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ISSN: 2277 9043

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering

Volume 1, Issue 3, May 2012
All Rights Reserved 2012 IJARCSEE

Abstract---- Use of optical fiber communication is widely
use due to its better bit rate and bandwidth and high
carrier frequency with low power consumption. So, in
this paper, we have analyzed non linear modulation
techniques that are self phase modulation (SPM) and
cross phase modulation (CPM) in an optical fiber
system and discussed how these cause dispersion in
input signal. These effects are simulated using
OPTISYSTEM tool at a bit rate of 10Gbps and
analyzed by eye pattern method with respect to bit
error rate and Q factor. Simulation results of self phase
modulation and cross phase modulation obtained in
OPTISYSTEM tool which is made by OPTIWAVE
INC. are compared with each other. Formula for bit
error rate (BER) is implemented in MATLAB and its
value is obtained by taking the value of Q factor from
the design implemented in OPTISYSTEM and further
variations in the value of BER are studied for both
types of non linear effects and see that which type of
modulation is better for long transmission in single
mode optical fiber.
Keywords--- Self phase modulation, Cross phase
modulation, Fiber nonlinearities, Optisystem tool.

The developments of low loss optical fiber, optical
transmitter, optical detector and optical amplifier
with compact size and high efficiency have
dominated the field of telecommunication. When
optical signal is transmitted at distances typically
longer than 100 km, they suffer from attenuation,

temporal broadening and even interact with each
other through non linear effects in the optical fiber.
Transmitter capacity and performance of the system
are greatly affected by the non linear effects. The
main requirement of the optical system is to increase
the spacing between optical repeaters in the link,
which in turn requires higher optical power to
achieve the desired signal to noise ratio (SNR). With
the increase in optical power, bit rate, and number of
Wavelength channels, the total optical power
propagating through the optical fiber increases and
hence, results in non linear effects. These non linear
effects include self phase modulation (SPM), cross
phase modulation (XPM), four wave mixing (FWM),
stimulated brillounin, stimulated raman scattering
(SRS). Although, these effects have several
disadvantages but there are certain advantages also,
such as, formation of dispersionless pulses (solitons)
with the help of SPM; realization of low noise optical
amplifier using SRS; in signal processing using
XPM; or in the realization of wavelength converter
using FWM.

Fig.1 types of non linearity effects

This paper deals with the analysis of reducing non
linear dispersion, induced distortion in single mode,
Comparative analysis of self phase modulation
(SPM) and cross phase modulation (CPM)
Ruby Verma, Pankaj Garg
B.Tech ECE, Lovely Professional University, Punjab
ISSN: 2277 9043
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 3, May 2012
All Rights Reserved 2012 IJARCSEE

non linear fiber and erbium doped fiber amplifier
(EDFA). Also, analysis of various fiber non linear
designs are done and compared with each other over
long haul distance of 100 km.

A. Self phase modulation
Non linear phase modulation of beam, caused by its
own intensity by the kerr effect. Due to kerr effect
high optical intensity in medium causes a non linear
phase delay which has same temporal shape as
optical intensity. This can be described as a non
linear change in refractive index [1]. phase
modulation of an optical signal by itself is known as
SPM. SPM generally occurs in single wavelength
system. it occurs through interaction of rapidly
varying and time dependent laser pulse with non
linear intensity dependent change in refractive index
of an optical material. At high bit rate SPM tends to
cancel dispersion , but it increases with signal power
Phase shift by field over fiber length is given by:
2 nL t

Where, n= refractive index of the medium; L= length
of the fiber;

= Wavelength of the optical pulse

B Cross phase modulation
CPM is the change in optical phase of light beam
caused by interaction with other beam in non linear
medium, especially kerr medium. CPM results from
different carrier frequencies of independent channels,
including the phase shift of one another. The induced
phase shift is due to the walkover effect, where two
pulses at different bit rate or with different group
velocities walk across each other. CPM converts
power fluctuation in particular wavelength channel to
phase fluctuation in other co-propagating channel.
Expression for phase shift caused by non linear effect
is given as:
nl nl eff i n
n i
k L P P |
| |
= +
\ .

N= N-channel transmission system, n= 1, 2, 3...N,
= Effective length of link
= Propagation
The designs of CPM and SPM are stimulated using
Optisystem tool. Coding of non linear schrodinger
equation is done in Matlab and analysis of Eye
diagram, bit error rate (BER), and Q factor is done.
Simulation model of SPM and CPM is implemented
in optisystem. It consists of a transmitter block, fiber
channel and a receiver block.
A. Scenario 1: Model of SPM
Conceptual design of SPM consists of an optical
transmitter, channel and receiver.

