Bin Laden Photo To Be Released

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Bin Laden Photo To Be Released (4th May, 2011)

Americas Criminal Intelligence Agency (CIA) has announced it will release a photo of the dead body of Osama Bin Laden. CIA chief Leon anetta told reporters a postmortem photo of the Al !aeda leader would be released at some time in the future" but said the date would be for the #hite $ouse to decide. $e told %BC %ews& '(he bottom line is that" you )now" we got Bin Laden and I thin) we ha*e to re*eal to the rest of the world the fact that we were able to get him and )ill him.+ $e added& '(he ,-.../ go*ernment ob*iously has been tal)ing about how best to do this" but I don0t thin) there0s any 1uestion that ultimately a photograph would be presented to the public.' A #hite $ouse spo)esman said the photograph may be too 'gruesome' to release. Bin Laden was shot and )illed by -... special forces in a raid on his hideout mansion north of Islamabad" a)istan. Biometric measurements were ta)en of his face and 2%A tests were done to ma)e sure it was Americas most wanted man. $is body was buried at sea soon after he was shot. #ithin hours of -... resident Barac) Obama announcing Bin Ladens death" a fa)e photo emerged in the worlds press of his face. 3*en though it was clearly created in a photo editing programme" many newspapers put it on their front co*er" belie*ing it to be real. (he CIA wants the real image of Bin Laden0s body to be published to help con*ince those who doubt his death. (here are already many conspiracy theories popping up that say Bin Laden isnt really dead. 4oto bin Laden (o Be 2irilis (5 6ei 7899) Ameri)a idana Badan Inteli:en (CIA) telah mengumum)an a)an merilis foto :ena;ah Osama Bin Laden. <epala CIA anetta Leon )epada wartawan foto postmortem pemimpin Al !aeda a)an dirilis pada beberapa wa)tu di masa depan" tetapi tanggal tersebut a)an bagi =edung utih untu) memutus)an. 2ia mengata)an )epada %BC %ews& 'Intinya adalah bahwa" Anda tahu" )ami mendapat Bin Laden dan saya pi)ir )ita harus mengung)ap)an )e seluruh dunia fa)ta bahwa )ami bisa mendapat)an dia dan membunuh dia.' 2ia menambah)an& ' (he ,A./ pemerintah :elas telah berbicara tentang cara terbai) untu) mela)u)an hal ini" tapi saya tida) berpi)ir ada pertanyaan yang pada a)hirnya foto yang a)an disampai)an )epada masyara)at '.eorang :uru bicara =edung utih mengata)an foto itu mung)in terlalu' mengeri)an. ' untu) melepas)an. Bin Laden ditemba) dan dibunuh oleh pasu)an )husus A. dalam serangan di sebelah utara rumah tempat persembunyiannya Islamabad" a)istan. Biometric pengu)uran diambil wa:ahnya dan tes 2%A dila)u)an untu) memasti)an itu adalah orang Ameri)a yang paling dicari. (ubuhnya di)ubur di laut segera setelah dia ditemba). 2alam beberapa :am residen A. Barac) Obama mengumum)an )ematian Bin Laden" foto palsu muncul di pers dunia wa:ahnya. 6es)i :elas dicipta)an dalam program mengedit foto" banya) surat )abar meleta))annya di sampul depan mere)a" percaya bahwa itu a)an nyata. CIA ingin gambaran nyata tubuh Bin Laden a)an diterbit)an untu) membantu meya)in)an mere)a yang meragu)an )ematiannya. Ada teori )onspirasi sudah banya) bermunculan yang mengata)an Bin Laden tida) benar>benar mati.

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