Spring To Mize

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Add source: !"#$.%&'((#)'. *+, S-.#/01*+#)' 2 3 #OS 4 5 6, 1.4.3-1 xSellize. Nhiu options cho mn hnh LS S!. "# $i%p &'n (h)n$ n$* n$n$ +i n$)n n$, ti-n$ Anh, !i i-t n. $i%p &'n hi#u /01c mnh c2n tu3 ch4nh $, c5u tr%c no cho mn hnh m6.. 7h)n$ n8n ci S-.#/01*+#)' 7#81 9*: s9 :nh h0;n$ c6c <iles (h6c c=> h? th@n$. S-.#/01*+#)' &>o $Am r5t nhiu Bn$ dCn$ ADE FAll Dn EneG do /H tr0+c (hi ci Sprin$tomize n8n th6o $* c6c tIe>( /J &>o $Am cH cKn$ t6c dCn$ t0Ln$ tM thuNc d'n$: Anim>tion, Ooc(, Loc(screen, Dcons, Polder, App SIitcher, Qime R>chine, St>tus !>r, S>$es, Qhemin$, Noti<ic>tion Tenter, Rore U+i Vu6 nhiu c)n$ nWn$ tron$ mNt >pp n8n ci /Xt cho S-.#/01*+#)' (h6 phBc t'p. TH th# (h)n$ &Yt &uNc &'n ci nh,n$ chBc nWn$ (h)n$ c2n thi-t. S>u /Z. t)i h0+n$ d[n l2n l01t t\n$ ph2n: ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] HNG DN T;< CH=NH SPRINGTOMIZE: ^nh :nh thMc hi?n tr8n iShone_ P` a.1.b c!d. T.di> 1.1.e. iShone (h6c iS>d t0Ln$ tM. Settin$sf Sprin$tomizef Settin$sf gn>&led: ON, ph:i EN Sprin$tomize m+i cH t6c dCn$. O>nh mCc c6c Bn$ dCn$ tron$ Sprin$tomize $Am:

A/#+$1#*/&: ^>i tu3 ch4nh s>u s9 &i-n c6c chu.#n /Nn$ tron$ h? th@n$ cH h il\ /\i nh0n$ nhn (h6 &Yt mYt. Qhji $i>n chkm (lo th>nh tr01t s>nh ph:i. - Tustom Our>tion: ON Ftu3 ch4nh thji $i>n cho :nh /Nn$G. - SloI Rotion Rode: ON Fchu.#n /Nn$ chkmG. - Eld Q Anim>tion: ON FtYt mn hnh (i#u QU /ji &Hn$ /mn cnG. - Sl>. Sound: O>> F Zm th>nh (mm Vu6 opG. - Tolor: T.$/&-$.'/1 F(hi tYt mn hnh s9 th5. tr>n$ />n$ m; thu hop d2n. - Screenshot Pl>sh Fth>. m2u (hi chCp screenshotGf dse Tustom Tolor: ON chqn m2u &'n thrch hoXc s>ndom Fth>. m2u n$[u hBn$G, ; /Z. chqn !roIn FnZuG:

C$-$?#(#1#'&: ON, &kt c)n$ nWn$ st dCn$. - !kt ON h-t c6c d>nh mCc /# Sprin$tomize cH t6c dCn$:

D* @ Fc6c tu3 ch4nh cho th>nh n$>n$ d0+i mn hnhG. - ^ide Ooc(: O>> Fun th>nh Ooc(G. - ^ide L>&els: O>> Fun t8n icons Ooc(G. - ^ide se<lection: O>> Fun ph:n chi-u c=> icons Ooc(G. - ^ide Sh>doI: ON Fun &Hn$ icons Ooc(, n8n EN /* h>o pinG. - dse Tustom Num&er: ON Fth8m icons cho Ooc(G. - Dcons in Ooc(: >#A' F_ icons cho Ooc(G.

