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Biology Kertas 2 Section A

2. Kadar tindakbalas (mangkin, luas permukaan, kepekatan) 3. Gabungan (Alloi/Kaca/Polimer+Getah Polimer/Pemvulkanan)

1. Mitosis / Meiosis - Kanser dan kultur tisu 2. Enzim (faktor yang mempengaruhi aktiviti enzim) 3. Ekosistem dinamik 4. Kitar haid 5. Persenyawaan ganda dua 6. Nutrisi 7. Pewarisan / variasi 8. Pencemaran / Udara / Kesan rumah hijau Section B

Fizik Paper 2 Section A 1. Micrometer screw gauge / vernier calipers 2. Latent heat fusion / vaporization / specific heat 3. Bernoulli 4. Refraction of light / glass index 5. Young concept / interference of light / water 6. CRO and rectification / diode 7. Logic gate 8. Half-life / rays / radioactive Section B 1. 2. 3. 4. Momentum / Boat or plane modification Electromagnet / transformer Gas law / Gas pressure Projector / lens Paper 3 Section A - Extension of spring / Hooke law / object distance on image size / Focal length Section B - Resistant over wire diameter / temperature / Inertia

1. Respirasi dan Fotosintesis

Kimia Kertas 2 Section A 1. Formula empirik (langkah keselamatan, lukis gambarajah, pemerhatian, pengiraan) 2. Jadual berkala unsur 3. Sebatian karbon (alkana, alkena, alkohol) 4. Garam 5. Redoks dan elektrolisis (definisi) 6. Sabun dan detergen (penyediaan sabun, kebaikan, keburukan) 7. Proses Sentuh dan Proses Haber 8. Termokimia Section B 1. Penyediaan garam terlarutkan / terlarutkan (kenalpasti anion / kation) tak

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