Fig.2 Conceptual model of SPM
1) Transmitter block:
It consists of a pseudo random generator, NRZ
modulator, continuous wave laser, Mach-Zehnder
amplitude modulator and EDFA amplifier. Each
component block has its own parameters apart from
the parameters of the design called as global
parameters, which are helpful if we want to use the
same parameter for two or more components in the
model. Wavelength, frequency, power of the signal is
initialized and phase parameter of signal is set to
random in CW laser block. We placed electrical and
optical oscilloscope to observe waveforms. The
transmission rate used is 10 Gbps, power of light
ISSN: 2277 9043
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 3, May 2012
All Rights Reserved 2012 IJARCSEE

wave is 3.98mW, fiber length is 100 km, wavelength
is 1550nm and frequency is 193.1THz.
2) Fiber channel:
It is shown as iterative loop component. The iterative
loop component consists of an optical fiber, fiber
compensating techniques and a pre-amplifier. Output
of fiber is sent to fiber bragg grating which is used to
compensate the distortion of signal by inducing
dispersion after each stage. Dispersion coefficients
used are 0ps/nm, -500ps/nm, -1000ps/nm, -
1500ps/nm, -2000ps/nm.
3) Receiver block:
It consists of EDFA, photodiode, low pass Bessel
filter whose cut off frequency is 0.7 * bit rate, BER
analyzer and an electrical oscilloscope.
B. Result analysis
Input signal is shown in figure 3 which is visualized
as almost a sinusoidal waveform. the output of CW
laser is sent to Mech-Zehnder modulator which is an
electro-optical modulator, used to modulate the light
wave with respect to transmitted electrical signal and
generate an optical signal at output of modulator. The
optical signal before and after the booster block with
factor 10 is shown in fig. 5 and fig. 6 respectively.
Fig. 7 shows the output of pin diode , Fig. 8 shows
the output of low pass Bessel filter and finally the
results are analysed using bit error rate and eye
diagram in Fig. 9.

Fig.3 Electrical signal of NRZ modulator

Fig.4 Signal of CW laser block

Fig.5 Output of Mach-Zehnder modulator

Fig.6 Output signal after EDFA
ISSN: 2277 9043
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 3, May 2012
All Rights Reserved 2012 IJARCSEE

Fig.7 Output of PIN diode

Fig.8 Output of Low Pass Bessel filter

Fig.9 BER waveform and EYE diagram

C. Scenario2: Cross Phase Modulation
In CPM all the parameters (pseudo random generator,
NRZ modulator, continuous wave laser, Mach-
Zehnder amplitude modulator and EDFA amplifier)
are same except the usage of two transmitter WDM
system and after modulating signal through Mach-
Zehnder modulator, signal is sent to the ideal MUX
which combine the two different signals of two
different frequencies of 193.1 THz and 192.4 THz. In
CPM we use band pass filter whose bandwidth is
1.5*bit rate. Rest is same like the SPM.

Figure10. Conceptual model of CPM
D. Result analysis
The output of Mach-Zehnder modulator is shown in
Fig. 11, output signal after EDFA block and output of
pin diode are shown in Fig. 12 and Fig. 13
respectively. Then the signal passes through band
pass bessel filter and output obtained is shown in
Fig. 14 and then results are analysed using eye
diagram in Fig. 15.

Fig.11 Output of Mach-Zehnder modulator
ISSN: 2277 9043
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 3, May 2012
All Rights Reserved 2012 IJARCSEE

Fig.12 Output signal after EDFA

Fig.13 Output of PIN diode

Fig.14 Output of Band Pass Bessel filter

Fig.15 BER waveform and EYE diagram
E. Comparison between SPM and CPM
We have compared two nonlinear effects and
concluded which nonlinear effect is more
advantageous and why. Comparisons are based on Q
factor. The nonlinear dispersion due to SPM is
considered advantageous only when one WDM
channel is used. . One has to compromise with the
transmission rate and number of channels in the
design. More channels leads to reduction in the
transmission rate for an optimized design. The Q
factor for SPM design model is 5.849. Q factor is
related to SNR and is inversely proportional to BER.
To calculate BER value from Q factor generated
from design, we wrote a software algorithm in
Matlab to calculate BER with any value of Q factor.
High Q factor shows that the signal is less immune to
noise and received signal is similar to input signal
with less noise. In todays world, challenge is to have
more than one channel and higher transmission rate
to receive the signal without distortion when
transmitted through fiber link. To achieve above, we
will be considering CPM dispersion effects. As
discussed earlier, CPM designs have two WDM
channels in the design. The eye pattern for CPM has
Q factor of 5.0109. We have the same power for both
channels; can see the improvement in the Q factor.
Some of the parameters observed using electrical
scope and BER analyzer in Optisystem tool is given
in Table.

ISSN: 2277 9043
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 3, May 2012
All Rights Reserved 2012 IJARCSEE

Parameters SPM CPM
Bit Rate 10Gbps 10Gbps
Channel 1 2
Q factor(linear) 5.849 5.0109
Q factor(in db) 7.6708 6.9992
EYE Opening 0.00101139 0.00488261
BER 2.41907*10

Table I. Comparison of SPM and CPM
Parameters SPM CPM
Q factor(in db) 7.6708 6.9992

BER(in Matlab) 8.6870*10

Table II. Comparison of BER in MATLAB
III. Conclusion
This project dealt with analysis of self phase and
cross phase nonlinear effects in optical system. Non-
linear effects have disadvantages in the form of
limiting the transmission rate but have an advantage
of improving performance of transmitted signal in the
system. Q factor is known as digital SNR and it is
defined as ratio of signal current to noise current.
Optical communication system bit error rate less than
is to be achieved which corresponds for
obtaining Q > 7. If BER <10
then Q>6. By
theoretical implementation of SPM in Matlab bit
error rate obtained is 8.6870*10
, but by practical
analysis of SPM in optisystem BER obtained is
2.41907 * 10
. In CPM in Matlab bit error rate
obtained is 1.3124*10
, but in optisystem BER
obtained is 2.70798 * 10
. So from above result we
can conclude that SPM is better than CPM for single
mode fiber channel.

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