess my inteiest in a possible uiauuate Assistant position at Bayloi
0niveisity foi the fall of 2u14. I came acioss this oppoitunity via the National Athletic Tiaineis'
Association caieei centei. 0pon ieviewing the components of this job anu euucational oppoitunity,
the spoit peuagogy piogiam ieally caught my attention, as stiength anu conuitioning anu spoit
psychology aie two of my biggest inteiests within the spoits meuicine fielu in geneial. I am also
veiy intiigueu by the iuea of being involveu in the instiuction of athletic tiaining stuuents in the
classioom anu clinical setting.
I have expeiienceu athletics fiom an athlete's, coach's, iefeiee's, anu an athletic tiainei's
peispective, which has taught me to be able to peiceive not only spoit itself in seveial uiffeient
lights, but in life as well. In auuition, my iefeieeing, coaching, anu supeivising expeiiences have all
enableu me to obtain a paiticulai set of manageiial anu leaueiship skills. While woiking as a
supeivisoi foi a coin uetasseling ciew, I leaineu how to inspiie kius to gain an efficient woik ethic,
while also fine tuning my own. As an intiamuial soccei anu volleyball iefeiee, I leaineu veiy quickly
how to appiopiiately hanule confiontational situations anu to communicate effectively with
uisconceiting playeis. Fuitheimoie, uuiing my time at vaiying clinical sites I have been given the
oppoitunity to iuentify anu apply uiffeient philosophies that each of my pieceptoi's have hau anu
in tuin, peifoim uaily athletic tiaining uuties accoiuingly anu iespectively. This has alloweu me to
be completely open-minueu to eveiything my clinical instiuctoi's have hau to offei while mutually
foiming my own iueas anu philosophies about the fielu of athletic tiaining.
Ny cuiient cumulative giaue point aveiage is S.22S on a 4-point scale anu my oveiall uRE scoie is
Su1. While my uPA is not the gieatest, I make up foi this by being moie peisonable than most.
Some of the social skills that I have to offei incluue being a leauei when necessaiy but knowing
when to follow when appiopiiate, having an easy-going attituue but being mutually piofessional,
anu not being afiaiu to ask questions. I am confiuent that with my haiu woik anu willingness to
leain, I woulu be an excellent auuition to youi staff as well as an exceptional stuuent.
I have incluueu my iesume foi you to ieview as well as my piofessional iefeience contact
infoimation. Please uo not hesitate to contact me at (269) 221-482S if you have any questions. In
auuition, I woulu gieatly appieciate the oppoitunity of inteiviewing foi a giauuate position at
Bayloi 0niveisity. Thank you veiy much foi youi time anu consiueiation. I look foiwaiu to heaiing
fiom you soon.

Nackenzie Auams

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