Test Sample

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1. Telecommunication means _____________________________________________?

o Electronic transmission of all types of information audio, video, voice, graphics,

pictures, animation from a location to another over a communications link

o Group of PCs and other devices that can be communicated with other under one

o Wide Area Network o Road for vehicles from one location to next
2. Complete the messing name shown in the picture shown below?

o Channel o Network Adapter o Bridge o Receiver

3. In Transmission lines the carrier is______________________________?

o Modem o Electrical Energy o Electromagnetic Energy o Power Energy

4. Example of guided media is _______________________?

o Telephone o Network Adapter o Fiber optic cable o wireless

5. Example of unguided media is _______________________?

o Wireless o Network Adapter o Fiber optic cable o TP cable

6. The diagram below shows a ______________ signal?

o Electromagnetic o Analog o Wireless o Digital

7. The below diagram shows a ______________ signal ?

o Digital o Modem o Analog o Wireless

8. ISDN stand for __________________________?

o International Switching Digital Network o Information Services Different Node o Integrated Service Digital Networks o Information switch Divide Network

9. The picture below shows a _____________?

o Block o GSM Cell o Modem o Code

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