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Peter Whitehouses lecture, Positive Messages on Brain Health and Aging, is the first of two presentations on the topic at The Marsh this Spring. Please join us for these events: Hope: Changing the Way We Think About Alzheimers Disease The Marsh and the Minnesota- orth Da!ota "l#hei$ers "ssociation have created a special evening designed to inspire dialogue and conversation around the %&' "l#hei$ers Projects supple$ental fil$ series. (n this progra$, we will watch three short fil$s, that help us delve deeper into each the infor$ation and a panel of local e)perts will *e availa*le to discuss it with us. +earn $ore a*out the following topics: How Far We Have Come in Alzheimers Resear h ! "s recentl, as -. ,ears ago, scientists characteri#ed the group of s,$pto$s /usuall, starting with $e$or, loss0 that are now diagnosed as "l#hei$ers as senilit, 1 and thought it was a nor$al part of aging. The Role o" #eneti s in Alzheimers !! (s "l#hei$ers inherited2 What is $, ris!2 This fil$ features two e)perts /3ohn %ard,, Ph.D., ational (nstitute on "ging, (%, and 4erard Schellen*erg, Ph.D., 5niversit, of Penns,lvania0 who will e)plain the role genetics pla,s in the develop$ent of drugs to prevent the disease. The $ene"it o" Diet an% &'er ise in Alzheimers 6 People are often told to eat well and e)ercise regularl,. This fil$ puts hard science *ehind these lifest,le choices, e$phasi#ing their potential for treating or preventing "l#hei$ers.

3oin us, Tuesday, June 2, 7:00 8:30 p.m. for this infor$ative session. 7o$pli$entar, to all8 please register in advance *, calling 9:;-9-:-;;.; or stop *, the <ront Des!.

Interactive Tools for Optimal rain !ealt" # An (ntera tive )eminar

What does line dancing, dru$$ing, and pla,ing co$puter ga$es have to do with *rain health2 3oin eurologist Dr. =ichard 4olden for this interactive progra$ e)ploring different activities that can affect ,our *rain health. >ou wont want to $iss this evening 6 it pro$ises to *e a great deal of fun. The "l#hei$ers "ssociation of M - D will facilitate a few of these activities and will *e on hand to answer an, ?uestions ,ou $a, have a*out their organi#ation. 3oin us, $ednesday, June %7, 7:00 &:00 p.m. Members $20, Non-members $35. S a!e is limited" lease register in advan!e at the #ront $es%, &52-&35-2202. 'om limentar( re)reshments )ollo* the rogram.

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