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Project Title: Threes a Crowd Person(s) responsible Individ al &evin Cale+ Cale+1 &evin 3 Bill/ Cale+1 &evin 3 Bill/ &evin Cale+1 &evin 3 Bill/ &evin 3 Cale+ Bill/ Cale+1 &evin 3 Bill/ &evin &evin Cale+ &evin Bill/ Cale+ Deadline 2!th Oct 2nd "ov 2nd "ov 2nd "ov 2nd "ov 2nd "ov 2nd "ov 2nd "ov 2nd "ov 2nd "ov 22nd "ov 22nd "ov 22nd "ov 22nd "ov 22nd "ov 22nd "ov Project Deadline: Difficulties "one 'indin% ()a#$les ()a#inin% the differences +etween each ratin%, 'indin% o$enin% se- ences for the s$ecific fil#s "one 'indin% vol nteers to answer o r - estion Ma:in% s re all the - estions lin: to%ether ()a#inin% the . dience 6esearch "one 'indin% s ita+le - estions and co#in% $ with answers Co#in% $ with a $ict re for the scenes "one ;ow to set o t the character $rofile "one "one Completed Co#$lete Co#$lete Co#$lete Co#$lete Co#$lete Co#$lete Co#$lete Co#$lete Co#$lete 21st March 2014

Job Brief Overview Conventions of %enre Certification ratin%s * BB'C O$enin% se- ence .nal/sis 0 11 21 21 4 Conventions of O$enin% 4e- ence 0 titles5narrative . dience 6esearch 78o) Bo)9 . dience 6esearch 74in%le Person Interview9 .nal/sis of . dience 6esearch Tar%et . dience Treat#ent5 Pitch 4tor/+oard Draft 4tor/+oard 'inal .ctors5#odels 7Character Profiles9 (- i$#ent re- ired <ocations Pro$s5Cost #e

Co#$lete Co#$lete Co#$lete Co#$lete Co#$lete Co#$lete

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