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PSYA4 A2 Research Methods Checklist

Revised at home twice Revised at home once

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Covere d in class

What you need to know:

Application of scientific method Features of science: reliability Features of science: objectivity Scientific process: theory construction Scientific process: hypothesis testing Scientific process: use of empirical methods Scientific process: generation of laws principles !alidating new "nowledge peer review Designing psychological investigations #perationalising of variables (AS) $%periment &what is it 'dv (is) (AS) *atural $%periment &what is it 'dv (is) (AS) Field $%periment &what is it 'dv (is) (AS) +uasi $%periment Case study &what is it 'dv (is) (AS) *aturalistic #bservation &what is it 'dv (is) (AS) Content 'nalysis &what is it 'dv (is) (AS) Self,report -echni.ues &interview +naire) (AS) Correlation &what is it 'dv (is) (AS) (emand Characteristics (AS) /nvestigator $ffects (AS) #rder $ffects (AS) $%perimental (esign 0 Repeated 1easures (AS) $%perimental (esign 0 1atched 2airs (AS) $%perimental (esign 0 /ndependent 3roups (AS) #pportunity Sampling (AS) Random Sampling (AS) !olunteer Self,selected Sampling (AS) Reliability &#bserver 4 -est) (AS) !alidity &/nternal5 $%ternal 6 $co7 4 2op7) (AS) $thical considerations issues of e%periments (AS) Data analysis and reporting 3raphs , 8ar chart5 histogram5 Fre.7 2olygon (AS) -ables (AS) 1easures of central tendency (AS) 1easures of dispersion &inc7 Standard (eviation) (AS) *ominal5 ordinal 4 interval data 2robability 4 type 9 4 type : errors /nferential Stats &when use;): chi s.uare /nferential Stats &when use;): Spearmans Rho /nferential Stats &when use;): <ilco%on Signed Ran"s

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