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Political Philosophy: An Introduction

A MOOC held by Professor Furio Cerutti on the iversity platform


The year of the first edition or the year of writing (wr.) is indicated.
For authors: either year of the most relevant work(s) for political philosophy or years of birth/death.
The publisher is not indicated in case of classical works, of which several editions are available.

Part 1
Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Le Allegorie del Buono e Cattivo Governo e dei loro Effetti (The
allegories of good and bad government and their effects), Siena, Palazzo pubblico
Thomas Aquinas (Tommaso d'Acquino), 1225-1274, Summa theologiae
Easton, David, The Political System, 1965
Madison, James et al., The Federalist, 1787-88 ("if men were angels", no. 51)
Heraklitus of Ephesus ( ), 535-475 BC
Weber, Max, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (Economy and Society), 1922
(conflict/struggle/Kampf, part 1, vol.1, ch. 1, 8; the state's monopoly of force 17)
___, Politik als Beruf 1919 (Politics as a Vocation - "wer Politik treibt, erstrebt macht"
slide III, 3)
Pizzorno, Alessandro, Le radici della politica assoluta. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1993, 187-203
Foucault, Michel, Surveiller et punir (Discipline and Punish) 1975, La volont de savoir
(The Will to Knowledge)1976
Lukes, Steven, Power: A Radical View, 1974, 2nd ed. 2006.

Marx, Karl- Friedrich Engels, Die deutsche Ideologie (The German Ideology wr.1845-46, published 1932)
Gramsci, Antonio, Quaderni del carcere (Prison Notebooks - wr. 1929-35; first published
1948-51; critical ed. 1975)
Bobbio, Norberto, see Reference List, in particular Democracy and Dictatorship (the
chapter The state)
The main representatives of political realism:
Thucydides (, c. 460 c. 395 BC),

(The Pelopponesian War )

Niccol Machiavelli , Il principe (The Prince, comp.1513) + Discorsi sopra la prima

deca di Tito Livio (Discourses on the First Ten Books of Titus Livy, wr. approximately
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan 1651
Carl Schmitt, Der Begriff des Politischen (The Concept of the Political, 1927)
Hans Morgenthau, Politics among Nations, 1948
Kenneth Waltz, Man, the State and War 1959 + Theory of International Politics 1979
The main representatives of political idealism/normativism:
Plato (), 428/427 348/347 BC, (The Republic) + (Laws)
Aristotle ( ), 384 322 BC, (Politics)
- in Raffaello's fresco in the Vatican La scuola d'Atene (The school of Athens) Plato and Aristotle
are portrayed together, the former pointing at the sky, the latter at the earth -

Augustine of Hippo, 354 430 AD, De Civitate Dei

Immanuel Kant, Zum ewigen Frieden (Perpetual Peace) 1795, Metaphysik der Sitten
(Metaphysics of Morals) 1797
John Rawls, A Theory of Justice 1971, Political Liberalism 1993, The Law of Peoples

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