- To erPloI g<<ectf gn>&le: ON Ft'o d6n$ icons cho Ooc(G. TH 3 (i#u d6n$ cho icon Ooc(:

v Tor


Thqn Tor ex, tu3 ch4nh th>nh tr01t nh0 s>u s9 cH (-t Vu: nh0 tr8n, nh5n Appl. /# xem tht:

v Tor

ex FEutsideG:

Thqn Tor ex FEutsideG, tu3 ch4nh th>nh tr01t nh0 s>u s9 cH (-t Vu: nh0 tr8n, nh5n Appl. /# xem:

v Tonc>


Thqn Tonc> e, tu3 ch4nh th>nh tr01t nh0 s>u s9 cH (-t Vu: nh0 tr8n, nh5n Appl. /# xem tht:

B* @& .''/: mn hnh (ho6. - Noti<ic>tion Tenter: ON, hi?n Noti<ic>tion Tenter n$oi Loc(screen.

- Oispl>. Seconds: ON, hi?n th8m $iZ. cho /An$ hA n$oi Loc(screen.

- Oispl>. T>mer> !utton: O>> Fun T>mer> LSG. - ^ide Qop !>r: O>> Fun n$.w$ij nh0 Loc(screen Tloc( ^ideG. - Ois>&le ArtIor(: O>> F(ho6 c6c :nh /Nn$ n$oi Loc(screenG. - Oel>. Oimmin$: ON F/xnh thji $i>n m; cho LS nh0 by Seconds Loc(screenG, tr01t s>n$ ph:i tWn$ thji $i>n m; Loc(screen: ; /Z. tr01t 3y seconds:

- ^ide 7no&: O>> Fun n%t Slide to dnloc(G. - Tustom L>&el: ON, th>. ch, Slide to dnloc(: $z ch, mu@n th>. ch, Slide to dnloc(:

I */&: &i#u t01n$ tron$ Sprin$&o>rd. - ^ide L>&els: O>> Fun t8n iconsG. - Loc( Ro in$: O>> F(ho6 di chu.#n iconsG. - Ois>&le citterin$: O>> F(ho6 run$ iconsG. - Ois>&le dninst>llin$: O>> Fch@n$ xo6 iconsG. - Ois>&le Oimmin$: O>> Fch@n$ lm mj iconsG. - dse Tustom Num&erf Dcons Ser Line: >#A' F_ icons, tWn$ cNt icons nh0 Dconocl>smG. - Addition>l soI: ON Fth8m hn$ iconsG, iShone th0jn$ 4 hn$ thnh _, iShone_ thnh a hn$:

Nh0 hnh tr8n t> th5. iShone_ _ thnh a hn$ icons, do /H t8n icons hLi s6t icons hn$ d0+i. TH th# ch4nh nh{ c6c icons c|n }y~ h>. }_~ cho cZn /@i: - sesize icons: ON - sesize Ooc( icons: ON - sesixe SIitcher Dcons: ON Fthu nh{ c6c iconsG.

- Sp>cin$ soI: O>> F(ho:n$ c6ch hn$ iconsG, ch4 EN (hi dKn$ b, 3 hn$ icons cho cZn /@i. - ^ide Dcons: d5u icons: ^ide NeIsst>nd: ON - ^ide Sprin$tomize: ON n-u (h)n$ dKn$ icons. - gn>&le: ON - Thoose Dconsf un th8m c6c icons mu@n d5u (h6c nh0 Acti >tor, !>rrel, T.di>, S!Settin$s, `inter&o>rd . ... /# (h (h6c (h{i Vuk.p - 7hi c2n tm m; th o l'i Sprin$tomizef Dconf ^ide Dcons: Thoose Dcons &{ chqn t8n >pp /J d5u. ^oXc o Spotli$ht: Se>rchf $z t8n >pp...

- Ois>&le All !>d$es: O>> Fxo6 s@ upd>te tr8n iconsG. N8n EPP /# (h{i m5t s@ tin nhYn $qi nh*. - b Q>p Tle>r !>d$e: ON, $z b l2n icon /# xo6 s@ upd>te. - Thoose Dcons: TH th# chqn: AppStore, T.di>, P>ce&oo(, QIitter . ... >*("'.: n c6c icons o chun$ mNt Polder. - Polders Tlose&ox: ON, th8m n%t /Hn$ Polders th>. &5m ^ome. - ^ide Sre ieI: O>>, un xem tr0+c Polder. - Ois>&le Anim>tion: O>>, ch@n$ :nh /Nn$ tron$ Polders. - ^ide !>c($round: ON, un nn Polder, /* h>o pin.

