Apology Letter

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Sample Apology Letters

Say "I am sorry" with a sincere apology letter. How to write a business apology letter:
Use a serif font Type this apology letter on your computer using a serif font, such as Times Roman or Georgia, and print it on good-quality, bright-white paper. Use a formal business letter format such as full block or semi-block. Offer your apology in the beginning of the letter Clearly state the problem: !lease accept my apology for being unable to gi"e you a definiti"e answer at this time...# or $e apologi%e for whate"er incon"enience this may cause you, but...# Gi e some e!planation for what happene" &ur committee has not yet completed its in"estigation into...# or 'n order to err on the side of caution, this toy has been recalled by the manufacturer...# #ocus on what actions you are ta$ing to rectify the problem $e are happy to offer you a full refund...# or $e will be happy to notify you as soon as we recei"e the information you requested...# Han"%sign the apology letter with a blac$ pen. &emember: Say you are sorry as soon as wis"om "ictates' (ou will find that an apology letter will not only help sa"e your friendships and your business associates, it can also dissol"e a small problem and keep it from snowballing into a big one) Always be honest an" ethical ' know that it pays to always choose the right. *e honest in all your business and personal dealings. +ecide to always tell the truth. 'f you go the e,tra mile to be ethical, your business will impro"e and you will feel much better about yourself.

How to write a personal apology letter:

Han"write this apology letter carefully( "on)t type it on a computer. *!press your apology in the beginning of your letter: ' am so sorry...# or ' want to apologi%e...#

State e!actly what you "i" wrong early in the apology letter: ' shouldn-t ha"e lost my temper when...# or ' ha"e looked all o"er, but '-m afraid ' ha"e lost your book...# Accept responsibility for what you "i" an" "on)t blame the other person: ' accept full responsibility for what happened...# or ' know this was completely my fault...# +romise in your apology letter not to repeat your offensi e action .sk the in/ured party to gi"e you an opportunity to pro"e this to them. Suggest that the two of you get together 0eet at a restaurant or some other nonthreatening place so that you can apologi%e in person and begin to rebuild your relationship.

,hy an apology letter is so important:

$riting an apology letter shortly after the offense can usually help sa"e a relationship before a wound becomes a scar and the damage becomes irreparable. (ou can usually find forgi"eness and understanding if you freely acknowledge what you did wrong and e,press sincere regret in your apology letter. +epending on the situation, if you offer the in/ured party the appropriate material restitution for whate"er loss they incurred because of you, this will also help to repair your relationship. (ou can help to rebuild your credulity in your apology letter if you promise not to repeat the offense and assure the in/ured party that they will see a definite change in your beha"ior. (ou can use your apology letter to assure the in/ured party that you truly "alue their friendship and do not want to lose it. 1ust writing an apology letter shows the in/ured party that you reali%e you were wrong and that you "alue the relationship. (ou may find that if you freely apologi%e and accept responsibility for what you did, the in/ured party may also accept some responsibility for the problem and apologi%e to you in return. -e careful' 2se wisdom in deciding when to write your personal apology letter. $hat does your e,perience with the in/ured party tell you3 4hould you write the apology letter immediately or should you wait and gi"e him5her a brief cooling-off period3

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