- ^ide L>&els: O>>, un t8n Polders. - Ois>&le !>d$es: EPP, un s@ upd>te tron$ Polder. - Auto Tlose: ON, tM /Hn$ Polder s>u (hi chqn icon. - Tre>te in Ooc(: ON, t'o Polder o th>nh Ooc(. - dse Tustom Num&erf Dcons per Line: >#A', th8m _ icons tron$ Polders.

A-- SC#1 9'. FApps n$2mG: - L>ndsc>pe SIitcher: ON, cho phlp xo>. n$>n$ th>nh >pps n$2m. - St>rt gditin$: O>>, hi?n sn d5u % (hi o AppSIitcher. - Ois>&le S>$in$: O>>, d5u S>$in$. - St>rt Iith iSod: O>>, hi?n th>nh nh'c Rusic (hi o AppSIitch. - Ois>&le !>d$es: O>>, d5u c6c s@ upd>te tron$ AppSIitcher. - !ri$htness Slider: ON, th8m th>nh !ri$htness cho AppSIitcher. - Dcons in SIitcher: Pi e, th8m _ icons cho AppSIitcher. - Dn>cti e Apps ^>ndlin$f ^ide <rom SIitcher, un c6c >pps (h)n$ ch'. n$2m.

T#+' M$ 9#/' F&>c(up restore tr'n$ th6i /J chqn cho Sprin$tomizeG. N8n chqn h-t c6c tu3 ch4nh nh5n S$A',R'&1*.' /# s>u (hi sestore P`, &'n !>c(up <rom sestore xon$ ci Sprin$tomize s9 (h)i phCc c6c tu3 ch4nh /J chqn tr0+c /H:

S1$1D& B$.: dse Tustom T>rrier Fth>. t8n nh m'n$G, dse Tustom Qime Fth>. t8n /An$ hAG, ^ide St>tus !>r Dtems Fun d>nh mCc tr8n st>tus &>rG.

P$0'&: Qr>n$ sprin$&o>rd.

- ^ide Oots: O>> un n%t tr>n$. - semo e S>$e Limits: ON, &{ $i+i h'n tr>n$. - Ois>&le Spotli$ht: O>> &{ tr>n$ Spotli$htG. 7h)n$ n8n EN (hi c2n tm t8n >pp. - Ois>&le S>$in$: O>> &{ chu.#n tr>n$.

T9'+#/0: th>. theme. - Tustom Ooc(: ON, th>. theme cho Ooc( Fn-u cH ciG. - Tustom !>tter.: ON, th>. theme cho !>tter. Fn-u cH ciG. - Tustom Pont: ON, th>. <ont ch, icons:

- Tustom Size: O>> Fth>. c* <ont ch,G. - Tustom Tolor: ON Fth>. m2u <ont ch, iconsG. - Tustom Ep>cit.: ON Ftron$ su@t iconsG.

- Dm>$e g<<ect: O>> Fchu.#n $>m m2u icon I>llp>perG. - Loc(screen Tloc( Tolor: ON, /i m2u n$.w$ij. Thoose Tolor: R$/"*+ Fth>. m2u

n$[u hBn$G.

N*1#E# $1#*/ C'/1'.: Tustom !>c($round: ON: Qr>nsp>rent, chqn nn cho NT, Tustom Lines Fchqn hn$ ch, cho NT.

M*.': o xem (i#m tr> c6c tr'n$ th6i /J ci /Xt settin$s cho m6.. Tu@i cKn$ nh5n tr; n%t Sprin$tomizef selo>df sesprin$ /# hon t5t ci /Xt.

Th%c c6c &'n imJn n$u.?ni +i Sprin$tomizep

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